Title: Parallel Journeys, Author: Eleanor H. Ayer
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Title: Joseph Stalin (A Wicked History), Author: Sean McCollum
Title: Adolf Hitler (A Wicked History), Author: Sean Stewart Price
Title: Black and British Notebook: black lives matter, who killed malcom x, christmas gifts for kids, birthday gifts for kids, boys, women, men, girls,, Author: Bry Johnson
Title: Irish and British Notebook: irish christmas gifts for kids, boys, girls, men, women , girlfriend, boyfriend, children, child, presents, birthday, Author: Bry Johnson
Title: Irish and American Notebook: Preschool gifts for kids, irish christmas gifts for children, women, girls, boys, men, irish birthday for boys,, Author: Bry Johnson
Title: The Scientific Method Demystified: A Journey through the Scientific Method, Author: Myjwc Publishing