Title: El estilo de los elementos / The Style of the Elements, Author: Rodrigo Fresán
Title: Los ojos de Mona, Author: Thomas Schlesser
Title: La hermana salvaje / The Wild Sister, Author: NOAH EVANS
Title: La extraordinaria Grace Adams / Amazing Grace Adams, Author: Fran Littlewood
Title: Mujeres que arden / Women on Fire, Author: María Esclapez
Title: Chamanes eléctricos en la fiesta del sol / Electric Shamans at the Festival of t he Sun, Author: Mónica Ojeda
Title: Malas (Spanish Edition), Author: Marcela Fuentes
Title: La puerta de los tiempos / The Door of Time, Author: Guillermo Ferrara
Title: La casa de Pineapple Street / Pineapple Street, Author: Jenny Jackson