Title: A Woman's Voice: Biblical Women, Author: Marcella Bakur Weiner
Title: Nicholas Love's Mirror of the Blessed Life of Jesus Christ: A Reading Text, Author: Michael G. Sargent
Title: Doing What Comes Spiritually, Author: John M Drescher
Title: Meditations on the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ, Author: Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg
Title: New Existence and Righteous Living: Colossians and 1 Peter in Conversation with 4QInstruction and the Hodayot, Author: Robert L. Cavin
Title: Gender in the Book of Ben Sira: Divine Wisdom, Erotic Poetry, and the Garden of Eden, Author: Teresa Ann Ellis
Title: Under the Gaze of the Bible, Author: Jean-Louis Chretien