Title: Redefining Latin American Historical Fiction: The Impact of Feminism and Postcolonialism, Author: H. Weldt-Basson
Title: Mary Wollstonecraft and the Accent of the Feminine, Author: A. Tauchert
Title: The Ulysses Delusion: Rethinking Standards of Literary Merit, Author: Cecilia Konchar Farr
Title: The Unsociable Sociability of Women's Lifewriting, Author: A. Collett
Title: Popular Feminist Fiction as American Allegory: Representing National Time, Author: J. Elliott
Title: Twenty-first Century Feminism: Forming and Performing Femininity, Author: C. Nally
Title: Confronting Visuality in Multi-Ethnic Women's Writing, Author: A. Laflen
Title: Gender, Professions and Discourse: Early Twentieth-Century Women's Autobiography, Author: C. Etherington-Wright
Title: Gender Dilemmas in Children's Fiction, Author: K. Mallan
Title: Re-Visioning Lear's Daughters: Testing Feminist Criticism and Theory, Author: L. Kordecki
Title: Debating Gender in Early Modern England, 1500-1700, Author: C. Malcolmson
Title: Readings of Trauma, Madness, and the Body, Author: S. Anderson
Title: Influence and Inheritance in Feminist English Studies, Author: C. Jones
Title: Chaucer's Feminine Subjects: Figures of Desire in The Canterbury Tales, Author: J. Pitcher
Title: Staging Motherhood: British Women Playwrights, 1956 to the Present, Author: J. Komporaly
Title: Figuring the Woman Author in Contemporary Fiction, Author: M. Eagleton
Title: Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Feminist Origins of the Arthurian Legend, Author: F. Tolhurst
Title: George Eliot's Feminism: The Right to Rebellion, Author: June Szirotny
Title: British Women Writers and Race, 1788-1818: Narrations of Modernity, Author: E. Wright
Title: The Cultural Politics of Chick Lit: Popular Fiction, Postfeminism and Representation / Edition 1, Author: Heike Missler

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