Title: The Korean War and American Politics: The Republican Party as a Case Study, Author: Ronald J. Caridi
Title: The Voter Decides, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: John Foster Dulles: A Reappraisal, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Negotiation from Strength: A Study in the Politics of Power, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Politics in the United Nations: A Study of United States Influence in the General Assembly, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Dwight D. Eisenhower: Soldier, President, Statesman, Author: Joann P. Krieg
Title: Cold Warriors: Eisenhower's Generation and the Making of American Foreign Policy, Author: H. W. Brands
Title: Pursuing a Just and Durable Peace: John Foster Dulles and International Organization, Author: Anthony C. Arend
Title: Decision Against War: Eisenhower and Dien Bien Phu, 1954, Author: Melanie Billings-Yun
Title: Eisenhower and Landrum-Griffin: A Study in Labor-Management Politics, Author: R. Alton Lee
Title: Chinese Attitudes Toward Nuclear Weapons: China and the United States During the Korean War: China and the United States During the Korean War, Author: Mark A. Ryan
Title: The Legacy of Custer's 7th U.S. Cavalry in Korea, Author: Edward L. Daily
Title: The Great Powers In East Asia: 1953-1960, Author: Warren I. Cohen
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Title: Advising Ike: The Memoirs of Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Author: Herbert Brownell
Title: In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: Politics, Rhetoric, and Self-Defense, Author: Rachel L. Holloway
Title: Dwight D. Eisenhower: Strategic Communicator, Author: Martin Jay Medhurst
Title: Power and Peace: The Diplomacy of John Foster Dulles, Author: Frederick Marks
Title: Reexamining the Eisenhower Presidency, Author: Shirley A. Warshaw
Title: The Pusan Perimeter, Korea, 1950: An Annotated Bibliography, Author: Paul M. Edwards

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