Title: Global Mobility: Anywhere, Anytime, Any Threat? Countering the MANPADS Challenge - Man-Portable Air Defense Systems Missile, Airfields, Countermeasures, Seekers, Warhead, MEDUSA, Lasers, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Leading Air Mobility Operations in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: Joint Doctrine Review and Analysis, Practical Realities for Mission and Political Success, Who Moved My Cheese?, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Missile Defensive Systems and the Civil Reserve Air Fleet - Man Portable Air Defense System (MANPADS) Threat, Modifications to Airliners, Future Concepts of Operation and Potential Enemy Strategies, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Logistics Aloft - Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Emergency and Mission-Critical, Time-Sensitive (MCTS), Intra-Theater Logistical Resupply, Airdrop and Rotary Wing Assets to Support Resupply, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Developing a Situation Awareness (SA) Environment for the Distribution Process Owner (DPO): Recommendations for United States Transportation Command - USTRANSCOM, Information Confidence, Author: Progressive Management
Title: The Wings of the Dragon: PLA Air Force (PLAAF) Rapid Conventional Force Projection: Beyond Taiwan? China's Use of Force, Intent, Potential Force Scenarios, Combat Enablers, Bomber Capability, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Realities of Deterrence and Retaliatory Options to Attacks in Space and Cyberspace - Characterizing the Asymmetric Threat, Hacking, Antisatellite Capabilities, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDOS), Author: Progressive Management
Title: Commanding an Air Force Squadron in the 21st Century: A Practical Guide of Tips and Techniques for Today's Squadron Commander - Leadership, Unit Cohesion, Morale, Inspections, Art of Command, Families, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Rising Dragon: Deterring China in 2035 - Social, Political, Economic, and Military Landscape, Space and Cyber Attack Capabilities, Compellence and Coercion, People's Liberation Army (PLA), Air Force, Author: Progressive Management
Title: SKY HIGH - The Story of Aviation, Author: Eric Hodgins
Title: The Need for a Global Space Traffic Control Service: An Opportunity for U.S. Leadership - Avoiding Orbital Satellite Collisions, Space Debris, Tracking Systems, Space Situational Awareness (SSA), Author: Progressive Management
Title: Keep On Trucking: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Intratheater Airlift - Review of Military Theater Distribution System Compared to Walmart Commercial or Hybrid Airlift, Cargo Delivery, Central Command, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Austere Recovery of Cargo Gliders: World War II Army Air Force Cargo Glider, Snatch Pickup, European Theater, China-Burma-India and Pacific Theaters, Special Operations, Arctic Rescues, Paradrop, Author: Progressive Management
Title: To Hell With The Paperwork: Deciphering the Culture of the Air Commandos - Carpetbaggers, 1st Air Commando Group, Post World War II through Vietnam, Cochran, John Alison, Heinie Aderholt, Author: Progressive Management
Title: USN McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, Author: Peter E. Davies
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Title: The Strategic and Political Impacts of Collateral Damage from Strike Warfare: Air Campaigns and Bombing Damage in Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, Target Selection, Ebb and Flow of Limitations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Armed Escort for Special Air Operations - An Operational Concept, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Order of Battle Analysis, Special Operations Forces (SOF), Helicopters, Aircraft, Electronic Combat, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Effects of UAVs on Interstate Relationships: A Case Study of U.S. Relations With Pakistan and Yemen - UAS, Drones, al-Qaeda, AQAP, Saudi Arabia, Arab Spring, Anwar al-Awlaki, Collateral Damage, Author: Progressive Management
Title: U.S. Air Force (USAF) Energy Policy: Horizons Science and Technology Vision, Strategic Plan, Air Domain, Harvesting, Game-changing Concepts, Space, Propulsion, Storage, Cyber Domain, Infrastructure, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Leading The Way: The History of Air Force Civil Engineers, 1907-2012 - Airfields, Red Horse, World War I and II, Special Projects, DEW Line, BMEWS, ICBM, Atlas, Titan, Minuteman, Air Force Academy, Author: Progressive Management

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