Title: The Washington Navy Yard: An Illustrated History - War of 1812, Supporting the New Navy, Civil War Era, World War I and II, Presidential Yacht, Naval Museum, Naval Ordnance Nerve Center, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Admiral Arleigh Burke - A Study in Strategic Leadership, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: A Dangerous Business - The U.S. Navy and National Reconnaisance During the Cold War, Author: National Security Agency
Title: The Strait of Malacca Formula: Success in Counter Piracy and Its Applicability to the Gulf of Aden, Author: Naval War College
Title: The Submarine - The Key to Winning an Arctic Conflict, Author: Naval War College
Title: The Historical Record, Strategic Decision Making, and Carrier Support to Operation Watchtower, Author: US Army Command and General Staff College
Title: Piracy and Maritime Crime: Historical and Modern Case Studies, Author: Naval War College
Title: Fort Fisher: Amphibious Victory in the American Civil War, Author: Naval War College
Title: Operation Sealords - A Front in a Frontless War, an Analysis of the Brown-Water Navy in Vietnam, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Falklands War: Causes and Lessons, Author: Naval Postgraduate School
Title: Operating Below Crush Depth: The Formation, Evolution and Collapse of the Imperial Japanese Navy Submarine Force in World War II, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: The Art of War, Author: Niccolò Machiavelli
Title: 2015 Pentagon Report: Asia-Pacific Maritime Security Strategy: Achieving U.S. National Security Objectives - South China Sea, Japan, Senkaku Islands, Paracel, PLAN Navy, China's Spratlys Outposts, Author: Progressive Management
Title: A Sea Unto Itself, Author: Jay Worrall
Title: Women Marines in World War I: Recruiting, Enrollment, Housing, Uniforms, Pay, Assignments to Duty, Drill and Parades, Discipline, Social, Benefits, After the War, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Civil War Naval Actions, Author: J.D. Conrad
Title: The Art of War, Author: Niccolò Machiavelli
Title: Thunder in Its Courses, Author: Richard Worth
Title: Rise of the Aircraft Carrier Pacific Naval Strategy 1941-1945, Author: James Bergeron
Title: Know Your PT Boat, Author: US Navy

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