Title: Expansion or Marginalization: How Effects-Based Organization Could Determine the Future of Air Force Space Command, Cyber Command, Further Consolidation for Effectiveness, Combat Support Mission, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Air Warfare: Historic Work by Iconic Early Leader of Army Air Corps and American Military Aviation: Principles, Combats and Defensive Formations, Pursuit, Bombardment, Attack, Antiaircraft Defense, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Airpower and the Environment: The Ecological Implications of Modern Air Warfare - World War II Secondary Effects, Great Plains, Vietnam Eradication, Africa, Israeli Negev Desert, Collateral Damage, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Shortchanging the Joint Fight? An Airman's Assessment of FM 3-24 and the Case for Developing Truly Joint COIN Doctrine: Counterinsurgency, Airpower Myths, Army and Marine Tactical Doctrine, Iraq War, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Communicating Airpower: Strategic Communication and the United States Air Force Since 9/11, Comparison to Navy Public Affairs, Iraq and Afghanistan, Foreign and Domestic Audiences, Tanker Scandal, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Paradigm Lost: Rethinking Theater Airlift to Support the Army After Next - Cargo Handling Capability, Situational Awareness, Defensive Systems, C-130, C-17, CH-47D, V-22 Osprey, Austere Operations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Airpower, Afghanistan, and the Future of Warfare: An Alternative View - Assessing the Air-Ground Relationship, Precision Strike, Change in Land Combat, Force Intensification, Doctrine Impact, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Black Hats and White Hats: The Effect of Organizational Culture and Institutional Identity on the Twenty-third Air Force: Air Rescue, Desert One Disaster, Special Operations, Combat Search and Rescue, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Once in a Blue Moon: Airmen in Theater Command: Lauris Norstad, Albrecht Kesselring, and Their Relevance to the Twenty-First Century Air Force - Historical Analysis of Rise to Regional CINC, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Airpower Against an Army: Challenge and Response in Central Command Air Forces (CENTAF) Duel with Republican Guard in the Persian Gulf War, Desert Storm, Unique Look at How the Guard Was Annihilated, Author: Progressive Management
Title: America's First Air Battles: Lessons Learned or Lessons Lost? Korean War, Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Early Air Operational Stages, Flexibility Needed to Adapt to Changing National Direction, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Shooting Down a Star: Program 437, the U.S. Nuclear ASAT System and Present Day Copycat Killers - Anti-Satellite, Nike-Zeus, North Korea, India, Iran, China, Space Launch, Space Asset Vulnerability, Author: Progressive Management
Title: The Politics of Coercion: Toward a Theory of Coercive Airpower for Post-Cold War Conflict - Doctrine, Operation Desert Storm, Four Major Theories of Punishment, Risk, Decapitation, and Denial, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Turning the Vertical Flank: Airpower as a Maneuver Force in the Theater Campaign: Historic Analysis from Ancient Greece and Rome to the Napoleonic Era and Gettysburg, Normandy, Yom Kippur War, Author: Progressive Management
Title: At the Fulcrum of Air Force Identity: Balancing the Internal and External Pressures of Image and Culture - Ehrhard Prescription, Manager's Approach, Rank and File, Warrior Ethos, Gen. Norton Schwartz, Author: Progressive Management
Title: When You Get a Job to Do, Do It: The Airpower Leadership of Lt. General William H. Tunner - The Underappreciated Contributions to Airlift, World War II and Cold War, Hump and Berlin Airlift Operations, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Culture Wars: Air Force Culture and Civil - Military Relations - USAF History on Dealing with National Policy, Case Studies of Operation Desert Storm and Northern/Southern Watch, Decade of Quasi-War, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Jimmy Doolittle: The Commander Behind the Legend - Operational Effectiveness, Tactical and Technical Innovation, Leading the Eighth Air Force, Raid on Tokyo, World War II Air Offensive Against Germany, Author: Progressive Management
Title: Risky Business: Reducing Moral Hazard in Airlift Operations - Analysis of Vietnam War Experience at Dien Bien Phu, Khe Sanh, Iraq and Afghanistan, Doctrinal Solutions, Author: Progressive Management
Title: The Rise of Air Mobility and Its Generals: Airlift, Air Refueling, and Aeromedical-Evacuation Missions, Mahan and the Purpose of Airpower, Geopolitical Changes, Support of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, Author: Progressive Management

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