Title: Helena Paderewska: Memoirs, 1910-1920, Author: Maciej Siekierski
Title: Dean Dixon: Negro at Home, Maestro Abroad, Author: Rufus Jones Jr.
Title: The Leonard Bernstein Letters, Author: Leonard Bernstein
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Title: James Levine: 40 Years at the Metropolitan Opera, Author: Metropolitan Opera
Title: Conductors in Conversation, Author: Robert Chesterman
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Title: The Legendary Sousa Band: 40 Years from Plainfield to Atlantic City, 1892-1931, Author: James L Schardein
Title: Adrian Boult, Author: Michael Kennedy
Title: Bruno Walter: A World Elsewhere, Author: Erik Ryding
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Title: For the Love of It: Amateuring and Its Rivals, Author: Wayne C. Booth
Title: My Orchestras and Other Adventures: The Memoirs of Boyd Neel, Author: J. David Finch
Title: Casals and the Art of Interpretation, Author: David Blum