Title: At War with Academic Traditions in America, Author: Abbot Lawrence Lowell
Title: The University of Pennsylvania Today: Its Buildings, Departments, and Work, Author: Cornell M. Dowlin
Title: History of the University of Pennsylvania, 1740-1940, Author: Edward Potts Cheyney
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Title: American Studies in Europe, Their History and Present Organization, Volume 2: The Smaller Western Countries, the Scandinavian Countries, the Mediterranean Nations, Eastern Europe, International Organization, and Conclusion, Author: Sigmund Skard
Title: A History of Cornell, Author: Morris Bishop
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Title: Labor Leadership Education: A Union-University Approach, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Index to Biographies of Englishmen, 1000-1485, Found in Dissertations and Theses, Author: Jerome Reel
Title: Higher Education in a Maturing Democracy, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: The House of Intellect, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: The Urban University in America, Author: Maurice R. Berube
Title: The Hidden Professoriate: Credentialism, Professionalism, and the Tenure Crisis, Author: Edith Martindale
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Title: Index to Anthologies on Postsecondary Education, 1960-1978, Author: Richard Quay
Title: Work, Youth, and Schooling: Historical Perspectives on Vocationalism in American Education, Author: Harvey  Kantor
Title: American Collegiate Populations: A Test of the Traditional View, Author: Colin Burke
Title: Financing Higher Education: The Public Investment, Author: Bloomsbury Academic

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