Working with the Light: A Spiritual Guide

We all have to choose to work with the light or with the dark forces. Many people feel overwhelmed by negative powers and are at a loss about what to do. In Working with the Light, author Karen Bernabo offers a manual for cleansing, healing, and protection to help you throughout your everyday life.

A culmination of many years of learning, teaching, and practicing the skills outlined in this guide, Bernabo shares her passion of working with the spirit and shares the advantages of working with the light. She discusses spirit healing and spiritual healing, communicating with the higher guides, meditating your way to peace of mind, clearing out all forms of negativity, and protecting you and others from harm.

For both beginners and advanced, Working with the Light helps you find the positive energy available to counter the negative, and it tells you how to keep negative energies away from others.

Working with the Light: A Spiritual Guide

We all have to choose to work with the light or with the dark forces. Many people feel overwhelmed by negative powers and are at a loss about what to do. In Working with the Light, author Karen Bernabo offers a manual for cleansing, healing, and protection to help you throughout your everyday life.

A culmination of many years of learning, teaching, and practicing the skills outlined in this guide, Bernabo shares her passion of working with the spirit and shares the advantages of working with the light. She discusses spirit healing and spiritual healing, communicating with the higher guides, meditating your way to peace of mind, clearing out all forms of negativity, and protecting you and others from harm.

For both beginners and advanced, Working with the Light helps you find the positive energy available to counter the negative, and it tells you how to keep negative energies away from others.

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Working with the Light: A Spiritual Guide

Working with the Light: A Spiritual Guide

by Karen Bernabo
Working with the Light: A Spiritual Guide

Working with the Light: A Spiritual Guide

by Karen Bernabo


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We all have to choose to work with the light or with the dark forces. Many people feel overwhelmed by negative powers and are at a loss about what to do. In Working with the Light, author Karen Bernabo offers a manual for cleansing, healing, and protection to help you throughout your everyday life.

A culmination of many years of learning, teaching, and practicing the skills outlined in this guide, Bernabo shares her passion of working with the spirit and shares the advantages of working with the light. She discusses spirit healing and spiritual healing, communicating with the higher guides, meditating your way to peace of mind, clearing out all forms of negativity, and protecting you and others from harm.

For both beginners and advanced, Working with the Light helps you find the positive energy available to counter the negative, and it tells you how to keep negative energies away from others.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452530642
Publisher: Balboa Press Australia
Publication date: 09/17/2015
Pages: 126
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.30(d)

Read an Excerpt

Working with the Light

A Spiritual Guide

By Karen Bernabo

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2015 Karen Bernabo
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-3064-2


Advantages of Working with the Light

We all have to choose to work with the light or with the dark forces. If you are sitting on the fence and still weighing your options, think this over carefully before making up your mind. Some people get hooked into the darker side because of perceived power gains. They are made to feel in control. Darker beings do their bidding when they want revenge on others. Some people feel powerful with this ability they think they possess. If they can hear the dark ones, they are led to believe everything they desire will be theirs for the taking.

I have seen quite a few people who have chosen this path, but I have yet to see one of them happy. If you think about people you have known who seek revenge on — or do not-so-nice things to — others, you will see this to be true. They are often depressed and have anger issues, to name just a couple of things.

For those of you who wish to work with and stay in the light, there are plenty of higher beings ready to help you with all aspects of your lives. They will help with whatever you ask, except anything negative, going against another's karma, or any manipulation for self-gain. There are higher beings, including in the angelic realm, who can even help with finding a great parking spot. It really works; try it yourself the next time you go shopping. Just make sure you ask before you leave home so there is enough time to get your request. Mind you, I occasionally have had a bit of a walk. I figured I needed some exercise, as I had been sitting all day!

I always say that without spirit, I could do nothing. I am talking about mediumship as well as all the clearing, cleansing, protecting, and healing work they do with and through me as a channel for them. They do amazing work with clearing out negativity in all forms and protecting us from harm. I cover this in depth in other chapters. In short, they can keep us, including our loved ones, safe, cleansed, protected, guided, and healed.


How to Protect Yourself and Others from Negative Energies

Self-Cleansing and Protection

This exercise needs to be done at least once every twenty-four hours to keep you protected at all times. I do this every morning before starting my day. If you feel under any psychic attack or any negative influences, I recommend repeating this process in the evening too. This further strengthens your protection.

You can speak the following out loud while visualizing everything that is being done.

I ask to be cleansed by God's golden, divine white light. (See this as a beautiful light shower of white light infused with a golden hue that is flowing over you and pushing off and away from you anything that is unwanted in your aura/energy fields.)

I now ask please for Saint Germain, with his violet flame of transmutation, to bring this right around me and through me in order to transmute any negative energy into positive. (See this violet flame in your mind's eye going around you, through you, over you, and under you.)

I ask please for Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Lord Maitreya, the Mahatma, and Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command to sweep the platinum net right through my energy fields. (See this as a platinum net of infused light being taken right through all of it.)

I ask please for the viral vacuum-removal program to be run completely over my energy fields. I also ask for the bacterial vacuum-removal program to be run over my energy fields. (See these two vacuums being swept over you by the higher beings.)

I now ask please for Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Commander Ashtar, and as many spiritual warriors and higher beings from God's light as are needed, and where needed, to have golden gloves, blue flaming swords, golden swords, silver swords, and whatever else is needed to completely unhook, sever, cut away, seal, heal, and block from ever reconnecting any and all negative and/or unwanted entities, energies, enemies, thought forms, etheric dross, negative influences, manipulative energies, hexes, curses, spells, incantations, or anything else that is not for my highest good or that goes against my higher self. All are to be removed and captured in indigo-blue bubbles and either destroyed by being cast into the light or thrown into the cosmic fire, or to be taken to their points of origin or whatever lower realm/dimension they belong to.

I now ask please for Archangel Michael to place your protective shield completely around me, connecting it to source energy, filling it with golden, divine white light-source energy, and making it a million times stronger than any protection that has ever been around me before.

I also ask please for Archangel Metatron's protective shield to be placed around me as strong as the previous shielding, followed by Commander Ashtar's shield and any other higher being who can and is willing to place his protective shield and/or cloak around me for my highest good.

I now ask for the golden spiral of protection to be placed around me. (See this as a golden disc of light that you are standing on, larger than if you had your hands outstretched and past your fingertips. See it spiralling in a cone shape over your head and connecting right up to source energy.) Now I ask please for a golden dome of protection encircling around that, followed by an indigo-blue shield of protection to surround all that has been put in place around me.

I now ask please for a two-way mirror shield to be encased right around me, that I can see completely crystal clear through it, and that all my psychic abilities are completely enhanced, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, and spirit mediumship wherever needed or wanted, but no psychically prying eyes can see in unless my higher self gives permission to do so. Otherwise, they just see God's loving and healing light shining back at them.

I now ask please for all that to be held in a golden merkabah (divine light) of protection. (Visualise this as a star point above your head, a star point below your feet, a star point behind you, a star point in front of you, a star point to the right, and a star point to the left of you, as well as diagonally up to the left, another diagonally up to the right, one diagonally down to the right, and another diagonally down to the left. This forms a star within a star.)

I now ask please for Saint Germain to surround all my protection with his violet flame of transmutation that moves a million times faster than the speed of light and actively seeks out any and all negative energies, transmuting them into positive energies, and then for it to be absorbed back into the nearest person who needs it the most and accepts it. I ask for this to please be in place now and at least for the next twenty-four hours.

Casting Out Negative Entities from Within

I recommend doing these next two exercises if possible while lying on a healing table with a really good, experienced healing practitioner who has done the work helping people release negative entities and then moving them on so they will not come back to you again. The reason for this is that the healing practitioner can hold your energy and make sure it's done smoothly and easily so you feel hardly anything going on or the effects of what's happening.

I did the next two exercises on my own, which was more than a bit unpleasant! So I do not recommend doing this on your own for that reason. I have found, however, that when I am helping a client with this problem, he or she feels none of the discomfort I had experienced during my outing of the negativity. If you really feel you are capable, go ahead, but I do caution you. Otherwise, please seek out and speak with someone who does this work. Not all healers, no matter what the healing modality, have actually been trained in helping people in every way, even if they are a Reiki master or similar. I learned about casting out negative entities through spirit healing.

Christ Ray Clearing

Let us begin with you lying down and allowing yourself to be relaxed and in an altered state of being. Make sure you have already done the self-cleansing, clearing, and protection as well as at least the room protection if not the home. (If you have my CD on psychic protection, play it now. The CD contains information where you only have to do a repeat-after-me session without having to read along.)

Say the following either out loud or in your mind: I ask, please, for the Christ ray to come into me and through my crown chakra and go all through me to completely cleanse and now rid me of all negative entities, energies, and influences from this lifetime or any other. (If you can see clairvoyantly, you will see this as a blood-red colour.) I now ask for the highest healing for myself from Archangel Raphael and all your healing angels, Mother Mary, Master Jesus, the medical assistance program team, Dr. Lorphan and the galactic healing team, Lord Buddha and all lord and lady masters in Shamballa, and any other higher being from gods (universal force life force energy). I ask for this please to be continued for as long as needed.

*Cautionary note: This second part can and probably should be done on a second occasion especially if you are attempting to do this on your own.

Clearing Ties from Past Lives by the Lords of Karma

This second part can and probably should be done on a separate occasion, especially if you are attempting this on your own. But if you feel you can cope and are willing to continue, then go ahead with the following exercise.

Make sure you are in a relaxed and meditative state of being, and say the following either out loud or in your mind.

I now ask for my highest and best spirit guide, along with Archangel Michael, to please be with me. I ask please to be taken up to the Lords of Karma for a divine dispensation intervention.

Feel yourself in their presence and say, "I ask please the Lords of Karma for a divine dispensation intervention. I ask please for forgiveness in this lifetime and for all my lifetimes for anything negative that I have ever done and said to anyone for any reason. I now forgive myself for all of this as well, as I understand it was a learning experience. I ask to please be disconnected completely from all negative entities and energies and thought forms immediately. I thank the Lords of Karma for hearing me and helping me."

Feel yourself now all the way back and completely free of all negative influences. Now ask for an intensive complete healing from Archangel Raphael with all his healing angels, Mother Mary, Master Jesus, the medical assistance program team, Dr. Lorphan and the galactic healing team, Lord Buddha and all the lord and lady masters in Shamballa, and any other higher being who is willing to assist my healing.


House Clearing and Cleansing

Repeat the following (out loud or in your mind):

I ask please for a gigantic snowball of Gods golden divine white light starting at the back borderline of my property known as (insert your address), and it reaches at least sixty-five feet above the highest point of the roof or tallest tree and at least sixty-five feet below the lowest point of the property. Sweep it through the entire width and take it through from the back to the front, pushing all negative energy into the gutter.

Now I ask please for Saint Germain with his violet flame of transmutation, starting at the back borderline of the property with at least the same dimensions as the snowball of divine golden white light, taking it right through everything in its path, totally transmuting all negative energy into positive, going past the front of the property to the middle of the road.

I now call forth Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Commander Ashtar from the Ashtar Command, and as many spiritual warriors as are needed and where needed to have golden gloves on, carrying blue flaming swords, golden swords, silver swords, and whatever else is needed to completely sever, cut away, seal, heal, and block from ever reconnecting. Then capture in indigo-blue bubbles all negative and unwanted entities, energies, enemies, negative thought forms and influences, and etheric dross. I also ask for the removal of anything created by negative thoughts, whether mine or anyone else's, any negative emotions or feelings, including anger, hatred, jealousy, envy, revenge, spite, grief, sadness, loneliness, and aloneness, and anything created or caused by hexes, curses, spells, incantations, witchcraft, paganism, Satanism, devil worshipping. Anything of a lower nature or that goes against my higher self and is not for my highest good should be completely removed from me now from this lifetime, past, present, and future, as well as all past and future lives, all parallel universes, lives, and different dimensions, going through all time and space continuum.

Now that they are all in indigo-blue bubbles, I ask please that they either be destroyed by being cast into the divine golden white light or thrown into the cosmic fire or be taken to whatever lower dimension it is they come from or their point of origin, whatever Archangel Michael sees fit. I ask him to oversee all these proceedings for my highest good. Thank you.

I also ask now Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron, Lord Maitreya, and the Mahatma to please sweep the platinum net right through the entire property and everything in and on it as many times as needed between now and throughout the next twenty-four hours.

I now ask please for Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron with the ascended masters and any other higher beings of the light who are willing to search for any portals, vortexes, and any other negative openings to close them and place golden seals of Solomon on each of them, and where possible, implode them if it is for the highest good.

I ask please for the angels of progression to come and take by the hand any and all earthbound entities and bring them where they belong, into the light. I also ask please for Archangel Michael to give his assistance if there is any resistance to ensure their progression into the light for their highest good. Thank you.

I now ask for the golden spiral of protection to be placed completely around the property known as (insert your address) (see this as a large golden disc of light that covers the entire ground and just extends past the boundary lines of the property from the back to the front, to all sides, right and left). Then it spirals up in a cone shape right over the top of the property, going higher than the tallest tree or the rooftop (whichever is higher), and then see a thick golden thread of energy from the centre at the top that goes all the way right up to God, universal light Source energy.

I ask please to be surrounded by a golden bubble of protection, encased in a reflective and impenetrable bubble except to the higher forces above, a shield of indigo-blue protection. I also ask please for Archangel Michael to place his shield and cloak of protection completely around all that and to make it a million times stronger than any protection that has ever been placed around it before. Now I ask please for Archangel Metatron to place his shielding completely around that, and at least be as strong as Archangel Michael's protection. I ask the same with Commander Ashtar of the Ashtar Command to place his protective shielding and cloaking around all that, and I ask any other higher beings from the light who are willing to place your protection right over it as well.

I now ask please for a two-way mirror shield of protection to be put around the protection already in place, making it so I can see perfectly clearly right through it with my psychic faculties enhanced, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. I ask that no psychically prying eyes can see into it unless my higher self gives permission. Otherwise they just see God's loving and healing light reflecting and shining back at them.

I also ask please for a gigantic golden merkabah of protection to encircle everything and for it to be surrounded by Saint Germain's violet flame of transmutation, which goes a million times faster than the speed of light and actively seeks out and transmutes all negative and unwanted energies into positive energies that come anywhere near here.

I now ask please for any psychic attack of any kind that comes anywhere near me or this place to be completely destroyed by the cosmic fire and that it sends lines of fire down, destroying the link of energy. May the perpetrators be dealt with immediately to the fullest extent of karmic law by the Lords of Karma.

I ask for this all please to be done now, and for at least the next twenty-four hours, and if possible to go back in time to the past twenty-four hours. I thank all the higher beings for all the help with cleansing, clearing, and protecting.


Excerpted from Working with the Light by Karen Bernabo. Copyright © 2015 Karen Bernabo. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Introduction, xi,
Chapter 1. Advantages of Working with the Light, 1,
Chapter 2. How to Protect Yourself and Others from Negative Energies, 3,
Chapter 3. House Clearing and Cleansing, 9,
Chapter 4. Protecting Yourself against Psychic Vampires (Energy Drainers), 15,
Chapter 5. Breaking a Curse, 19,
Chapter 6. The Importance of Meditation, 21,
Chapter 7. Healing Yourself and Others through Different Modalities, 23,
Chapter 8. How to Do a Spirit Healing and a Spiritual Healing, 27,
Chapter 9. How to Do a Chakra Balancing, 35,
Chapter 10. Why We Open Our Chakras to Do Spirit Healings and Readings, 37,
Chapter 11. The Importance of Why We Should Close Our Chakras, 39,
Chapter 12. Calling for Protection from Negative Energies, 41,
Chapter 13. Closing Portals/Vortexes in Your Home, 45,
Chapter 14. Why Not to Play with a Spirit Communication Board (Ouija Board), 47,
Chapter 15. Retrieving Your Power, 49,
Chapter 16. Breaking Negative Ties, 51,
Chapter 17. Removing Karma from Past Lives, 57,
Chapter 18. How to Know the Difference between Negative and Positive Energies, 61,
Chapter 19. Progressing Earthbound Spirits into the Light, 63,
Chapter 20. How to Clear Energies When Someone Dies, 65,
Chapter 21. Clearing Energies When Purchasing Goods, 67,
Chapter 22. How to Know If You Have an Earthbound or a Negative Spirit Influencing You, 69,
Chapter 23. How to Forgive Others and Why You Should, 71,
Chapter 24. Law of Free Will: Don't Ask, Don't Get, 73,
Chapter 25. How to Keep Yourself and Others in Unconditional Love, 75,
Chapter 26. Cleansing Your Auric Field and Chakras — Meditational Exercise, 77,
Chapter 27. Handing Back a Problem That You Can Do No More With, 79,
Chapter 28. Sitting in the Right Psychic Development/Mediumship Circle, 81,
Chapter 29. Why Not to Do Recreational Drugs/Excessive Alcohol Drinking, 83,
Chapter 30. Exercises to See Auric Fields, 85,
Chapter 31. Exercises to Rid Yourself of Negative Thought Patterns, 87,
Chapter 32. Meeting Loved Ones While in Dream State, 91,
Chapter 33. Higher Halls of Healing and How to Get There, 93,
Chapter 34. Higher and Lower Realms of Existence, 95,
Chapter 35. What's the Difference between a Psychic and a Medium?, 97,
Chapter 36. Orbs: Beings of Light or Something Else?, 99,
Chapter 37. Meditations, 101,
About the Author, 111,
Recommended Reading, 113,

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