Title: The Epistle of St. Barnabas, Author: St. Barnabas
Title: The Writings of Julius Africanus, Author: Julius Africanus
Title: On the Work of Monks, Author: Saint Augustine
Title: The Lowliness of the Mind, Author: St. John Chrysostom
Title: On Idolatry, Author: Tertullian Of Carthage
Title: On the Holy Spirit, Author: St. Gregory of Nyssa
Title: Dialogue Against the Luciferians, Author: St. Jerome
Title: On the Good of Widowhood, Author: Saint Augustine
Title: Who is the Rich Man That Shall be Saved?, Author: St. Clement Of Alexandria
Title: Homilies on Philemon, Author: St. John Chrysostom
Title: Canons of the Ecumenical Council of Ephesus, Author: Henry Percival
Title: On Lying, Author: Saint Augustine
Title: On the Holy Ghost, Author: St. Ambrose Of Milan
Title: Heretics, Author: G. K. Chesterton
Title: Soliloquies, Author: Saint Augustine
Title: Letters to Olympias, Author: St. John Chrysostom
Title: On Cleaving to God, Author: Albertus Magnus
Title: Instruction to Catechumens, Author: St. John Chrysostom
Title: Enchiridion, Author: Saint Augustine
Title: Dialogue with Trypho, Author: Justin Martyr

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