Wait Until Dark
A sizzling, stay-up-all-night anthology featuring the national bestselling and award-winning talents of four sensational storytellers!

KAREN ROBARDS/Once in a Blue Moon
Danger and desire ignite when Charlotte Bates drives straight into a DEA agent's hot pursuit of a drug smuggler. But when the lawman takes Charlie hostage, an electrifying adventure begins...

An architect inherits the house of her dreams—a mansion by the sea—only to find that someone will do anything to keep her away...

LINDA ANDERSON/Once in a Blue Moon
When a killer targets her book club friends, a small-town librarian sees a handsome visiting professor in a new light: is he her happy ending? Or a fatal attraction?

Coming home to Montana after a stalker's attack, a model finds an old love rekindled and a safe place for healing. Until her attacker finds her...
Wait Until Dark
A sizzling, stay-up-all-night anthology featuring the national bestselling and award-winning talents of four sensational storytellers!

KAREN ROBARDS/Once in a Blue Moon
Danger and desire ignite when Charlotte Bates drives straight into a DEA agent's hot pursuit of a drug smuggler. But when the lawman takes Charlie hostage, an electrifying adventure begins...

An architect inherits the house of her dreams—a mansion by the sea—only to find that someone will do anything to keep her away...

LINDA ANDERSON/Once in a Blue Moon
When a killer targets her book club friends, a small-town librarian sees a handsome visiting professor in a new light: is he her happy ending? Or a fatal attraction?

Coming home to Montana after a stalker's attack, a model finds an old love rekindled and a safe place for healing. Until her attacker finds her...
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A sizzling, stay-up-all-night anthology featuring the national bestselling and award-winning talents of four sensational storytellers!

KAREN ROBARDS/Once in a Blue Moon
Danger and desire ignite when Charlotte Bates drives straight into a DEA agent's hot pursuit of a drug smuggler. But when the lawman takes Charlie hostage, an electrifying adventure begins...

An architect inherits the house of her dreams—a mansion by the sea—only to find that someone will do anything to keep her away...

LINDA ANDERSON/Once in a Blue Moon
When a killer targets her book club friends, a small-town librarian sees a handsome visiting professor in a new light: is he her happy ending? Or a fatal attraction?

Coming home to Montana after a stalker's attack, a model finds an old love rekindled and a safe place for healing. Until her attacker finds her...

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781982101190
Publisher: Gallery Books
Publication date: 04/14/2018
Pages: 528
Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 8.00(h) x 1.30(d)

About the Author

About The Author
Karen Robards is the New York Times, USA TODAY, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of more than fifty books and one novella. Karen published her first novel at age twenty-four and has won multiple awards throughout her career, including six Silver Pens for favorite author. Karen was described by The Daily Mail as “one of the most reliable thriller...writers in the world.” She is the mother of three boys and lives in Louisville, Kentucky.

Andrea Kane is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of twenty-eight novels, including fourteen psychological thrillers and fourteen historical romantic suspense titles. Kane’s first contemporary suspense thriller, Run for Your Life, became an instant New York Times bestseller. She followed with a string of bestselling psychological thrillers including No Way Out, Twisted, and Drawn in Blood. With a worldwide following of passionate readers, her books have been published in more than twenty languages. Kane lives in New Jersey with her husband and family. She’s an avid crossword puzzle solver and a diehard Yankees fan. Otherwise, she’s either writing or playing with her Pomeranian, Mischief, who does his best to keep her from writing.

Having your work published seemed the ultimate reward, but I had surprises in store for me. The publication of a book is like tossing a stone into still water and watching the ripples spread until they tickle your toes on the shore.
My first novel, Over The Moon, brought the renewal of old friendships, reunions with high school and college buddies I hadn't seen or heard from in years, and the making of grand new friends. On a book signing tour I stopped in my childhood home, Fairmont, West Virginia. The signing was at Waldenbooks on a deadly dull Mother's Day Sunday, and the mall was as empty as an elementary school on Saturdays. Though my cousin had placed an announcement in the newspaper, sales were slow, and I had little to do but make conversation with my husband, my cousins, and the sales staff. Unless you're Nora Roberts, Pat Conroy, or John Grisham, book signings are notoriously painful. (Did Hemingway, Faulkner, and Fitzgerald have to subject themselves to this hideous form of water torture?)
Thirty minutes into this boring episode, I noticed an elderly white-haired woman making her way across the mall in my direction. Inexplicably, my heart caught and I fought tears. Though this beautiful woman looked familiar, I had no idea who she was. I only knew instinctively that she was important to me.
I got to my feet and met her in the center of the mall. We hugged and I drew back to look at her.
"Do you know me, Linda?" she asked.
"I think so."
"I'm Mary Olive Jones," she said, and the tears I'd been fighting burst forth.
The giver of cookies and soother of scraped knees, the neighborhood piano teacher, the kindergarten teacher of my brother, the lady with long, lustrous black hair and a delightful laugh that we heard clear across the street on Benoni Avenue on open-windowed summer days had grown eighty-five years old. I hadn't seen her in forty-five years. Mary Olive Jones had just spent two weeks in the hospital recovering from hip replacement surgery. She'd driven herself to the mall in her ancient, lumbering Buick, and brought with her pictures from my childhood that I'd never seen before. I seated her next to me and the rest of the afternoon passed in a happy blur. Animated conversation and poignant memories were interspersed with brisk book sales as business picked up, and she stayed with me the whole day. There is, of course, more to the story, but not enough space to tell it as I have another tale to tell you. On a tour for The Secrets of Sadie Maynard, I had a signing in Highlands, North Carolina at Cyrano's, my favorite bookstore in the whole world. When I arrived at the store that day, a petite elderly lady was sitting next to the table where I was to sign books.
"Hi. I'm Sadie Maynard," she announced, "and I have a drivers license to prove it."
To say that I was taken aback would be an understatement. Was this woman here to accuse me of using her name unlawfully, or was she here to have a book signed? There was a twinkle in her eye, however, and I knew she had come in fun. Like Mary Olive Jones, Sadie Maynard stayed with me for the rest of the afternoon and we formed a mutual admiration society. I've saved the book she signed for me.
Sadie delighted in telling the customers that she was the real Sadie Maynard, and though the steamy sex scenes were a bit embarrassing, she wouldn't mind having an adventure like the fictional Sadie. The newspaper heard of the excitement at the bookstore and sent over a reporter and photographer. The next day Sadie and me were on the front page of The Highlander. Sadie is a summer resident of Highlands, and the 4th of July weekend was coming up. She bought ten books for her visiting family, and informed all her friends in Belton, S.C. that they should run to Wal-Mart and buy a few, too.
The next day I had a book signing in Charleston, W. Va. It was enough of a coincidence that I should meet a real Sadie in the small town of Highlands, but I was really knocked for a loop when her granddaughter showed up in Charleston, unaware of what had happened in Highlands. She had come to the store to buy another book, saw The Secrets of Sadie Maynard and me, and wanted to know how I'd come up with her grandmother's name for the title of my book.
Later in the year I received a zippy invitation to a birthday party for Sadie Maynard. My real Sadie went to her party in the local sheriff's car, sirens blaring, and stepped out dressed in a gaudy dress, feather boa, bright red sunglasses, waving a mile-long cigarette holder.
A thank you letter I received from a fan really knocked me to my knees. A friend brought her Sadie to read to help her while away the hours as she sat with her terminally ill husband in the hospital. Her words were, "I want to thank you for getting me through the worst hours of my life. I was able to lose myself in your story until the wee dark hours of the morning. I finished it about thirty minutes before my husband died."
My rewards are always tenfold and unexpected. They ripple to me in amazing ways, and I receive them gratefully. I await with wonder the publication of When Night Falls in October.
Here are the answers to questions I've been asked in letters from fans.
Having an opportunity to talk about myself is fun.
I can now reveal the reason I write such heart-wrenching novels is because I've had a heart-wrenching life. My five children put me through every torment God created when they were growing up, and so did my husband, whom I considered my sixth child for many years. Seriously though, I like to say that if it weren't for all the things my children taught me about human nature I would be a smug pompous "you know what." They are now great adults and my best friends. I'm a better person because of my children. My husband finally grew up, too, and we love each other more now than we did when we met thirty-five years ago.
I tell you all of this to let you know that I'm not writing from the seat of my pants. When I write of deep sadness or pain, or great elation, it's because I've been there.
I'm not one of those writers who wrote her first book when she was seven, or wrote under the sheets by flashlight after lights out, but I was always a voracious reader. My favorite Christmas gift as a child was a book, and while everyone else was playing with dolls or trying out new roller skates, I was reading. In high school and college I wrote editorials for the school newspapers. But I didn't start writing seriously until my older children started leaving for college.
After reading so many, many books, I decided that, by God, I could write one, too. It took me five years to complete my first book. I worked in the summer time when the younger children were away at camp. I started it as a project to see if I could write a chapter, and before I knew it the chapters came rolling out one after the other. Five years later I had written a gargantuan book of one hundred and seventy five thousand words, which translates to about nine hundred pages. The agent I acquired told me I'd written a romance novel. We didn't sell that book, but we did sell the next one, which took much less time to write.
My ideas come from everywhere and everyone. The idea for The Secrets of Sadie Maynard came from an old murder mystery that I'd heard about as I was growing up. Friends brought up the story while I was on a book tour through West Virginia for my first book Over the Moon. The story in my new release, When Night Falls, due out in October '00, came about because of my love of the North Carolina mountains and a fascination with its wild reaches.
Developing characters is my favorite thing about writing. So far, Nelsey, in The Secrets Of Sadie Maynard, is my favorite character. I love all my characters, but some of them are special, and I have two very special characters in the new book I just started. One is a man, and the other a child, but I can't tell you about them yet. I would spoil the story. Look for the book that I've wanted to write for a long time. I don't even have a working title yet, but the story is pushing me like crazy. Someday you will read it.

Mariah Stewart is the award-winning New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of numerous novels and several novellas and short stories. A native of Hightstown, New Jersey, she lives with her husband and two rambunctious rescue dogs amid the rolling hills of Chester County, Pennsylvania, where she savors country life and tends her gardens while she works on her next novel. Visit her website at MariahStewart.com, like her on Facebook at Facebook.com/AuthorMariahStewart, and follow her on Instagram @Mariah_Stewart_Books.

Read an Excerpt

Wait Until Dark

THE GREEN GLARE OF THE INSTRUMENT PANEL was the only illumination in the pitch-dark cockpit.

“Ready?” Skeeter Todd stood by the door of the small Cessna, tightening the harness of his parachute. At his feet, perhaps three dozen duffel bags slumped, each equipped with its own parachute.

“Yeah.” Jake Crutcher rose from the copilot’s seat and moved toward Skeeter, checking his own parachute as he went. Then, in a gesture as automatic as a breath, he rubbed a hand over his chest to make sure that his Glock was still securely holstered. It was.

Skeeter opened the door. Cold night air rushed through the plane’s interior. Bracing himself against the sudden gale, Jake went to work helping Skeeter toss the duffel bags out into the night sky. They were flying low, and the specially designed search light was on, making it easy to identify their target, a narrow line of grassy fields in the midst of a heavily forested section of western Tennessee. A river ran nearby, and landing their cargo in that would be a disaster.

“Just think, in about six hours from now I’ll be sippin’ a cold brew and sittin’ in a hot tub with my baby.” Skeeter stopped working to grin at Jake. Jake didn’t grin back. His expression was grim.

“Like I told you, I don’t think dragging your girlfriend into this was a good idea.” Jake kept on heaving bags out the door, his booted feet planted wide apart so that he wouldn’t slip. Skeeter was twenty-five years old, little more than a kid, a feckless, reckless fool who had no idea of the magnitude of what he’d gotten himself into.

“Laura’s okay. I’d trust her with my life. Anyway, I didn’t want to leave my truck parked out here for a week. Somebody might have stolen it.”

That was so damned stupid that Jake didn’t even bother to reply.

“There she is, right on time.” Jake’s silence either didn’t register, or it didn’t bother Skeeter. He sounded as cheerfully unconcerned as if he’d arranged for his girlfriend to meet him at a movie. Together, they tossed the last couple of bags over the side. Then Skeeter straightened and gave Jake a mock salute.

“See ya on the ground,” Skeeter said, and stepped out the door. At the last second Jake noticed that a duffel bag was tied to Skeeter’s waist.

Damned stupid kid, Jake thought, and stepped toward the door. Hanging onto the edge, he glanced down. Skeeter was nowhere in sight. Of course, it was dark as hell, and the kid would have been blown back behind them by the force of the wind. But far below he could see two tiny pinpricks of light that could only be the headlights of Skeeter’s approaching truck with the unknown Laura at the wheel.

To get mixed up in something like this, she had to be as big an idiot as Skeeter, Jake thought, and that was saying a lot. Shaking his head, he looked up at the pilot.

“I’m outta here,” Jake mouthed, knowing the man wouldn’t be able to hear over the roaring wind. He waved, and the man waved back.

Then Jake jumped into the vast emptiness of the night, enjoying the sensation of free-falling for the few precious seconds he allowed himself before he jerked his rip cord.

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