Winter Break: A Novel

Winter Break: A Novel

by Kayla Perrin
Winter Break: A Novel

Winter Break: A Novel

by Kayla Perrin



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I knew it wasn't true. It couldn't be. . . . And yet, I couldn't help staring at him, wondering. However fleeting, there was the slightest hint of doubt in my mind.

Didi Randall doesn't think her life can get much worse than public humiliation when her boyfriend is the subject of a vicious rumor on campus. Despite their four-year relationship, the rumor puts a wedge between her and Drake, but Didi is hopeful that they can reconnect on the winter break cruise. She, Drake, and a handful of Lan-U students will be sailing the high seas of the Caribbean just before the start of the New Year and new semester.

The cruise turns out to anything but happy and carefree when ugly secrets and grudges between friends are revealed. But Didi's troubles go beyond simple public humiliation when she wakes up on deck early in the morning, disoriented, and then learns that Drake is missing. It quickly becomes clear that he must have gone overboard. But was it an accident—or was it murder?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781429975995
Publisher: St. Martin's Publishing Group
Publication date: 01/04/2011
Sold by: Macmillan
Format: eBook
Pages: 320
File size: 352 KB

About the Author

About The Author
Kayla Perrin is Essence bestselling author of more than twenty-five novels including The Delta Sisters, We'll Never Tell, and What's Done in Darkness. She was featured in the documentary Who's Afraid of Happy Endings. She lives in Toronto, Canada.

Read an Excerpt

Winter Break

By Kayla Perrin

St. Martin's Press

Copyright © 2010 Kayla Perrin
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4299-7599-5


Two weeks later ...

Her body turned up three days after she was last seen. Everyone assumed that Rachel Jepson had gotten into her car and simply taken off. That she'd headed to her sister's place in New York. Or to the airport, where she'd gotten on a plane and headed for home. Or any other place where she could have escaped it all for a while.

People figured that she had wanted to be anywhere but Lancaster University, and who could blame her? Most women who dated Seth Downey didn't escape unscathed. He was simultaneously Lan-U's biggest jerk and most sought after guy. People often overlooked character flaws when an obscene amount of money was involved.

And Seth Downey's parents were obscenely rich. Something Seth flaunted shamelessly, as it bought him a lot of power.

Unfortunately, money couldn't buy class. Nor could it buy decent character. In fact, one could argue that it enhanced one's character deficiencies.

Which was no doubt the case where Seth Downey was concerned.

He dated women for sport — Rachel included. And when he'd had his fill of her, he had humiliated her with some X-rated pictures he'd taken of her — projecting them on his big-screen television at one of his house parties. Rachel, who had been at the party and still officially Seth's girlfriend at the time, had understandably run from the house in tears.

Three days later, Rachel's car was found in a ravine off a rural road heading toward Philadelphia. Maybe she'd been drunk. Maybe she'd simply gotten disoriented on the dark road and had accidentally veered off the paved path. Or maybe she'd swerved to miss hitting a deer. Somehow she had ended up in a ravine obscured by bushes. If not for some kids playing in the area who had spotted her car, her body might not have been found for many months.

News of Rachel's death had spread like wildfire across the campus. Most people speculated that it wasn't really an accident, but a suicide.

I believed the speculation. Given what Seth had done to her, it made sense that Rachel had killed herself.

Her suicide had been the second one since my senior year started, and it had shaken us all. But after about three days of speculating and feeling sorry for her, we moved on.

Continued with our lives as normal.

I'll admit, I wasn't too torn up over her death. I wasn't Rachel's biggest fan. Not after learning of her indiscretion with my boyfriend. She had crossed the line with Drake, and that had been inexcusable.

Inexcusable because we'd all been friends. We came from the same town, and Rachel had gone to high school with my boyfriend before he'd transferred to my high school. With all of us from Oakland, California, we'd had a common bond at Lan-U. But after learning that she'd seduced my man, well, she became one of my least favorite people.

But I did feel sorry that she had been so unhappy that she'd been driven to suicide. I pitied her for dating Seth, and felt her pain at what he had so cruelly done to her.

At the time, I couldn't imagine suffering public humiliation like that.

Little did I know that mere days after Rachel's suicide, I would be the one thrown into the lion's den, publicly humiliated for the entertainment of others.

* * *

"Hey, babe." My lips curled into a large smile when I saw Drake, my boyfriend, standing just outside my dorm-room doorway.

He stepped forward, drew me into his arms, and kissed me, the kind of kiss that had me feeling sparks. We had been together for five years, but my passion for him had not faded. Drake was tall, dark, and incredibly handsome. At six- foot-four, with golden brown skin and an athletic build, he was one of the hottest guys on campus.

And he was mine.

"What was that for?" I asked as we pulled apart.

"Can't I kiss the girl I love?"

The sensual timber of his voice had me wanting to get naked, but I knew that my roommate could show up at any minute. "Don't get me all hot and bothered," I whispered. "You know I've got that psych paper to write."

"Actually ..." Drake slipped an arm around my waist and nuzzled his nose in my neck. "I was thinking we could get away for a couple of days. Head to that hotel we went to last time." He ended the suggestion with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, and my body flooded with heat. We had been to that hotel just before the beginning of our senior year, and we'd had the best time a couple could have.

I was tempted — seriously — but there was no way I could swing it now. "My paper is due on Friday, and I already got an extension."

"Come on, babe," Drake said in his deepest, most sensual voice. "With my basketball this weekend, I won't be able to see you. Which is why I want to get away now."

"Why are you trying to tempt me like this?" I asked, my body flushed.

Before Drake could respond my cell phone rang, loudly interrupting our moment. Saved by the bell, I couldn't help thinking, because I knew my resolve had been weakening, and I simply couldn't afford a romantic getaway right now.

"Don't answer that."

I giggled as I turned and headed toward my bed where the phone was, thinking that Drake was seriously trying to turn on the charm. "Gimme a minute, lover boy."

As I reached for the phone on the bed, I saw Roxanne's number flashing on the screen. She was one of my two best friends at Lan-U.

I lifted the phone, then gasped when Drake's fingers curled around my wrist. I looked up at him, expecting to see a playful expression on his face as he continued in his attempt to seduce me. Instead, I saw steely resolve in his eyes.

"Don't answer that."

His tone, coupled with his serious gaze, caused alarm to slither down my spine, as cold as a cube of ice.

"It's only Roxanne," I protested.

Drake wrung the phone from my hands — hard enough that a spike of pain shot through my wrist.

"What the hell's the matter with you?" I asked, an edge to my voice.

"Damn it, I told you to leave the phone."

Fear gripped me from head to toe. Something serious was going on. Something Drake didn't want me to know.

"What is it?" I asked, my heart beating rapidly. Surely he wasn't about to break the kind of news he had when he'd admitted his one-night stand with Rachel.

Drake lowered himself onto my bed and dragged a hand over his face. My cell phone rang again, but I made no move to take it from him.

He groaned. "All I wanted was one night. One night ... so I could be the one to tell you."

"Tell me what?"

When Drake didn't speak, just sat on my bed looking as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders, I knew he was about to shake the world as I knew it off its axis.

My iPhone trilled, telling me I had a text message. I waited several seconds for some type of reaction from Drake. Getting none, I took the phone from his fingers. He didn't resist.

The message was from Roxanne, who was clearly anxious to reach me. I pressed the button to open the message and quickly read:

OMG! Didi, go to The Gossip Hour website right now!

Then call me asap!!!

I glanced at Drake, who still wouldn't meet my gaze. Then I hurried to my desk where my netbook sat open.

I quickly brought up the Web site for The Gossip Hour, a campus blog that anonymously dished dirt about Lan-U students for sport. No one was ever named in the oftentimes vicious blog, but enough of a description was given to make it clear who the person was.

My eyes scanned the latest entry to The Gossip Hour site.

And now for the latest bit of Lan-U gossip. And oooh, it's juicy. Rumors abound that a certain Lan-U basketball player — about 6'4? with flawless tanned skin and looks as hot as a movie star's — forced himself onto a certain Plain Jane senior who crawled out of the hole she normally hides in and actually went to a college party. And by "forced himself" I do mean what you think: he raped her.

Allegedly, of course. But this is one of those rumors so bizarre, you can't help wondering if there isn't truth to it. I mean, who would make this up? Hot jock rapes a geeky wallflower? You know what they say: truth is stranger than fiction. And after all, where there's smoke, there's fire.

I sat still, not breathing, staring at the screen. I knew who the girl was. Natalie Laymon, queen of the campus geeks, had shown up at one of Seth's parties just over two weeks ago. Her shocking appearance at the soiree had been the talk of the campus. And just days after Rachel's death, I'd heard some rumors that Natalie was claiming she had been raped.

I was so absorbed in the words on the screen that when Drake's hand touched my shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my skin from fright.

A beat. "Didi, it's not true."

I knew it wasn't true. It couldn't be. Drake didn't need to rape anyone, much less a girl who could easily compete for the title of Least Attractive Girl on Campus.

And yet, I couldn't help staring at him, wondering. However fleeting, there was the slightest hint of doubt in my mind — because he had admitted he'd screwed Rachel Jepson. He had hurt me in a way I had believed him incapable of doing.

"Damn it, Didi. Don't look at me like that."

"Why didn't you just tell me?" The fact that Drake had come to my room hoping to lure me away on a supposed romantic getaway made it obvious that he was the star basketball player named in the blog. "You had to know I wouldn't believe it. In fact, I would have laughed at just how ridiculous the idea was. But for you to try to get me to go away in an effort to keep me from finding out —"

"Means I'm guilty?" Drake supplied, anger flashing in his eyes.

I didn't answer right away. "That's not what I said."

Drake's mouth pulled into a tight line. "Yeah, it's real obvious you believe me," he scoffed.

"Don't put this on me," I countered, shooting out of my chair. "You're the one who came in here acting all guilty."

"Guilty?" His eyes grew wide with disbelief. Disbelief that quickly morphed into disgust. "Five years, and this is the best I can expect from you?"

"I didn't say you were guilty."

"You may as well have."

And with that, Drake spun on his heel and charged toward the door.

"Drake!" I pleaded, but he didn't stop. He jerked my door open and rushed into the hallway, slamming the door so hard that the framed photo of us — taken at our senior high school prom — fell off the wall.

The photo dropped to the floor, the glass shattering into a million pieces.


They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But I'm not sure I agree with that. Sometimes, what doesn't kill you leaves you numb. Leaves you unable to handle the day-to-day activities in your life. Sometimes, it makes you wish you could simply disappear.

Ten days after it happened, my life had undeniably gone to hell. I didn't feel strong. Not one bit. I felt weak and depressed.

And I admit, there were moments when I fantasized about taking the easy way out — like Rachel Jepson did. Moments where I thought that being dead had to be better than living in hell.

I could relate to the overwhelming despair Rachel must have felt. The bitter sting of humiliation. But unlike Rachel, there was fight left in me. The fight to keep going, no matter how hard.

And it was hard. Everywhere I went on campus, I saw the stares. People didn't even try to be surreptitious. They openly gaped at me, their eyes showing condemnation.

From popular to leper in less than twenty-four hours. All because of Natalie Laymon's vicious lie.

Drake and I were talking, but it wasn't the same. It was as if there was a Plexiglas wall between us, keeping us emotionally divided. He was stressed over the accusation, and so was I — so much so that we hadn't even spent one night together since that fight in my dorm room when I'd learned the news.

It felt as if there was nothing good in my life, not anymore.

Perhaps that was why, when the call came, I quickly sprang to action. I needed a distraction. Something other than my life to focus on. An outlet for my anger and frustration.

"A kitten. Are you sure?" I had been lying down, a pillow pulled over my face, wallowing in despair when my cell phone rang. Now, I sat bolt upright.

"That's what Rick told me," Roxanne said.

"Damn it. What's he up to this time?"

"You know Seth. If he's gotten himself a kitten, it's not because he wants something to cuddle with at night."

I did know Seth. Rich. Spoiled. Asshole. "So we're going to rescue the kitten," I said. Not a question.

"You'd better believe it."

I, along with others who had been livid when we learned how Seth had brutalized a puppy, had reported him to his fraternity. As a result, he had been kicked out of the Zeta Kappa Phi fraternity, but if it had bothered him he hadn't shown it. He had continued being as arrogant as always. Walking around on campus as though he ruled the kingdom.

Seth Downey may have had access to the millions his father had made in manufacturing, and sure, he could act like a pompous ass because of it, but being rotten rich did not entitle him to abuse animals.

Which was no doubt what he planned to do to the kitten.

"I'll head to my car now," I said to Roxanne.

"I'm already there."

Ever since Seth had been kicked out of his fraternity — and as a result, the fraternity house — he had been living in a townhouse just off the Lancaster University campus that he had bought. To my dismay, my boyfriend of five years had been one of four guys who moved into the house with him. I tried — for the sake of my relationship — to believe that Drake was simply in denial as to Seth's true nature. The two had become friends because they were both on the Lan-U basketball team; somehow Drake missed all the neon "asshole" signs flashing around Seth's head.

Seth had all-American looks — a thick head of blond hair; a beautiful, boyish face that guaranteed he would age well; and the kind of smile that could charm the pants off of even the most guarded girl. He was gorgeous, wealthy, and had all the toys any boy could ever want. He attracted every guy on campus, and a good portion of the girls. Drake was just as intrigued by Seth as countless others, oblivious to his true nature.

At least Drake hadn't been around when Seth had tasered the puppy. He wouldn't have stood by and watched that kind of cruelty without speaking up. In fact, he told me he didn't believe the story, that an angry ex must have made it up to get back at Seth.

I did believe the story. Which was why a bunch of us had reported Seth to his fraternity. There'd been no proof, only rumor, but Seth had already been on probation for other issues, and the fraternity had decided they didn't want any more trouble from him, so they expelled him.

Taking only a moment to slip into my shoes and a jacket, I raced downstairs to meet Roxanne Miller. She and I had met and bonded in the campus organization SCTA — Stop Cruelty to Animals — that had been formed two years ago when the university had debated culling the numerous deer that grazed the college grounds. I and many others felt that killing innocent deer was cruel and unfair. We had encroached on their homeland. We protested loudly on campus, at city hall, and in the end, we were heard. The deer were spared.

Reaching the parking lot, I saw Roxanne pacing beside my gold-colored 2004 Ford Focus, a trusty car I had driven all the way from Oakland, California, to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, when I had gotten accepted here. She was fired up, all five feet four inches of her, ready to kick some ass. She didn't look a day over sixteen, and that, coupled with her baby-faced cuteness and radiant smile, often fooled people into thinking she was harmless. But she was feisty as hell when necessary.

I hurried to the car, pressing the remote door opener as I did. Roxanne got into the passenger seat while I quickly got behind the wheel.

"Oh God," Roxanne began. "I just called Rick again, and ... we might be too late. Didi, what he plans to do to that kitten ..."


"It's the worst thing I've ever heard. The absolute worst ..."

As Roxanne's voice trailed off on a croak, I stared at her. Saw the tears streaming down her pale brown cheeks. And I knew that something much worse than tasering a helpless animal was going to happen.

"What?" I repeated, but I was already getting a sick feeling. Since the time that Seth had brutalized the puppy, resulting in its death, he had picked up a new pet.

A boa constrictor.

The idea floating through my mind was so horrific, I didn't want to believe it. But I knew that Seth had a dark side. A sick side. "Roxanne, no ..."

"Just get there as fast as you can."

I floored it, screeching the car to a halt when I got to Seth's townhouse. A number of guys were outside on this chilly early evening, drinking and smoking. Seth's house was known as party central and was always populated. I got that guys were into the eye candy Seth liked to have on hand — sometimes wannabe models who spent the evening in their lingerie to titillate — I just couldn't understand why people were so blind to his true nature.


Excerpted from Winter Break by Kayla Perrin. Copyright © 2010 Kayla Perrin. Excerpted by permission of St. Martin's Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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