Title: Grumman F4F Wildcat - F6F Hellcat, Author: Mantelli - Brown - Kittel - Graf
Title: Balloons of the Civil War, Author: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Title: Luftwaffe Maritime Operation in World War II, Author: Air University Press
Title: A Dangerous Business - The U.S. Navy and National Reconnaisance During the Cold War, Author: National Security Agency
Title: The Air Expeditionary Force (AEF) in Perspective: World War II, Norway, Guadalcanal, Rommel, Soviets in Spain, World War I, Gallipoli, Egyptian Force, Iraq Kut Disaster, Napoleon, Boxer Rebellion, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Red Is Good: Transformational Changes for U.S. Air Force Aircraft Maintenance - Culture Change and Transformation, Metrics, Goal Setting, Toyota Production System, Enterprise Level, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Logistics Aloft - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Emergency and Mission-Critical, Time-Sensitive (MCTS), Intra-Theater Logistical Resupply, Airdrop and Rotary Wing Assets to Support Resupply, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Field Manual FM 4-20.41 (FM 10-500-1) Aerial Delivery Distribution in The Theater of Operations August 2003 US Army, Author: United States Government US Army
Title: The 31 Initiatives: A Study in Air Force - Army Cooperation - Air Defense, Rear Area Operations, Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses, Special Forces, Joint Munitions Development, Combat Techniques, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Generations of Service: Uplifting Stories of Twenty-One Families Serving in the U.S. Air Force, Legacy Heritage of Airmen as Pilots, Maintainers, Security Forces, Logisticians, Lawyers, Author: Progressive Management
Title: A Pilot's Guide to Scholarships & Grants, Author: Jolanda Witvliet
Title: Immediate Reach, Immediate Power: The Air Expeditionary Force and American Power Projection in the Post-Cold War Era - Hap Arnold, Composite Air Strike Force (CASF), CENTCOM, F-16, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Aviation Urban Operations: Are We Training Like We Fight? Battle for An Nasiriyah, Iraq - Baptism by Fire for Joint Urban Operations (JUO) Doctrine, CAS, Air Superiority, Special Operations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Raven 5: An Airman's Story, Author: Edward D. Connor
Title: Vantage Points: Perspectives on Airpower and the Profession of Arms - Timely and Timeless Thoughts on Dozens of Topics from Theory of War and Patriotism to Lessons Learned, Leadership, Technology, Author: Progressive Management
Title: B-52 Nose Art, Author: Danny Causey
Title: Chronological History of the Air National Guard and its Antecedents, 1908: 2007 - From Pioneer Aviators in Biplanes to Responding to the 9/11 Terror Attacks, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Developing a Situation Awareness (SA) Environment for the Distribution Process Owner (DPO): Recommendations for United States Transportation Command - USTRANSCOM, Information Confidence, Author: Progressive Management
Title: A Kill is A Kill: Asymmetrically Attacking U.S. Airpower - Tactical and Operational Level, Targeting, On the Ramp, Aircraft Carriers, Deception, Urban Warfare, Israeli Experience, MANPADS, Lasers, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Air Force Doctrine Document 3-61: Public Affairs Operations - Strategic Communications, Tasks, DOD Principles of Information, PSYOPS, Author: Progressive Management

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