Weathering With You 1
During the summer of his first year in high school, a young man named Hodaka runs away from home to the bustling city of Tokyo. Alone and exhausted, he decides to kill time in a fast food place, where he meets a young woman named Hina who happens to work there. Little does he know that Hina possesses powers that not only affect the weather, but the whole world...

In this manga adaptation of the Weathering with You animated film, Makoto Shinkai dives into topics like love and sacrifice to show how far one boy goes to protect the thing he loves most. This manga version has been lovingly rendered with beautiful art by the up-and-coming artist Wataru Kubota, and it goes beyond the film to reveal the backstories and true thoughts of the characters who stole the hearts of fans and critics worldwide.
Weathering With You 1
During the summer of his first year in high school, a young man named Hodaka runs away from home to the bustling city of Tokyo. Alone and exhausted, he decides to kill time in a fast food place, where he meets a young woman named Hina who happens to work there. Little does he know that Hina possesses powers that not only affect the weather, but the whole world...

In this manga adaptation of the Weathering with You animated film, Makoto Shinkai dives into topics like love and sacrifice to show how far one boy goes to protect the thing he loves most. This manga version has been lovingly rendered with beautiful art by the up-and-coming artist Wataru Kubota, and it goes beyond the film to reveal the backstories and true thoughts of the characters who stole the hearts of fans and critics worldwide.
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Weathering With You 1

Weathering With You 1

Weathering With You 1

Weathering With You 1


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During the summer of his first year in high school, a young man named Hodaka runs away from home to the bustling city of Tokyo. Alone and exhausted, he decides to kill time in a fast food place, where he meets a young woman named Hina who happens to work there. Little does he know that Hina possesses powers that not only affect the weather, but the whole world...

In this manga adaptation of the Weathering with You animated film, Makoto Shinkai dives into topics like love and sacrifice to show how far one boy goes to protect the thing he loves most. This manga version has been lovingly rendered with beautiful art by the up-and-coming artist Wataru Kubota, and it goes beyond the film to reveal the backstories and true thoughts of the characters who stole the hearts of fans and critics worldwide.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781949980837
Publisher: Kodansha USA
Publication date: 09/22/2020
Series: Weathering With You
Pages: 196
Sales rank: 284,026
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 7.50(h) x 0.54(d)

About the Author

Born in Nagano, Japan in 1973.
2002- Debuted with Voices of a Distant Star
2016- Releases the movie Your Name and becomes an international hit

Wataru Kubota is the winner of the Afternoon Four Seasons Award in Spring 2018.
His Award-winning manga "Snake Mountain" became a huge hit online.
He enjoys drawing nature.
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