Title: Living Green: The Ultimate Teen Guide, Author: Kathlyn Gay
Title: Urgent Message from a Hot Planet: Navigating the Climate Crisis, Author: Ann Eriksson
Title: The Race to Save the Lord God Bird, Author: Phillip Hoose
Title: Generation Green: The Ultimate Teen Guide to Living an Eco-Friendly Life, Author: Linda Sivertsen
Title: The Story of Seeds: Our food is in crisis. What will you do to protect it?, Author: Nancy Castaldo
Title: A Short, Hopeful Guide to Climate Change, Author: Oisín McGann
Title: Una mano a la Tierra: Salvando el medio ambiente (Hand to Earth: Saving the Environment) (TIME For Kids Nonfiction Readers), Author: Jessica Cohn
Title: Under a Black Cloud, Author: Frank Spalding
Title: A Teen Guide to Being Eco in Your Community, Author: Cath Senker
Title: CosmoGIRL 250 Things You Can Do to Green the World, Author: Lauren A. Greene