Title: Die Konstitution von Subjektivität als Geschichtlichkeit: Im Anschluss an F. Schellings »System des transzendentalen Idealismus« und M. Heideggers »Sein und Zeit«, Author: Giacomo Croci
Title: Die Ästhetik Karl Leonhard Reinholds: Transzendentalphilosophische Geschmackskritik vor Kant, Author: Michael Schmidt
Title: The Phenomenological Image: A Husserlian Inquiry into Reality, Phantasy, and Aesthetic Experience, Author: Claudio Rozzoni
Title: Metaphysical Conversations and Phenomenological Essays, Author: Hedwig Conrad-Martius
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Title: Poetics of the Migrant: Migrant Literature and the Politics of Motion, Author: Kevin Potter
Title: How Do Proper Names Really Work?: A Metadescriptive Version of the Cluster Theory, Author: Claudio Ferreira-Costa
Title: Phenomenology in an African Context: Contributions and Challenges, Author: Abraham Olivier
Title: The Old Faith and the New, Author: David Friedrich Strauss
Title: Shakespeare's Virtuous Theatre: Power, Capacity and the Good, Author: Kent Lehnhof
Title: Rational Philosophy in History and in System, Author: Alexander C Fraser
Title: Begriff, Bewusstsein und Bedeutung: Zum Verhältnis von Sprache, Mentalem und Bezugsobjekt, Author: Volker A. Munz
Title: Organism-Oriented Ontology, Author: Audrone Zukauskaite
Title: Empty-Base Explanation, Author: Yannic Kappes
Title: Der Wille zur Macht: Eine Auslegung alles Geschehens, Author: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
Title: An Introduction to Visual Culture, Author: Nicholas Mirzoeff
Title: Black Existentialism and Decolonizing Knowledge: Writings of Lewis R. Gordon, Author: Lewis R. Gordon

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