Title: Little Doctor, The / El doctorcito, Author: Juan J. Guerra
Title: Cilindros/Cylinders, Author: Nathan Olson
Title: Caballos paint/American Paint Horses, Author: Kim O'Brien
Title: Las hojas en otoño/Leaves in Fall, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad
Title: Nubes/Clouds, Author: Erin Edison
Title: Proteínas en MiPlato/Protein on MyPlate, Author: Mari Schuh
Title: Rápido, más rápido, muy rápido/Fast, Faster, Fastest: Animales que se mueven a grandes velocidades/Animals That Move at Great Speeds, Author: Michael Dahl
Title: Comportamiento y modales en la escuela/Manners at School, Author: Carrie Finn
Title: Algunos niños son sordos/Some Kids Are Deaf, Author: Lola M. Schaefer
Title: Caballos pura sangre/Thoroughbred Horses, Author: Kim O'Brien
Title: cosecha de manzanas/Apple Harvest, Author: Calvin Harris
Title: Las estrellas/The Stars, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad
Title: Profundo, más profundo, muy profundo/Deep, Deeper, Deepest: Animales que van a grandes profundidades/Animals That Go to Great Depths, Author: Michael Dahl
Title: Esferas/Spheres, Author: Nathan Olson
Title: My First Book of Spanish Words, Author: Katy R. Kudela
Title: Bailando tap/Tap Dancing, Author: Kathryn Clay
Title: Algunos niños son ciegos/Some Kids Are Blind, Author: Lola M. Schaefer
Title: Bailando jazz/Jazz Dancing, Author: Kathryn Clay
Title: Un diente está flojo/Loose Tooth, Author: Mari Schuh
Title: Los animales en otoño/Animals in Fall, Author: Martha E. H. Rustad

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