Title: Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy: The Ultimate Guide to the Cosmic Outlaws, Author: Nick Jones
Title: Ultimate Marvel, Author: Adam Bray
Title: DC Comics Justice League The Ultimate Guide, Author: Landry Walker
Title: Marvel Year by Year, Author: Peter Sanderson
Title: Superheroes and Superegos: Analyzing the Minds Behind the Masks, Author: Sharon Packer MD
Title: Marvel's The Avengers Encyclopedia, Author: Matt Forbeck
Title: Scarecrow's Panic Plot, Author: Scott Beatty
Title: Hera: The Goddess and her Glory (Olympians Series #3), Author: George O'Connor
Title: Lex Luthor's Power Grab!, Author: Louise Simonson
Title: The Planet Collector, Author: Laurie S. Sutton
Title: Catwoman's Nine Lives, Author: Matthew K. Manning