Title: The Conquest of the Last Maya Kingdom, Author: Grant D. Jones
Title: The Soul of Development: Biblical Christianity and Economic Transformation in Guatemala, Author: Amy L. Sherman
Title: Of Centaurs And Doves: Guatemala's Peace Process, Author: Susanne Jonas
Title: The Battle For Guatemala: Rebels, Death Squads, And U.s. Power, Author: Susanne Jonas
Title: Quiet Genocide: Guatemala 1981-1983 / Edition 1, Author: Etelle Higonnet
Title: Rigoberta Menchu And The Story Of All Poor Guatemalans, Author: David Stoll
Title: Massacres In The Jungle: Ixcan, Guatemala, 1975-1982, Author: Ricardo Falla
Title: Misunderstood Caudillo: Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes and the Failure of Democracy in Guatemala, Author: Roland H. Ebel
Title: Between Two Armies in the Ixil Towns of Guatemala, Author: David Stoll
Title: Terror in the Land of the Holy Spirit: Guatemala under General Efrain Rios Montt 1982-1983, Author: Virginia Garrard-Burnett
Title: Continuities in Highland Maya Social Organization: Ethnohistory in Sacapulas, Guatemala, Author: Robert M. Hill II
Title: Forest Society: A Social History of Peten, Guatemala, Author: Norman B. Schwartz
Title: Ladinos with Ladinos, Indians with Indians: Land, Labor, and Regional Ethnic Conflict in the Making of Guatemala / Edition 1, Author: René Reeves
Title: Political Movements and Violence in Central America, Author: Charles D. Brockett
Title: The International Politics of Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Guatemala / Edition 1, Author: N. Short
Title: Shattered Hope: Guatemalan Workers And The Promise Of Democracy, Author: James A Goldston
Title: Searching for Everardo: A Story of Love, War, and the CIA in Guatemala, Author: Jennifer K. Harbury
Title: Until I Find You: Disappeared Children and Coercive Adoptions in Guatemala, Author: Rachel Nolan
Title: Garrison Guatemala, Author: George Black
Title: Return of the Maya, Author: Thomas Hoepker