Title: Capital and Ecology: Developmentalism, Subjectivity and the Alternative Life-Worlds, Author: Rakhee Bhattacharya
Title: Energy and Environment in India: The Politics of a Chronic Crisis, Author: Johannes Urpelainen
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Title: Fueling State Capitalism: How Domestic Politics Shapes Foreign Investments of National Oil Companies, Author: Andrew Cheon
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Title: Reflections: Understanding Our Use and Abuse of Water, Author: Mark Zeitoun
Title: Sustainability Transformations, Social Transitions and Environmental Accountabilities, Author: Beth Edmondson
Title: A Political Ecology of Kenya's Mau Forest: The Land, the Trees, and the People, Author: Lisa Elena Fuchs
Title: US Environmental Policy in Action, Author: Sara R. Rinfret
Title: Gorilla in the Closet: A memoir and historical account of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, why it is becoming obsolete, and its future, Author: Frederic Eidsness
Title: Climate Liberalism: Perspectives on Liberty, Property and Pollution, Author: Jonathan H. Adler
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Title: Transgenics in Dispute: Political conflicts in the commercial liberation of GMOs in Brazil, Author: Cristiano Luis Lenzi
Title: Global Warming and the Climate Crisis: Science, Spirit, and Solutions, Author: Bruce E. Johansen
Title: Resource Extraction and Arctic Communities: The New Extractivist Paradigm, Author: Sverker Sörlin
Title: A Critical Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Author: Kari De Pryck

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