Title: Miracle or Mental Illness, Author: Shelley J. Madkins
Title: A First-Rate Madness: Uncovering the Links Between Leadership and Mental Illness, Author: Nassir Ghaemi
Title: Out of Tune: Scenes from a Misbegotten Life, Author: Victoria Maiden
Title: Making Bipolar Lemonade: Random Observations from my Bipolar Life, Author: John Medl
#6 in Series
Title: Inside the Mind of a Borderline Personality, My Life and Recovery with BPD, Author: Matthew Gewinner
Title: The Question of Hu, Author: Jonathan D. Spence
Title: How the Brain Lost Its Mind: Sex, Hysteria, and the Riddle of Mental Illness, Author: Allan H. Ropper
Title: Depression and the Immature Romance, Author: Roman Gelperin
Title: Studies on Hysteria, Author: Sigmund Freud
Title: From Isolation to Integration: An In-Depth Look at Social Anxiety Disorder, Author: Tonya Renee Anderson