Title: Cool Careers Without College for People Who Love Manga, Comics, and Animation, Author: Jim Wentzel
Title: Cool Careers Without College for People Who Can Build Things, Author: Heather Moore Niver
Title: Cool Careers Without College for Nature Lovers, Author: Katie Haegele
Title: Coding Careers in Internet Security, Author: Kate Shoup
Title: Coding Careers in Entertainment and Games, Author: Cathleen Small
Title: Careers in Women's Health, Author: Jeri Freedman
Title: Careers in Trucking, Author: Richard Barrington
Title: Careers in the U. S. Coast Guard, Author: Edward F. Dolan
Title: Careers in Social Justice, Author: Jessica Shaw
Title: Careers in School Safety, Author: Keith J. Olexa
Title: Careers in Law Enforcement, Author: Corona Brezina
Title: Careers in Landscaping and Gardening, Author: Larry Gerber
Title: Careers in Environmental Conservation, Author: Christine Wilcox
Title: Careers in Digital Animation, Author: Kathy Furgang
Title: Careers in Database Design, Author: Erin K. McGuire
Title: Careers in Child Care, Author: Jeri Freedman
Title: Careers in Biotechnology, Author: Bonnie Szumski
Title: Careers in Aviation, Author: Suzanne Weinick
Title: Careers If You Like Working with Your Hands, Author: Toney Allman
Title: Careers for Tech Girls in Computer Science, Author: Heather Moore Niver

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