Title: Gay Suburban Narratives in American and British Culture: Homecoming Queens, Author: M. Dines
Title: The Homosexual Revival of Renaissance Style, 1850-1930, Author: Y. Ivory
Title: Sex, Gender and Time in Fiction and Culture, Author: B. Davies
Title: Gay and Lesbian Historical Fiction: Sexual Mystery and Post-Secular Narrative / Edition 1, Author: N. Jones
Title: The Homosexual Revival of Renaissance Style, 1850-1930, Author: Y. Ivory
Title: Sexuality and its Queer Discontents in Middle English Literature, Author: T. Pugh
Title: Queer Writing: Homoeroticism in Jean Genet's Fiction, Author: E. Stephens
Title: Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years, Author: Norman Page
Title: The Sappho History, Author: M. Reynolds
Title: Befriending the Queer Nineteenth Century: Curious Attachments, Author: Michael Borgstrom
Title: Gender Dilemmas in Children's Fiction, Author: K. Mallan
Title: Hart Crane's Queer Modernist Aesthetic, Author: N. Munro
Title: Henry James's Permanent Adolescence, Author: J. Bradley
Title: Fags, Hags and Queer Sisters: Gender Dissent and Heterosocial Bonding in Gay Culture, Author: S. Maddison
Title: Homographesis: Essays in Gay Literary and Cultural Theory / Edition 1, Author: Lee Edelman
Title: Sex, Gender and Time in Fiction and Culture, Author: B. Davies
Title: Gentlemen Callers: Tennessee Williams, Homosexuality, and Mid-Twentieth-Century Drama, Author: M. Paller
Title: Sexy Blake, Author: H. Bruder
Title: Fags, Hags and Queer Sisters: Gender Dissent and Heterosocial Bonding in Gay Culture, Author: S. Maddison
Title: Writing the Voice of Pleasure: Heterosexuality without Women, Author: A. Callahan

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