Title: Antigone. Women of Trachis. Philoctetes. Oedipus at Colonus, Author: Sophocles
Title: Cyclops. Alcestis. Medea, Author: Euripides
Title: Ajax. Electra. Oedipus Tyrannus, Author: Sophocles
Title: Children of Heracles. Hippolytus. Andromache. Hecuba, Author: Euripides
Title: Acharnians. Knights, Author: Aristophanes
Title: Clouds. Wasps. Peace, Author: Aristophanes
Title: Trojan Women. Iphigenia among the Taurians. Ion, Author: Euripides
Title: Frogs. Assemblywomen. Wealth / Edition 1, Author: Aristophanes
Title: Oresteia: Agamemnon. Libation-Bearers. Eumenides, Author: Aeschylus