Title: Tálbeita Daufra Slóða: The Lure of the Dim Trails, Icelandic edition, Author: B. M. Bower
Title: Klettur í Eystrasaltinu: A Rock in the Baltic, Icelandic edition, Author: Robert Barr
Title: Baree, Sonur Kazan: Baree, Son of Kazan, Icelandic edition, Author: James Oliver Curwood
Title: Fimm Þúsund Mílur Neðanjarðar: Five Thousand Miles Underground, Icelandic edition, Author: Roy Rockwood
Title: Tungllaugin: The Moon Pool, Icelandic edition, Author: Abraham Merritt
Title: Synir og Elskendur: Sons and Lovers, Icelandic edition, Author: D. H. Lawrence
Title: Konungur Demantanna: The King of Diamonds, Icelandic edition, Author: Louis Tracy
Title: Endurminningar um Fanny Hill: Memoirs Of Fanny Hill, Icelandic edition, Author: John Cleland
Title: Margery: Margery, Icelandic edition, Author: Georg Ebers
Title: Í Gegnum Glerið: Through the Looking Glass, Icelandic edition, Author: Lewis Carroll
Title: Paradís Týnd: Paradise Lose, Icelandic edition, Author: John Milton
Title: Rover Strákarnir í Viðskiptum: The Rover Boys in Business, Icelandic edition, Author: Arthur M. Winfield
Title: Jacqueline Burðardúfanna: Jacqueline of the Carrier Pigeons, Icelandic edition, Author: Augusta Huiell Seaman
Title: Chicot Grínari: Chicot the Jester, Icelandic edition, Author: Alexandre Dumas
Title: Keisarinn: The Emperor, Icelandic edition, Author: Georg Ebers
Title: Vantrúarmaðurinn: The Make Believe Man, Icelandic edition, Author: Richard Harding Davis
Title: Filigree Boltinn: The Filigree Ball, Icelandic edition, Author: Anna Katharine Green
Title: Tommy og Félagi: Tommy and Company, Icelandic edition, Author: Jerome K. Jerome
Title: O Frumkvöðlar!: O Pioneers!, Icelandic edition, Author: Willa Cather
Title: Yfirlýsing um Sjálfstæði, Stjórnarskrá og Réttindaskrá: Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights, Icelandic edition, Author: Thomas Jefferson

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