Title: Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social, and Military History, Author: Spencer C. Tucker
Title: A Companion to the Vietnam War / Edition 1, Author: Marilyn B. Young
Title: Vietnam in Iraq: Tactics, Lessons, Legacies and Ghosts / Edition 1, Author: David Ryan
Title: Vietnam War: A Topical Exploration and Primary Source Collection [2 volumes], Author: James H. Willbanks
Title: US Internal Security Assistance to South Vietnam: Insurgency, Subversion and Public Order / Edition 1, Author: William Rosenau
Title: Superpowers Defeated: Vietnam and Afghanistan Compared / Edition 1, Author: Douglas A. Borer
Title: Tale of Two Quagmires: Iraq, Vietnam, and the Hard Lessons of War / Edition 1, Author: Kenneth J. Campbell
Title: Vietnam War: A Topical Exploration and Primary Source Collection [2 volumes], Author: James H. Willbanks
Title: The Tragedy of Vietnam, Author: Patrick Hearden
Title: The Myth of Inevitable US Defeat in Vietnam / Edition 1, Author: Dale Walton
Title: US Special Forces and Counterinsurgency in Vietnam: Military Innovation and Institutional Failure, 1961-63 / Edition 1, Author: Christopher K. Ives
Title: The Tet Offensive: A Brief History with Documents / Edition 1, Author: William Thomas Allison
Title: Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam: The Unmaking of a President, Author: Herbert Y. Schandler
Title: Rethinking the Vietnam War, Author: John Dumbrell
Title: Ending the Vietnam War: The Vietnamese Communists' Perspective / Edition 1, Author: Ang Cheng Guan
Title: Pacification: The American Struggle For Vietnam's Hearts And Minds, Author: Richard A Hunt
Title: The Vietnam War in Popular Culture: The Influence of America's Most Controversial War on Everyday Life [2 volumes]: The Influence of America's Most Controversial War on Everyday Life, Author: Ron Milam
Title: Grunts: The American Combat Soldier in Vietnam / Edition 2, Author: Kyle Longley
Title: The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part I: 1945-1960, Author: William Conrad Gibbons
Title: The Vietnam War in Popular Culture: The Influence of America's Most Controversial War on Everyday Life [2 volumes], Author: George C. Herring

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