Title: From Fascism to Libertarian Communism: George Valois Against the Third Republic, Author: Allen Douglas
Title: The Contentious French, Author: Charles Tilly
Title: François Mitterrand: The Last French President, Author: Ronald Tiersky
Title: Francois Mitterrand: A Political Biography / Edition 1, Author: David S. Bell
Title: Divided Memory: French Recollections of World War II from the Liberation to the Present / Edition 1, Author: Olivier Wieviorka
Title: On Robert Antelme's The Human Race: Essays and Commentary, Author: Robert Antelme
Title: Cultural Policy and Socialist France, Author: David E. Wachtel
Title: Grand Disillusion: Francois Mitterrand and the French Left, Author: Joseph Morray
Title: Forced to Choose: France, the Atlantic Alliance, and NATO -- Then and Now, Author: Charles G. Cogan
Title: The Supranational Politics of Jean Monnet: Ideas and Origins of the European Community, Author: Frederic J. Fransen
Title: Intellectuals and the French Communist Party: Disillusion and Decline, Author: Sudhir Hazareesingh
Title: Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory After May '68, Author: Peter Starr
Title: The United States and the Making of Postwar France, 1945-1954, Author: Irwin M. Wall
Title: Conservative Socialism: The Decline of Radicalism and the Triumph of the Left in France / Edition 1, Author: Roger F. S. Kaplan
Title: Historical Dictionary of the French Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-1991, Author: M. Wayne Northcutt
Title: Rationalizing Parliament: Legislative Institutions and Party Politics in France, Author: John D. Huber
Title: Governing and Governance in France, Author: Alistair Cole
Title: The National Front and French Politics: The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen, Author: Jonathan Marcus
Title: The Mitterrand Era: Policy Alternatives and Political Mobilization in France, Author: Anthony Daley
Title: Degaulle to Mitterrand: President Power in France, Author: Jack Hayward

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