Title: Fusion Power: Generating electricity by using heat from nuclear fusion reactions, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Concentrated Solar Power: Using mirrors or lenses to concentrate sunlight onto a receiver, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Flywheel Energy Storage: Increasing or decreasing speed, to add or extract power, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Wireless Power Transfer: Charging electric vehicles while they are on the road, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: From temperature differences between surface and deep ocean waters, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: Digital Scent Technology: Odor stimulation is not yet in the list of senses for entertainment, Author: Fouad Sabry
Title: ren gong zhi neng: di4ci chan yege ming, Author: Peter Skalfist