Zelda Fitzgerald: The Tragic, Meticulously Researched Biography of the Jazz Age's High Priestess
Zelda Fitzgerald was the mythical American Dream Girl of the Roaring Twenties who became, in the words of her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, “the first American flapper.” Their romance transformed a symbol of glamour and spectacle of the Jazz Age. When Zelda cracked up, not long after the stock market crash of 1929, Scott remained loyal to her through a nightmare of later breakdowns and final madness.

Sally Cline brings us a trenchantly authentic voice through Zelda’s own highly autobiographical writings and hundreds of letters she wrote to friends and family, publishers and others. New medical evidence and interviews with Zelda’s last psychiatrist suggest that her “insanity” may have been less a specific clinical condition than the product of the treatment she endured for schizophrenia and her husband’s devastating alcoholism. In narrating Zelda’s tumultuous life, Cline vividly evokes the circle of Jazz Age friends that included Edmund Wilson, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, Dorothy Parker, Lillian Hellman, and H. L. Mencken. Her exhaustive research and incisive analysis animate a profoundly
moving portrait of Zelda and provide a convincing context to the legacy of her tragedy.
Zelda Fitzgerald: The Tragic, Meticulously Researched Biography of the Jazz Age's High Priestess
Zelda Fitzgerald was the mythical American Dream Girl of the Roaring Twenties who became, in the words of her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, “the first American flapper.” Their romance transformed a symbol of glamour and spectacle of the Jazz Age. When Zelda cracked up, not long after the stock market crash of 1929, Scott remained loyal to her through a nightmare of later breakdowns and final madness.

Sally Cline brings us a trenchantly authentic voice through Zelda’s own highly autobiographical writings and hundreds of letters she wrote to friends and family, publishers and others. New medical evidence and interviews with Zelda’s last psychiatrist suggest that her “insanity” may have been less a specific clinical condition than the product of the treatment she endured for schizophrenia and her husband’s devastating alcoholism. In narrating Zelda’s tumultuous life, Cline vividly evokes the circle of Jazz Age friends that included Edmund Wilson, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, Dorothy Parker, Lillian Hellman, and H. L. Mencken. Her exhaustive research and incisive analysis animate a profoundly
moving portrait of Zelda and provide a convincing context to the legacy of her tragedy.
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Zelda Fitzgerald: The Tragic, Meticulously Researched Biography of the Jazz Age's High Priestess

Zelda Fitzgerald: The Tragic, Meticulously Researched Biography of the Jazz Age's High Priestess

by Sally Cline
Zelda Fitzgerald: The Tragic, Meticulously Researched Biography of the Jazz Age's High Priestess

Zelda Fitzgerald: The Tragic, Meticulously Researched Biography of the Jazz Age's High Priestess

by Sally Cline



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Zelda Fitzgerald was the mythical American Dream Girl of the Roaring Twenties who became, in the words of her husband, F. Scott Fitzgerald, “the first American flapper.” Their romance transformed a symbol of glamour and spectacle of the Jazz Age. When Zelda cracked up, not long after the stock market crash of 1929, Scott remained loyal to her through a nightmare of later breakdowns and final madness.

Sally Cline brings us a trenchantly authentic voice through Zelda’s own highly autobiographical writings and hundreds of letters she wrote to friends and family, publishers and others. New medical evidence and interviews with Zelda’s last psychiatrist suggest that her “insanity” may have been less a specific clinical condition than the product of the treatment she endured for schizophrenia and her husband’s devastating alcoholism. In narrating Zelda’s tumultuous life, Cline vividly evokes the circle of Jazz Age friends that included Edmund Wilson, Ernest Hemingway, John Dos Passos, Dorothy Parker, Lillian Hellman, and H. L. Mencken. Her exhaustive research and incisive analysis animate a profoundly
moving portrait of Zelda and provide a convincing context to the legacy of her tragedy.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781611459630
Publisher: Arcade
Publication date: 01/12/2012
Format: eBook
Pages: 496
Sales rank: 547,269
File size: 1 MB

About the Author

Sally Cline is an award-winning writer and scholar and the author of twelve books, including biographies of Zelda Fitzgerald and Radclyffe Hall. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Read an Excerpt


Zelda Fitzgerald's life was made for story. It had page-turning qualities even before Zelda and Scott amended it for the legend.

The tale begins with the indisputably Thespian timing of her birth, which coincided with the start to the new century. Later she saw the dramatic possibilities of a life that paralleled an era.

Even her name had already been fictionalized. When Zelda was born on Tuesday, 24 July 1900, at 5:40 a.m. in the Sayres' house on South Street, Montgomery, her forty-year-old mother, Minerva, herself named for a myth, was known locally as an avid reader. Perusing romantic novels, Minnie had twice run across the unusual name Zelda. In Jane Howard's 1866 Zelda: A Tale of the Massachusetts Colony, the heroine was a beautiful gypsy In Zelda's Fortune, written in 1874 by Robert Edward Francillon, the second Zelda, again a gypsy, 'could have been placed in no imaginable situation without drawing upon herself a hundred stares'. Francillon's line could have been written expressly for Zelda Sayre.

Zelda's rhapsodic looks matched her artistic temperament. Her hair, long and loose, 'was that blonde color that's no color at all but a reflector of light'. And it was the lighthearted Machens, her sunny mother's relations, that Zelda took after, while her brother and sisters were dark like her father's temperament and Montgomery's history Zelda always said that her home town's controversial history strengthened her. Although (or perversely because) prolonged civil war tore the South apart and massacred an entire generation of Southern men, Montgomery citizens were proud that a nation had been born there. Today, more than half a century after Zelda's death, they still are. Montgomery was the Cradle of the Confederacy, and its first flag had been raised from the staff of the state Capitol. In Zelda's girlhood, ghosts of the late Confederacy drifted through sleepy oak-lined streets.

The Civil War, the defining historical event of the Deep South, still vibrated in people's minds. It created a distinctive Southern culture often at odds with itself and the country. During this blood-letting of 1861-5, the Confederate states in the South fought to maintain certain rights, not least the right of the states as opposed to the federal government to determine law on the institution of slavery, the mainstay in the South of an agricultural plantation economy. Thus the South ran counter to the moral beliefs of its time in perpetuating slavery just when the rest of the Western world was decisively giving it up.

In Zelda's birth year, only thirty-five years after slavery was abolished in America, the secret heart of the South still carried an uneasy but powerful sense of the Tightness of its nineteenth-century position on slavery, according to some historians. In adolescence Zelda saw period advertisements which proved lynching, mutilation and the mark of the branding iron had been incontestable methods by which black fieldhands and house servants were kept in check. But what Zelda heard was that these shocking brutalities disturbed the élan of white Montgomery families less than the tragedies that had befallen their own brave youths. For in this volatile environment, the resentments of the blacks were stifled beneath the white romanticization of antebellum plantation life built on slavery.

In her childhood Zelda never questioned the fact that the respectable white families with whom she mixed had been instrumental in upholding laws that penalized Negroes. In her own family her father, Judge Sayre, had even created such laws. Zelda's daughter, Scottie, later wrote: 'I am sorry to say that while he was a just man, known for his unshakable integrity, he was probably one of the sturdiest pillars of the unjust society ... he was author of the "Sayre Election Law", which effectively prevented Negroes from voting until the Civil Rights Act of 1964. So he was one of the heroes of the established order ... but then if you weren't, in those days and in this place, you would have been an outlaw from society.'

What Zelda learned from the Judge and her mother, Minnie Sayre, was that Southerners were fanatical about their Southern beauties, the chivalry of their Southern gentlemen, Union general Sherman's devastating raids, which were instrumental in the Confederacy's defeat. Because she came from an old, established, white Southern family, she understood the symbolism of the South's luxuriant blossoms which atrophied into perfumed decay. She grew up acutely aware that casualty and spoilage could always occur at a moment of great promise to any of the young men who courted her. Zelda's heritage was the proximity of youth and beauty to death and annihilation.

Talking about the dead was therefore common among Zelda's circle. She knew her ancestors were spirited, quixotic and rash. Pioneers and speculators, politicians and lawyers, they raced to the brink and didn't pull back. Zelda felt she took after them. The Sayres and the Morgans on her father's side were illustrious and property-owning while the Cresaps and the Machens on her mother's side were powerful and romantic.

After Zelda's death, when Scottie investigated the Maryland Cresap line that stretched from Zelda's maternal grandmother, Victoria Cresap Mims, back to the seventeenth century, she said it became clear why Zelda emerged from a conservative Southern background as one of the Twenties' most flamboyant figures: 'My mother was descended from some of the most audacious, impetuous, picturesque and irrepressible figures in all of Maryland's colorful history'.

The most audacious was Colonel Thomas Cresap, born 1694 in Skipton, Yorkshire. This quintessential frontiersman had emigrated to the York County side of the Susquehanna River in Maryland, where he ran a ferry across to the present-day town of Washington Boro. Cresap was known as The Maryland Monster' to the Pennsylvanians among whom he settled. Rumoured to be Lord Baltimore's secret agent, he had been granted 500 acres and appointed surveyor, magistrate and captain of the militia in competition with the Pennsylvanian officials. So obnoxious was he to them that finally they sent him to jail. As he was led in chains to the courthouse, hundreds gathered to see the infamous Maryland Monster.

Once released, he impertinently borrowed from his lawyers to move his family to Oldtown, an abandoned Indian village near today's Cumberland. He founded the Ohio Company and became guide, explorer, politician and protagonist in the wilderness drama. Depending on which version you credit, the Monstrous Frontiersman died at the age of 96,100 or 102.

It was Thomas's 'perfect mate', Hannah Johnson, married to him in 1727, who particularly fired Zelda's imagination. Born in Prince George's County, Hannah, a 'darkly handsome Amazon', defended her disputed territory on the old Indian lands of Conejola. When arrested by Lancaster County's sheriff in 1736, she 'carried a rifle, two pistols, a tomahawk, a scalping knife, and a small dagger in her boot'.

Of Hannah's three sons, one was killed by Indians and another died serving in George Washington's army in 1775. Her oldest son, Daniel Cresap, fought in the French and Indian War and was buried in Maryland in 1798 at the foot of Dan's Mountain, named after his own glorious exploits. His son Daniel Jr., born 1753, who commanded a regiment to put down the 1794 Whisky Rebellion, died from hardships on the campaign.

The last of Zelda's bold Maryland ancestors, Daniel Junior's eldest son, Edward Otho, his courageous wife, Sarah Briscoe, and two small daughters travelled down the Ohio River on a flatboat to Kentucky. Within six years Sarah was widowed with five tiny children. A tame version of Edward's death suggests he caught pneumonia, but Zelda always preferred the version that he was killed by Chickasaw Indians. One anecdote on which all versions agree is that, because of the tangled position in which his body was found, he had to be squeezed into his coffin. Then when it was opened at the wake, out sprang the body of Edward Otho.

Sarah's daughter Caroline Cresap, Zelda's great-grandmother, who married John Mims of Kentucky, inherited the Cresap bravado. Caroline's daughter Victoria married Confederate senator Willis B. Machen, twenty-eight years her senior and already twice widowed, with whom she had two daughters: Zelda's mother, Minnie, and the younger, delicate Aunt Marjorie. Minnie would tell Zelda how during the Civil War her intrepid grandmother Caroline, on a visit to the Machens' Kentucky home, Mineral Mount, on the Cumberland River, insisted on flying the Confederate flag from the roof. A passing Yankee gunboat instantly splintered the house with shells.

In Zelda's home in Pleasant Avenue, Minnie, who had been five years old at the time of the incident, still kept Senator Machen's carved mahogany secretaire, whose corner had been blown off by the gunfire. She riveted young Zelda with tales of their Machen ancestors' earlier exploits. There was John Machen, who boldly emigrated to Virginia from Scotland in the early seventeenth century There was his son Thomas Machen, still restless, who left Virginia for South Carolina then finally settled to marriage with a Sayre cousin, Mary Chilton. There was Thomas's son Henry Machen I, a man still on the move. A lieutenant during the Revolution, he went to Kentucky with an English immigrant, Grace Greenwood. By 1802 Zelda's great-grandfather, tobacco planter Henry Machen III, and his wife Nancy Tarrant had formed a Scottish colony on Kentucky's Cumberland River. Minnie showed Zelda a sepia photo of herself on which an admirer had scrawled 'The Wild Lily of Cumberland'.

Henry Machen Ill's son Willis, raised in Kentucky when the state was a frontier, was energetic, enterprising and multi-talented like his granddaughter Zelda. Initially an iron-refiner, when his business failed, to everyone's astonishment he became a successful lawyer in Kentucky's southwest, served in the legislature and helped frame Kentucky's constitution.

Willis's major rebellion came during the Civil War, when Kentucky's allegiance to the Union was challenged by a provisional state government set up by secessionists, among whom Willis was preeminent. He was elected to the Confederate Congress and appointed President of the Council of Ten, the Governor of Kentucky's advisory board.

However, in 1865, as a secessionist he was forced to flee with a price on his head to Canada, where Victoria and their daughters joined him, until he was pardoned by President Grant in 1869 and returned to Kentucky to rebuild his plantation.

In 1872 Willis served for four months in the U.S. Senate, during which time young Minnie visited Washington with him. His name was presented by the Kentucky Democratic delegation for the vice presidential nomination that year, though he did not win it. By 1880 he was a powerful member of the Kentucky railroad commission. Minnie, like Zelda a rebel, did not always agree with her father but remained proud of him. It was that pride which Zelda absorbed and which she saw in her home, a veritable seat of justice presided over by her father, Judge Anthony Dickinson Sayre. Zelda learned from her father that blood and breeding were more significant status symbols than house ownership. The Judge's home became a 'shining sword [which] sleeps at night in the sheath of his tired nobility'. In Zelda's first novel, her father becomes a retributory organ, the force of law and order, the pillar of established discipline. He was a living fortress' who offered his children such a sense of security that it absolved them 'from the early social efforts necessary in life to construct strongholds for themselves'. This made her despise 'weaklings' without the 'courage and the power to feel they're right when the whole world says they're wrong'.

Yet when she was in the wrong her father's reputation protected her from open criticism. In his thirties he was asked to serve as a member of the Alabama House of Representatives. Four years later he was elected president of the State Senate for a term. By 1897 he had become a city court judge in Montgomery.

In 1909 he was appointed to the Alabama Supreme Court as associate judge. 'Though judges were elected, he refused ever to campaign, which fortunately became unnecessary, for he early on ceased having any opponents. The thing he is most famous for in legal circles is never having had an opinion overturned.' From 1910 he was reelected each year, and by 1928 he was awarded the degree of doctor of laws. Throughout Zelda's childhood, 'he was considered a great judge, so much so that when it rained, the conductor of the streetcar ... which he caught every morning, would stop the streetcar and walk for two blocks with an umbrella to fetch him'.

Judge Anthony Sayre had grown up in his father Daniel's book-lined house on Court Street, Montgomery, where Daniel had inspired his children with a love of learning. Daniel Sayre had founded and edited a Tuskegee newspaper, then moved to Montgomery to edit the Montgomery Post. Anthony, his youngest son, was sent to a small private school, then in 1878 to Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, from where he graduated with honours in Greek and mathematics. He spent a year teaching at Vanderbilt University, then returned to Montgomery to read law and be admitted to the Bar. He earned little during his first few years as a practising attorney However in 1883, at twenty-five, when he was appointed clerk of the city court he knew he was in a position to marry

As the nephew of the distinguished United States senator John Tyler Morgan (his mother Musidora's younger brother), he spent some leisure time with the Morgans. On New Year's Eve his uncle John's family gave a ball. A young Kentucky woman, Minnie Buckner Machen, who was staying with her Montgomery cousin Miss Chilton, was invited. The Chiltons were also cousins to the Sayres, which gave shy young Anthony a reason to approach her. He noticed her mass of curling hair, her firm bones that held her jewellike face, her determined chin, which Zelda inherited.

Minnie was less interested in flirting with him than in hurrying back to Kentucky, for her father, Senator Willis B. Machen, had promised she might go to Philadelphia for elocution and music lessons. Minnie's chin was determined on a stage career. She was talented: she wrote poetry, acted, sketched and sang soprano. She gave music lessons to friends and her first story had been published.

Life on a big stage held greater interest than life as a small-town lawyer's wife. Minnie left Anthony for Philadelphia, where she read for Georgia Drew, head of the Barrymore-Drew theatrical family and, offered a role, was determined to accept. But when Willis Machen discovered her unseemly actions, he hurtled after his daughter, dragged her off the stage, put her on a train back to Kentucky. Once home she discovered the reason for his rage. The Southern Democrats were talking of nominating him as their presidential candidate. He certainly could not afford to have a daughter who was an actress. It would be more seemly for her to marry a lawyer with prospects. Mineral Mount, Machen's red-brick mansion on his three-thousand-acre tobacco plantation, would be a fine place for a wedding.

And so it was, on 17 June 1884.

Minnie told Zelda that she never entirely got over her disappointment at not going on the stage: a disappointment heightened after a Kentucky publisher asked her to consider writing a novel at a time when the most she could manage was occasional poems or stories for the Montgomery Advertiser. For by then she was running a household of ten, which included her five children, daughters Marjorie, Rosalind and Clothilde, fourteen, eleven and nine when Zelda, always known as Baby, was born in 1900, and her one surviving son, Anthony Dickinson Sayre Jr., born 1894, whom she treasured; as well as several relatives.

The death at eighteen months of her first-born son, Daniel (who was her second child), threw a permanent shadow over her life. After the birth in 1886 of Marjorie, frail, fretful, always subject to illness, Minnie had been heartened by the birth in 1887 of the strong, robust boy. But the child who raced through their home one day was stricken by spinal meningitis the next. 'When he died I wanted to die too,' Minnie said. 'I shut myself up in my room. I wouldn't see anyone or eat. I lay on the bed and turned my face to the wall. It might have gone on like that for no telling how long. But then ... our family doctor ... made me look at him. "Minnie", he said. "I know how you feel. But you've got a poor lonely girl downstairs who needs you. What's past is past. You've got to live for the living."'

It was a phrase Minnie was to use often in a life so shaken by tragedies that a friend suggested an epitaph: 'Tragedy was an old familiar acquaintance of Mama Sayre's, one to whom she could say calmly, I know you and I am not afraid.'


Excerpted from "Zelda Fitzgerald"
by .
Copyright © 2011 Sally Cline.
Excerpted by permission of Skyhorse Publishing.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

'Zelda' by Helen Dunmore,
PART I SOUTHERN VOICE: 1900-April 1920,
PART II NORTHERN VOICE: April 1920-April 1924,
PART III FOREIGN VOICES: May 1924-December 1926,
PART IV CREATIVE VOICES: January 1927-1929,
PART VI IN HER OWN VOICE: 1941-March 1948,

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