Title: Comics and Pop Culture: Adaptation from Panel to Frame, Author: Barry Keith Grant
Title: Between Pen and Pixel: Comics, Materiality, and the Book of the Future, Author: Aaron Kashtan
Title: How Superheroes Model Community: Philosophically, Communicatively, Relationally, Author: Nathan Miczo Western Illinois University
Title: Wonder Woman: Bondage and Feminism in the Marston/Peter Comics, 1941-1948, Author: Noah Berlatsky
Title: Twelve-Cent Archie, Author: Bart Beaty
Title: Enter the Superheroes: American Values, Culture, and the Canon of Superhero Literature, Author: Alex S. Romagnoli
Title: Girls and Their Comics: Finding a Female Voice in Comic Book Narrative, Author: Jacqueline Danziger-Russell
Title: Comic Books Incorporated: How the Business of Comics Became the Business of Hollywood, Author: Shawna Kidman
Title: Forbidden Adventures: The History of the American Comics Group, Author: Michael Vance
Title: Comic Art in Africa, Asia, Australia, and Latin America through 2000: An International Bibliography, Author: John Lent
Title: All New, All Different?: A History of Race and the American Superhero, Author: Allan W. Austin
Title: Comic Art of the United States through 2000, Animation and Cartoons: An International Bibliography, Author: John Lent
Title: Comic Connections: Building Character and Theme, Author: Sandra Eckard
Title: Arresting Development: Comics at the Boundaries of Literature, Author: Christopher Pizzino
Title: Make Ours Marvel: Media Convergence and a Comics Universe, Author: Matt Yockey
Title: Comic Book Film Style: Cinema at 24 Panels per Second, Author: Dru Jeffries
Title: Documentary Comics: Graphic Truth-Telling in a Skeptical Age, Author: Nina Mickwitz
Title: The Content of Our Caricature: African American Comic Art and Political Belonging, Author: Rebecca Wanzo
Title: Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, Author: Mark Heimermann
Title: El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond: Graphic Narrative in Argentina and Brazil, Author: David William Foster

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