Title: Dirt: Adventures in Lyon as a Chef in Training, Father, and Sleuth Looking for the Secret of French Cooking, Author: Bill Buford
Title: The Gourmands' Way: Six Americans in Paris and the Birth of a New Gastronomy, Author: Justin Spring
Title: Mastering the Art of French Eating: From Paris Bistros to Farmhouse Kitchens, Lessons in Food and Love, Author: Ann Mah
Title: One Souffle at a Time: A Memoir of Food and France, Author: Anne Willan
Title: French Kids Eat Everything: How Our Family Moved to France, Cured Picky Eating, Banned Snacking, and Discovered 10 Simple Rules for Raising Happy, Healthy Eaters, Author: Karen Le Billon
Title: How to Eat a Small Country: A Family's Pursuit of Happiness, One Meal at a Time, Author: Amy Finley
Title: Love, God, And The Art Of French Cooking, Author: James F. Twyman
Title: Lunch in Paris: A Love Story, with Recipes, Author: Elizabeth Bard
Title: Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously, Author: Julie Powell
Title: Pampille's Table: Recipes and Writings from the French Countryside from Marthe Daudet's Les Bons Plats de France, Author: Shirley King