Winning the Captain's Heart

After a violent robbery, Wyatt is left bereft, broken and looking for answers. Solace comes in the form of beautiful Mercy Hastings, who insists he must recuperate at her family's home. Mercy doesn't anticipate her pure act of charity will endanger both their lives. 

Wyatt's always been married to his first love: the sea. Resigned to forever being alone, his resolve is severely tested by his captivating rescuer. As Wyatt works with Mercy to identify his attackers, will he find a way to make her his first mate forever?
Winning the Captain's Heart

After a violent robbery, Wyatt is left bereft, broken and looking for answers. Solace comes in the form of beautiful Mercy Hastings, who insists he must recuperate at her family's home. Mercy doesn't anticipate her pure act of charity will endanger both their lives. 

Wyatt's always been married to his first love: the sea. Resigned to forever being alone, his resolve is severely tested by his captivating rescuer. As Wyatt works with Mercy to identify his attackers, will he find a way to make her his first mate forever?
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Winning the Captain's Heart

Winning the Captain's Heart

by Lynn A. Coleman
Winning the Captain's Heart

Winning the Captain's Heart

by Lynn A. Coleman

eBookOriginal (Original)


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After a violent robbery, Wyatt is left bereft, broken and looking for answers. Solace comes in the form of beautiful Mercy Hastings, who insists he must recuperate at her family's home. Mercy doesn't anticipate her pure act of charity will endanger both their lives. 

Wyatt's always been married to his first love: the sea. Resigned to forever being alone, his resolve is severely tested by his captivating rescuer. As Wyatt works with Mercy to identify his attackers, will he find a way to make her his first mate forever?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781460335505
Publisher: Harlequin
Publication date: 07/01/2014
Format: eBook
Pages: 192
File size: 385 KB

About the Author

 Lynn A. Coleman is an award winning and best-selling author. She is the founder of American Christian Fiction Writers Inc., and served as the group's first president for two years and two years on the Advisory Board. She makes her home in Keystone Heights, Florida, where her husband of 39 years serves as pastor of Friendship Bible Church. Together they are blessed with three children, 2 living and 1 in glory, and eight grandchildren. 

Read an Excerpt

A groan emanated from the marsh's edge. In the ditch on the side of the road, a heap of clothing caught her eyes. A second groan. Mercy left the handcart in the road and hurried to the ditch. Compassion filled her as she beheld a beaten man, blood covering his face. His right leg lay at an odd angle. "Broken," she murmured. "Are you all right?" She waited for a response. "Of course he's not all right. How ridiculous to even ask," she prattled on. Dawn danced on the horizon as she watched her steps down the ditch to the marshy grasses that made up St. Augustine's inlets.

The man shifted and yelled.

"Stay put. I'll get some help." She ran to her cart, pulled out a clean towel from the folded laundry, as well as a canteen of water. Having made a clear path a moment ago, she could maneuver easily down the slight slope without fear of sliding into the muck. "You've been beaten, I think. You also appear to have a broken leg. Please lie still and I'll help you."

The stranger nodded his head. She dampened the cloth and washed the drying blood from his face. Its coppery scent mingled with the smell of mud. He moved, yelped and passed out. Mercy continued her gentle ministrations. Several wounds were deep and would need sutures. Should I run to town to fetch the doctor? On the other hand, was it wise to leave him alone in this condition?

Light footfalls approached. Mercy glanced up and saw young Moses, one of her father's former slave boys. Moses and his family continued to work for her father on the cattle ranch. Moses was around ten and as helpful as any boy could be. He wore no shoes, light blue trousers and a white linen shirt, as many of the sharecroppers did. He was a hardworking boy, who often did what he could to earn a penny here and a penny there. "Miss Mercy, is that you? Whatcha got there?" Moses squatted next to them.

"This man's been beaten and has a broken leg. I can't move him. Moses, run to town and get a doctor."

"Ain't sure I's can do that. Pa says to be right quick comin' and goin' today."

Mercy reached into a small pocket she kept in the waistband of her skirt. She had begun putting these pockets in when she started working in town. A place to hide her money without dragging along a purse seemed practical. She pulled out a silver quarter. "Will this help?"

"Pa won't mind if I's earnin' some money. I's be back faster than the Florida rains."

Mercy looked at the sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight yet. "Wait, Moses." She pulled out another quarter. "Deliver these linens to Tropical Breezes Inn for me."

"Yes 'em, I's can do that. Pa will be so proud of me."

Mercy smiled. "Bring the cart back and I'll have another quarter for you, too."

"Yes 'em." His big white teeth glistened in the sun.

"Doctor first," she said.

Moses grabbed the handcart and ran toward town. Mercy prayed the laundry would stay clean. It wouldn't do to have her customers upset with her. She'd deal with that later. For now, she had a stranger to tend to. Mercy shifted her attention back to him. He moaned again.

"Do you have family here?" she asked. She'd never seen him before. Although with the blood and swelling on his face, he could be someone she knew and she might not recognize him…

"Nooo," he said, face strained.

Many folks had been moving to Florida since the war's end, five years back. Mercy's father's family had been here for generations. Her mother's family had come from France on their way to New Orleans. Their ship had stopped in the port of St. Augustine, and they'd loved the area enough they decided to stay.

"I've sent for the doctor. Try to relax." Mercy continued to wash his wounds, then waited.

"What happened to you?"

"Robbed," he groaned.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry. Did you have a horse? Were you walking?" Mercy realized she should have sent Moses to bring back the sheriff, as well. The sound of leather and horse hooves approached. Mercy scanned the road. Moses stood on the back of the dray wagon. The doctor was sitting up front, and another man was driving the team.

"What's the emergency, Miss Hastings?" Dr. Peck asked. Even the good doctor was new to the area. He lived here with his mother and two sisters.

"This gentleman has been robbed and appears to have a broken leg. He's been beaten quite badly."

Dr. Peck climbed down and grabbed his small black valise. Moses jumped out of the wagon. "I's fetched the doctor like you said. I's going back and get your wheelbarrow."

"Thank you, Moses. Can you get the sheriff, too?"

Dr. Peck interjected. "Tell him to come to my office. I need to do some work on this poor fellow."

"Yes, sir." Moses ran back toward town.

The gentleman driving the dray wagon stepped down. "Need a hand?" Mercy didn't recognize him. He stood around six feet tall and had broad shoulders and a round belly.

"Yes." The doctor straightened the man's leg, and the patient screamed. "Miss Hastings, hold his leg while I attach these braces. Then Mr. Duncan and I will lift him onto the wagon."

Mercy's hands trembled. She knew he was in tremendous pain, and she didn't want to cause any more.

The doctor covered her hands with his. "Hold the leg this tight."

"Yes, sir."

"Thank you." He quickly bound the man's leg between two thin slabs of wood. "You can release him now, Mercy." She did as instructed. Dr. Peck continued. "All right, on the count of three… One, two, three." The man groaned but didn't say another word. They walked him up the slight bank on the side of the road and raised him onto the flat wagon.

"Thank you, Mercy, I'll take it from here." Dr. Peck climbed into the bed and squatted beside the injured man. The driver stepped up onto the front seat. He encouraged the horses forward. Slowly, they turned the wagon around and headed for town.

Mercy stood there for a moment, debating what to do. Should she continue on her journey to town and meet Moses with her cart or wait for him? Then again, she still had dirty laundry to pick up from the inn.

Mercy decided to follow the disappearing wagon in front of her. She pulled out her handkerchief and covered her nose from the swirling dust that filled the air. The rainy season hadn't begun yet in Florida, and now, at the tail end of the dry season, everything was parched and brittle. Which was a little odd so close to the ocean.

Mercy scanned the harbor. Ships lined the docks; folks were loading and unloading cargo. St. Augustine seemed alive and vibrant. Mercy's mind drifted to the wounded stranger. He had no family in the area. Where would he stay? How would he recover? She hoped the robbery wouldn't set him back too much. "Father, care for this man and help him heal."

Mercy thought of her own family and how close they were. She loved them dearly and didn't want to part from any of them. Her life on the ranch was good.

"Miss Mercy, come here," Jethro Billings called out as she approached the back of the Tropical Breezes Inn.

Wyatt didn't know a man could experience this much pain and live. The doctor had given him something, and he supposed it helped but honestly couldn't tell. The real pain came in knowing the bandits had gotten away with his life savings. He'd been on his way to purchase a steam yacht. His ship. After years and years of squirreling his money away, he'd finally saved enough to buy one, to be captain of his own vessel, in charge of his own life.

The sheriff didn't hold out much hope of finding the money but said he'd be looking into it. The difficulty was Wyatt had been attacked in the evening and hadn't gotten a look at the men or even recognized a voice. Still, the sheriff hoped they would do something foolish and start spending a lot of cash. Wyatt prayed God would help recover the unrecoverable. Why he'd agreed to pay cash rather than giving the owner a bank note as others did, he'd never know. Wyatt squeezed his eyes shut. There was something important in the recesses of his mind he couldn't pull up.

"Mr. Darling," Dr. Peck greeted as he walked into the small room where Wyatt lay on a narrow cot. He reached and touched the plaster cast. "Good. It is hardening well. How do you feel?"


The doctor smiled. "I completely understand. You should be thankful Miss Hastings came by when she did. Not too much longer and I would have had to cut off your leg because of infection."

Wyatt scanned the long white cast and nodded.

"You should heal well. I was able to set the bones in place without a lot of fuss. I spent a fair amount of time cleansing the wound. I'm hoping you don't get any infection. I'll need to remove the cast and examine it again in a week unless you feel your leg swelling before then.

"Mr. Darling, I heard your exchange with the sheriff. I can let you stay for a couple of days, but after you're on your feet…"

"Thank you, that's very kind, Dr. Peck. I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible." And on the trail of those who robbed me. Wyatt looked down at the cast. He wouldn't be mobile for a while and working on a ship would be impossible. Dear God in heaven, what am I going to do? I have nothing.

"I'll speak with the Reverend. Perhaps he'll have a suggestion."

"Thank you." What else could he say? For the first time in many years, he was helpless. Someone must have followed him from the bank. But who? He hadn't seen anyone trailing him or even heard anyone. He hadn't gone straight to the wharf, but rather stopped at the inn for a roast-pork dinner with Spanish rice and fresh vegetables. He practically gorged himself on fresh fruits or vegetables whenever he was on shore leave. His stomach rumbled.

"Are you hungry? I can order a late breakfast from Pedro's. He makes a delicious hash, very mild, not spicy. When you're feeling better, you'll want to try his full-breakfast menu. Or I can have my mother or one of my sisters prepare something."

"I'd be beholden, Dr. Peck, because I can't afford anything right now."

"Shh, breakfast is on me. I was heading that way when the boy came for me." Dr. Peck's hand lighted on his shoulder. "Lay down and rest while I get our breakfast."

"Thank you." The thought of not providing for himself didn't set well. He'd been on his own since he was thirteen and a cabin boy on a ship. He worked his way up to first mate and if… He scanned his broken body and let out a deep sigh. If it hadn't been for this, I'd be the proud owner of my own ship. How could this have happened, Lord? Please, help me find my money.

The cuts on his face burned. How many men had attacked him? He'd worn a money belt. No one could have known. Wyatt closed his eyes and conjured up the memory of the beating. He remembered the first punch when he refused to give the men his cash. Were there two or three? He squinted harder, trying to focus. Pain seared his brain, but no further image developed. He relaxed his squinting and tried to think of pleasant things. The ocean. But the realization that he wouldn't own his own vessel trumped the delightful thought of the blue waves crashing on the shore, rolling in and out. No, he chided himself, forcing down the unwanted interruption. The gentle to and fro of the surf played again in his mind, lulling him back to a peaceful state.

Once more, the scene was shattered by the jarring memory of his head being beaten, his stomach, back and legs being kicked. He'd fallen to his knees as the beating continued. They hadn't just wanted his money, he realized—they'd wanted his life. Fear sluiced through his backbone, like a gale-force wind slapping a tattered sail.

Wyatt groaned.

"Can I help you, sir?"

He opened his eyes and focused on a middle-aged woman clothed in a light gray dress with red roses embroidered around the collar and cuffs.

"Sir, can I get you something? John said he'd be back shortly."

John? Who was that?

"Pardon me. Dr. Peck said he'd be back shortly. Are you certain you're up for a Spanish breakfast? My sister and I can scarcely manage the mildest of those hot peppers."

Wyatt closed his eyes. "No, thank you. I'm fine," he replied, not sure what he was saying no to.

"Forgive me for saying so, but did you partake in spirits? No good can come from them." She started cleaning up the area.

Wyatt hoped the good doctor would be back soon so this ever-so-helpful woman could vanish back into the interior of the house. He kept his eyes closed in hopes she'd think he'd fallen back to sleep.

"Open your eyes, sir. Dr. Peck said you must not sleep."

Wyatt opened his eyes. "No, I did not partake."

"Well, you poor soul, getting a beating like that." She shook her head in disbelief. "I don't know what this world is coming to. I lost my fiancé in the war. Nothing has been right since. Here I am, a grown woman past my prime, living with my mother, brother and sister. Do you have any family in the area?"

"No." Did the poor woman know how hard it was to concentrate on her endless chatter?

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have family somewhere that I can pen a letter to?"

"No. I lost them while I was a young lad."

"Where are you from?" she asked.

"New England…Cape Cod."

"Mother was born in Connecticut. Father was born in New York, and so were the three of us. We came here after John secured a place for his practice. He felt the warmer climate would be helpful for Mother. She's seventy-nine now. I see by the cut of your cloth you're a sailor. Where have you traveled?"

"Mary, thank you for your assistance," Dr. Peck interjected, reentering the room. "You may help Mother now."

The doctor stepped up to his bed. "I'm sorry about that. I had second thoughts about your resting and the concussion you had, so I asked my sister to help keep you occupied."

"She can."

Dr. Peck laughed. "Oh, you have no idea. She's a sweetheart. She found love late in life, but her fiancé had the unfortunate lot of passing during the war. Becca, on the other hand, has never been fortunate in love. It seems we Pecks are doomed to a single life. It's not what I pictured for myself while I was a young man. But I've grown accustomed to my life and, to bring a woman into my world now… Well, living with three already, I just don't know if I could handle another."

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