Why Save The Bankers?: And Other Essays on Our Economic and Political Crisis

Why Save The Bankers?: And Other Essays on Our Economic and Political Crisis

by Thomas Piketty
Why Save The Bankers?: And Other Essays on Our Economic and Political Crisis

Why Save The Bankers?: And Other Essays on Our Economic and Political Crisis

by Thomas Piketty


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“Piketty unleashed on real-time economics is a revelation.” — Guardian

Thomas Piketty’s work has proved that unfettered markets lead to increasing inequality. Without meaningful regulation, capitalist economies will concentrate wealth in an ever smaller number of hands. For years, this critical challenge to democracy has been the focus of Piketty’s monthly newspaper columns, which pierce the surface of current events to reveal the economic forces underneath. Why Save the Bankers? brings together selected columns from the period bookended by the September 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers and the terrorist attacks in Paris in November 2015. In crystalline prose, Piketty examines a wide range of topics, and along the way he decodes the European Union’s economic troubles, weighs in on oligarchy in the United States, wonders whether debts actually need to be paid back, and discovers surprising lessons about inequality by examining the career of Steve Jobs. Coursing with insight and flashes of wit, these brief essays offer a view of recent history through the eyes of one of the most influential economic thinkers of our time.

“Anyone with an interest in politics, monetary policy, or international diplomacy will get a kick out of Piketty’s clear discussion.” — Shelf Awareness

“If you have been influenced by Piketty's landmark work on inequality, make sure to read this next.” — Naomi Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine and This Changes Everything

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780544947283
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication date: 04/04/2017
Pages: 224
Sales rank: 303,003
Product dimensions: 5.20(w) x 7.90(h) x 0.70(d)

About the Author

THOMAS PIKETTY is professor of economics at the Paris School of Economics and the École des hautes études en sciences sociale, and Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics's International Inequalities Institute. He is the author of numerous articles and a dozen books. He has done major historical and theoretical work on the interplay between economic development and the distribution of income and wealth. His most recent book is Capital in the Twenty-First Century. He lives in Paris, France.

Read an Excerpt

After more than a year of rising financial turmoil beginning in 2007, the crisis reached a climax on September 15, 2008, when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. This period witnessed a series of unprecedented government interventions aimed at restoring stability to the markets, including the Troubled Asset Relief Program (or TARP, a proposed $700 billion bailout) and billions of dollars in below-market loans and credit guarantees extended by the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve to a wide range of nonbank financial institutions that had never benefited from such assistance before. Many asked whether these moves marked the beginning of a new era of interventionist economic policy.
Why Save the Bankers?
September 30, 2008 
Will the financial crisis lead to the return of the state on the economic and social scene? It’s too early to say. But it’s useful to dispel a few misunderstandings and to clarify the terms of debate. The bank rescues and regulatory reforms undertaken by the American government don’t in themselves constitute a historic turning point. The speed and pragmatism with which the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve adjusted their thinking and launched temporary nationalizations of whole swaths of the financial system are certainly impressive. And though it will take some time before we’ll know the final net cost to the taxpayer, it’s possible that the scale of the interventions underway will surpass levels reached in the past. Sums between $700 billion and $1.4 trillion are now being discussed ​— ​between 5 and 10 percent of U.S. GDP ​— ​whereas the savings and loan debacle of the 1980s cost around 2.5 percent.
Still, to a certain extent these kinds of interventions in the financial sector represent a continuation of doctrines and policies already practiced in the past. Since the 1930s, American elites have been convinced that the 1929 crisis reached such great proportions and brought capitalism to the edge of the abyss because the Federal Reserve and the public authorities let the banks collapse by refusing to inject the liquidity needed to restore confidence and growth to the productive sector. For some Americans on the free market right, faith in Fed intervention goes hand in hand with a skepticism toward state intervention outside the financial sphere: to save capitalism, we need a good Fed, flexible and responsive ​— ​and certainly not a Rooseveltian welfare state, which would only make Americans go soft. If we forget this historical context, we might be surprised by the U.S. financial authorities’ swift intervention.
Will things stop there? That depends on the American presidential election: a President Obama could seize this opportunity to strengthen the role of the state in other areas beyond finance, for example in health insurance and reducing inequality. But given the budgetary chasm left by the George W. Bush administration (military spending, bank rescues), the room for maneuver on health care might be limited ​— ​Americans’ willingness to pay more taxes is not infinite. Moreover, the current debate in Congress on limiting finance sector pay illustrates the ambiguities of today’s ideological context. One certainly senses mounting public exasperation with the explosion of supersalaries for executives and traders over the past thirty years. But the solution being envisaged, setting a salary cap of $400,000 (the salary of the U.S. president) in financial institutions bailed out by taxpayers, is a partial response that’s easily evaded ​— ​higher salary payments just need to be transferred to other companies.
After the stock market crash of 1929, Franklin Roosevelt’s response to the enrichment of the very economic and financial elites who had led the country into the crisis was far more brutal. The federal tax rate on the highest incomes was lifted from 25 to 63 percent in 1932, then to 79 percent in 1936, 91 percent in 1941, then lowered to 77 percent in 1964, and finally 30–35 percent over the course of the 1980s and 1990s by the Reagan and George H. W. Bush administrations. For almost fifty years, from the 1930s until 1980, not only did the top rate never fall below 70 percent, but it averaged more than 80 percent. In the current ideological context, where the right to collect bonuses and golden parachutes in the tens of millions without paying more than 50 percent in taxes has been elevated to the status of a human right, many will judge those policies primitive and confiscatory. But for more than half a century they were in effect in the world’s largest democracy ​— ​clearly without preventing the American economy from functioning. They had the particular virtue of drastically reducing corporate executives’ incentive to dip their hands into the till, beyond a certain threshold. With the globalization of finance, such policies could probably be enacted only with a complete reworking of accounting disclosure rules, and relentless efforts against tax havens. Unfortunately, it will probably take many more crises to get there.

Table of Contents

Translator's Note xi

Preface 1

January 2012

I Why Save the Bankers? 2008-10

Why Save the Bankers? 17

September 30, 2008

A Trillion Dollars 21

October 28, 2008

Obama and FDR: A Misleading Analogy 25

January 20, 2009

Profits, Wages, and Inequality 28

March 17, 2009

The Irish Disaster 32

April 14, 2009

Central Banks at Work 36

May 12, 2009

Forgotten Inequalities 40

June 9, 2009

Mysteries of the Carbon Tax 44

July 7, 2009

Lessons for the Tax System from the Bettencourt Affair 48

September 8, 2009

Enough of GDP, Let's Go Back to National Income 52

October 6, 2009

Down with Idiotic Taxes! 56

November 3, 2009

Who Will Be the Winners of the Crisis? 59

December 1, 2009

With or Without a Platform? 62

December 29, 2009

Record Bank Profits: A Matter of Politics 66

February 23, 2010

II No, the Greeks Aren't Lazy 2010-12

No, the Greeks Aren't Lazy 73

March 23, 2010

Europe Against the Markets 77

May 18, 2010

Rethinking Central Banks 81

June 15, 2010

Does Liliane Bettencourt Pay Taxes? 84

July 13, 2010

Toward a Calm Debate on the Wealth Tax 88

October 12, 2010

Should We Fear the Fed? 92

November 9, 2010

The Scandal of the Irish Bank Bailout 95

December 7, 2010

Japan: Private Wealth, Public Debts 99

April 5, 2011

Greece: For a European Bank Tax 102

June 28, 2011

Poor as Jobs 105

October 25, 2011

Rethinking the European Project-and Fast 109

November 22, 2011

Protectionism: A Useful Weapon … for Lack of Anything Better 114

December 20, 2011

Francois Hollande, a New Roosevelt for Europe? 118

May 8, 2012

Federalism: The Only Solution 122

June 5, 2012

The What and Why of Federalism 126

July 4, 2012

III Action, Fast! 2012-15

Action, Fast! 133

September 25, 2012

Merkhollande and the Eurozone: Shortsighted Selfishness 137

December 18, 2012

The Italian Elections: Europe's Responsibility 141

February 26, 2013

For a European Wealth Tax 145

March 26, 2013

Slavery: Reparations Through Transparency 149

May 21, 2013

A New Europe to Overcome the Crisis 153

June 18, 2013

Can Growth Save Us? 157

September 24, 2013

IMF: Still a Ways to Go! 161

October 22, 2013

Libé: What Does It Mean to Be Free? 165

February 25, 2014

On Oligarchy in America 170

April 21, 2014

To the Polls, Citizens! 174

May 20, 2014

The Exorbitant Cost of Being a Small Country 178

September 8, 2014

Capital in Hong Kong? 182

November 3, 2014

Capital According to Carlos Fuentes 186

December 1, 2014

2015: What Shocks Can Get Europe Moving? 189

December 29, 2014

Spreading the Democratic Revolution to the Rest of Europe 193

January 26, 2015

The Double Hardship of the Working Class 197

March 23, 2015

Must Debts Always Be Paid Back? 201

April 20, 2015

A Crackdown Alone Will Solve Nothing 204

Le Monde, November 21, 2015

Index 208

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