Title: Magic Ramen: The Story of Momofuku Ando, Author: Andrea Wang
Title: Pop!: The Invention of Bubble Gum, Author: Meghan McCarthy
Title: My Food, Your Food, Our Food, Author: Emma Bernay
Title: How the Cookie Crumbled: The True (and Not-So-True) Stories of the Invention of the Chocolate Chip Cookie, Author: Gilbert Ford
Title: See What We Eat!: A First Book of Healthy Eating, Author: Scot Ritchie
Title: What's So Yummy?: All About Eating Well and Feeling Good, Author: Robie Harris
Title: Try It!: How Frieda Caplan Changed the Way We Eat, Author: Mara Rockliff
Title: I AM READY TO EAT: Children Nutrition Illustrated Book, Author: Warda Atroun
Title: The tasting game, Author: Heba Kalander
Title: Rules at Lunch, Author: Paul Bloom
Title: Fairy Floss: The Sweet Story of Cotton Candy, Author: Ann Ingalls
Title: Happy, Healthy Me!: What Does Eating Too Much Sugar Do to Our Body?, Author: Zaneta Kuzel
Title: The Skinny on Hot Dogs, Author: Catherine Ipcizade
Title: Kids Cooking: Students Prepare and Eat Foods from Around the World, Author: George Ancona
Title: Alice Waters and the Trip to Delicious, Author: Jacqueline Briggs Martin
Title: Sharing a Meal, Author: Mary Auld