Title: Sentencing War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity under the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia, Author: Olaoluwa Olusanya
Title: Slaughterhouse: Bosnia and the Failure of the West, Author: David Rieff
Title: Slobodan Milosevic on Trial: A Companion, Author: Michael Scharf
Title: Sociology after Bosnia and Kosovo: Recovering Justice / Edition 1, Author: Keith D. Doubt
Title: Srebrenica: Record of a War Crime, Author: Jan Willem Honig
Title: State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia / Edition 1, Author: Roberto Belloni
Title: Strategy of Deception, Author: Paul Virilio
Title: Stripping Bare the Body: Politics Violence War, Author: Mark Danner
Title: Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces: Lessons from Operation Enduring Freedom, Author: Robert S. Tripp
Title: Surviving the Bosnian Genocide: The Women of Srebrenica Speak, Author: Selma Leydesdorff
Title: Tell It to the World: International Justice and the Secret Campaign to Hide Mass Murder in Kosovo, Author: Eliott Behar
Title: The Balkanization of the West: The Confluence of Postmodernism and Postcommunism, Author: Stjepan Mestrovic
Title: The Balkans After the Cold War: From Tyranny to Tragedy, Author: Tom Gallagher
Title: The Balkans in the New Millennium: In the Shadow of War and Peace / Edition 1, Author: Tom Gallagher
Title: The Black Book Of Bosnia: The Consequences Of Appeasement, Author: Nader  Mousavizadeh
Title: The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia, Author: Dubravka Zarkov
Title: The Bosnia List: A Memoir of War, Exile, and Return, Author: Kenan Trebincevic
Title: The Breakup of Yugoslavia and Its Aftermath / Edition 2, Author: Carole Rogel Poirier
Title: The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia / Edition 1, Author: Michael A. Sells
Title: The Butcher's Trail: How the Search for Balkan War Criminals Became the World's Most Successful Manhunt, Author: Julian Borger

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