by Dotdash Meredith
Current Issue: October 2024

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by Dotdash Meredith

NOOK Magazine

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Welcome to the digital edition of WOOD, the only magazine that gives you all the know-how, how-to and inspiration you need to get fantastic results in your shop! You get it all – best-of-the-best projects (more than 40 a year!)... shop tips from the pros... jigs to save time... guides for buying the best tools... finishing tricks and techniques... challenges to keep you sharp... EVERYTHING you need to do the job right the first time, every time – guaranteed! But that's just the beginning – you also get:
  • Pull-out full-size patterns in every issue
  • Online project plans – the best on the internet
  • Online videos that show you how the pros do it – and how you can, too

Expect the Best of the Best in every issue ... say yes to WOOD Magazine today!

WOOD is published 7 times annually.

Product Details

Publisher: Dotdash Meredith
# of issues/year: 7
Delivered: Bi-monthly
Current Issue: October 2024
Format: NOOK Magazine
These items ship to U.S. addresses only.
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