Title: The Prince, Author: Niccolò Machiavelli
Title: The Genealogy of Morals, Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
Title: In Defense of Flogging, Author: Peter Moskos
Title: The Subjection of Women, Author: John Stuart Mill
Title: The Maine Woods, Author: Henry David Thoreau
Title: Pensare l'affettività, Author: Guido Baggio
Title: As Sentenças de Epicuro, Author: Epicuro
Title: A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers, Author: Henry David Thoreau
Title: The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street, Author: Robert Scheer
Title: Nicomachean Ethics, Author: Aristotle
Title: Cristalli di storicità: Saggi in onore di Remo Bodei, Author: AA.VV.
Title: Volontà d'amore: L'estremo comando della volontà di potenza, Author: Emilio Carlo Corriero