Title: F-15A versus F/A-22 Fighter Aircraft Initial Operational Capability (IOC): A Case for Transformation - Test and Evaluation Process, Critical Issues, Key Performance Parameters, Langley Air Force Base, Author: Progressive Management
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Title: The End of the Beginning: On the Application of Aerospace Power in an Age of Fractured Sovereignty, Trends 2020, Demography, Technology, Military, Social, Operations with Blurred Boundaries, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Barren SEAD: USAF Defense Suppression Doctrine 1953-1972, Author: James L. Young
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Title: U.S. Air Force (USAF) Energy Policy: Horizons Science and Technology Vision, Strategic Plan, Air Domain, Harvesting, Game-changing Concepts, Space, Propulsion, Storage, Cyber Domain, Infrastructure, Author: Progressive Management
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Instrument Flight for Army Aviators - Field Manual 3-04.240 (FM 1-240) Part 1 - Techniques for Instrument Flying and Air Navigation, Weather, Emergency Operations, Author: Progressive Management
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Title: Reimar Horten’s Argentine Tailless IAe 33 Part 1, Author: David Myhra PhD
Title: Conversations With: Reimar Horten-Volume 2, Author: David Myhra
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#7 in Series
Title: 21st Century U.S. Military Manuals: Opposing Force OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG) Part 11 - Airspace and Air Defense Systems, Manpads, Russian SAM, Countermeasures, Technology Trends, Author: Progressive Management
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Title: The Cheshire Jet: Harnessing Metamaterials to Achieve an Optical Stealth Capability - Cloaking Technology for Aircraft, Composites with Unique Electromagnetic Properties, Directed Energy Weapons, Author: Progressive Management
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