Twelve Years a Slave (Phoenix Classics)

Twelve Years a Slave (Phoenix Classics)

Twelve Years a Slave (Phoenix Classics)

Twelve Years a Slave (Phoenix Classics)



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Phoenix Classics Classics is the reference in classical works. All our works are of good quality and contain an active table of contents (HTML), which will make it easier for you to read. The basis for the Academy Award®-winning movie! "A moving, vital testament to one of slavery's 'many thousand gone' who retained his humanity in the bowels of degradation." — Saturday Review Born a free man in New York State in 1808, Solomon Northup was kidnapped in Washington, DC, in 1841. He spent the next 12 harrowing years of his life as a slave on a Louisiana cotton plantation. During this time he was frequently abused and often afraid for his life. After regaining his freedom in 1853, Northup decided to publish this gripping autobiographical account of his captivity. As an educated man, Northup was able to present an exceptionally detailed and accurate description of slave life and plantation society. Indeed, this book is probably the fullest, most realistic picture of the "peculiar institution" during the three decades before the Civil War. Moreover, Northup tells his story both from the viewpoint of an outsider, who had experienced 30 years of freedom and dignity in the United States before his capture, and as a slave, reduced to total bondage and submission. Very few personal accounts of American slavery were written by slaves with a similar history. Published in 1853, Northup's book found a ready audience and almost immediately became a bestseller. Aside from its vivid depiction of the detention, transportation, and sale of slaves, Twelve Years a Slave is admired for its classic accounts of cotton and sugar production, its uncannily precise recall of people, times, and places, and the compelling details that re-create the daily routine of slaves in the Gulf South.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9782378071264
Publisher: Phoenix Classics
Publication date: 09/13/2017
Sold by: Bookwire
Format: eBook
Pages: 354
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

Solomon Northup was a free-born African American from New York, and the son of a freed slave. He lived in Saratoga Springs with his wife and three children and was an accomplished violinist and a carpenter. In 1841 he was kidnapped by slave traders who stole his freedom papers and sold him as a slave in Louisiana. Northup worked on cotton plantations until he was finally able to secretly send a letter to his family.

Northup was finally released after twelve years living and working as a slave. In 1853, with the support of abolitionists, he published his memoir, Twelve Years a Slave. Solomon Northup's account is particularly interesting because he describes slavery from the unique point of view of a free man, a skilled worker, and a slave.

Read an Excerpt

Twelve Years a Slave

  • HAVING BEEN born a freeman, and for more than thirty years enjoyed the blessings of liberty in a free State—and having at the end of that time been kidnapped and sold into Slavery, where I remained, until happily rescued in the month of January, 1853, after a bondage of twelve years—it has been suggested that an account of my life and fortunes would not be uninteresting to the public.

    Since my return to liberty, I have not failed to perceive the increasing interest throughout the Northern States, in regard to the subject of Slavery. Works of fiction, professing to portray its features in their more pleasing as well as more repugnant aspects, have been circulated to an extent unprecedented, and, as I understand, have created a fruitful topic of comment and discussion.

    I can speak of Slavery only so far as it came under my own observation—only so far as I have known and experienced it in my own person. My object is, to give a candid and truthful statement of facts: to repeat the story of my life, without exaggeration, leaving it for others to determine, whether even the pages of fiction present a picture of more cruel wrong or a severer bondage.

    As far back as I have been able to ascertain, my ancestors on the paternal side were slaves in Rhode Island. They belonged to a family by the name of Northup, one of whom, removing to the State of New York, settled at Hoosic, in Rensselaer county. He brought with him Mintus Northup, my father. On the death of this gentleman, which must have occurred some fifty years ago, my father became free, having been emancipated by a direction in his will.

    Henry B. Northup, Esq., of Sandy Hill, a distinguished counselor at law, and the man to whom, under Providence, I am indebted for my present liberty, and my return to the society of my wife and children, is a relative of the family in which my forefathers were thus held to service, and from which they took the name I bear. To this fact may be attributed the persevering interest he has taken in my behalf.

    Sometime after my father’s liberation, he removed to the town of Minerva, Essex county, N. Y., where I was born, in the month of July, 1808. How long he remained in the latter place I have not the means of definitely ascertaining. From thence he removed to Granville, Washington county, near a place known as Slyborough, where, for some years, he labored on the farm of Clark Northup, also a relative of his old master; from thence he removed to the Alden farm, at Moss Street, a short distance north of the village of Sandy Hill; and from thence to the farm now owned by Russel Pratt, situated on the road leading from Fort Edward to Argyle, where he continued to reside until his death, which took place on the 22d day of November, 1829. He left a widow and two children—myself, and Joseph, an elder brother. The latter is still living in the county of Oswego, near the city of that name; my mother died during the period of my captivity.

    Though born a slave, and laboring under the disadvantages to which my unfortunate race is subjected, my father was a man respected for his industry and integrity, as many now living, who well remember him, are ready to testify. His whole life was passed in the peaceful pursuits of agriculture, never seeking employment in those more menial positions, which seem to be especially allotted to the children of Africa. Besides giving us an education surpassing that ordinarily bestowed upon children in our condition, he acquired, by his diligence and economy, a sufficient property qualification to entitle him to the right of suffrage. He was accustomed to speak to us of his early life; and although at all times cherishing the warmest emotions of kindness, and even of affection towards the family, in whose house he had been a bondsman, he nevertheless comprehended the system of Slavery, and dwelt with sorrow on the degradation of his race. He endeavored to imbue our minds with sentiments of morality, and to teach us to place our, trust and confidence in Him who regards the humblest as well as the highest of his creatures. How often since that time has the recollection of his paternal counsels occurred to me, while lying in a slave hut in the distant and sickly regions of Louisiana, smarting with the undeserved wounds which an inhuman master had inflicted, and longing only for the grave which had covered him, to shield me also from the lash of the oppressor. In the church yard at Sandy Hill, an humble stone marks the spot where he reposes, after having worthily performed the duties appertaining to the lowly sphere wherein God had appointed him to walk.

    Up to this period I had been principally engaged with my father in the labors of the farm. The leisure hours allowed me were generally either employed over my books, or playing on the violin—an amusement which was the ruling passion of my youth. It has also been the source of consolation since, affording, pleasure to the simple beings with whom my lot was cast, and beguiling my own thoughts, for many hours, from the painful contemplation of my fate.

    On Christmas day, 1829, I was married to Anne Hampton, a colored girl then living in the vicinity of our residence. The ceremony was performed at Fort Edward, by Timothy Eddy, Esq., a magistrate of that town, and still a prominent citizen of the place. She had resided a long time at Sandy Hill, with Mr. Baird, proprietor of the Eagle Tavern, and also in the family of Rev. Alexander Proudfit, of Salem. This gentleman for many years had presided over the Presbyterian society at the latter place, and was widely distinguished for his learning and piety. Anne still holds in grateful remembrance the exceeding kindness and the excellent counsels of that good man. She is not able to determine the exact line of her descent, but the blood of three races mingles in her veins. It is difficult to tell whether the red, white, or black predominates. The union of them all, however, in her origin, has given her a singular but pleasing expression, such as is rarely to be seen. Though somewhat resembling, yet she cannot properly be styled a quadroon, a class to which, I have omitted to mention, my mother belonged.

    I had just now passed the period of my minority, having reached the age of twenty-one years in the month of July previous. Deprived of the advice and assistance of my father, with a wife dependent upon me for support, I resolved to enter upon a life of industry; and notwithstanding the obstacle of color, and the consciousness of my lowly state, indulged in pleasant dreams of a good time coming, when the possession of some humble habitation, with a few surrounding acres, should reward my labors, and bring me the means of happiness and comfort.

    From the time of my marriage to this day the love I have borne my wife has been sincere and unabated; and only those who have felt the glowing tenderness a father cherishes for his offspring, can appreciate my affection for the beloved children which have since been born to us. This much I deem appropriate and necessary to say, in order that those who read these pages, may comprehend the poignancy of those sufferings I have been doomed to bear.

    Immediately upon our marriage we commenced house-keeping, in the old yellow building then standing at the southern extremity of Fort Edward village, and which has since been transformed into a modern mansion, and lately occupied by Captain Lathrop. It is known as the Fort House. In this building the courts were sometime held after the organization of the county. It was also occupied by Burgoyne in 1777, being situated near the old Fort on the left bank of the Hudson.

    During the winter I was employed with others repairing the Champlain Canal, on that section over which William Van Nortwick was superintendent. David McEachron had the immediate charge of the men in whose company I labored. By the time the canal opened in the spring, I was enabled, from the savings of my wages, to purchase a pair of horses, and other things necessarily required in the business of navigation.

    Having hired several efficient hands to assist me, I entered into contracts for the transportation of large rafts of timber from Lake Champlain to Troy. Dyer Beckwith and a Mr. Bartemy, of Whitehall, accompanied me on several trips. During the season I became perfectly familiar with the art and mysteries of rafting—a knowledge which afterwards enabled me to render profitable service to a worthy master, and to astonish the simple-witted lumbermen on the banks of the Bayou Boeuf.

    In one of my voyages down Lake Champlain, I was induced to make a visit to Canada. Repairing to Montreal, I visited the cathedral and other places of interest in that city, from whence I continued my excursion to Kingston and other towns, obtaining a knowledge of localities, which was also of service to me afterwards, as will appear towards the close of this narrative.

    Having completed my contracts on the canal satisfactorily to myself and to my employer, and not wishing to remain idle, now that the navigation of the canal was again suspended, I entered into another contract with Medad Gunn, to cut a large quantity of wood. In this business I was engaged during the winter of 1831–32.

    With the return of spring, Anne and myself conceived the project of taking a farm in the neighborhood. I had been accustomed from earliest youth to agricultural labors, and it was an occupation congenial to my tastes. I accordingly entered into arrangements for a part of the old Alden farm, on which my father formerly resided. With one cow, one swine, a yoke of fine oxen I had lately purchased of Lewis Brown, in Hartford, and other personal property and effects, we proceeded to our new home in Kingsbury. That year I planted twenty-five acres of corn, sowed large fields of oats, and commenced farming upon as large a scale as my utmost means would permit. Anne was diligent about the house affairs, while I toiled laboriously in the field.

    On this place we continued to reside until 1834. In the winter season I had numerous calls to play on the violin. Wherever the young people assembled to dance, I was almost invariably there. Throughout the surrounding villages my fiddle was notorious. Anne, also, during her long residence at the Eagle Tavern, had become somewhat famous as a cook. During court weeks, and on public occasions, she was employed at high wages in the kitchen at Sherrill’s Coffee House.

    We always returned home from the performance of these services with money in our pockets; so that, with fiddling, cooking, and farming, we soon found ourselves in the possession of abundance, and, in fact, leading a happy and prosperous life. Well, indeed, would it have been for us had we remained on the farm at Kingsbury; but the time came when the next step was to be taken towards the cruel destiny that awaited me.

    In March, 1834, we removed to Saratoga Springs.

    We occupied a house belonging to Daniel O’Brien, on the north side of Washington street. At that time Isaac Taylor kept a large boarding house, known as Washington Hall, at the north end of Broadway. He employed me to drive a hack, in which capacity I worked for him two years. After this time I was generally employed through the visiting season, as also was Anne, in the United States Hotel, and other public houses of the place. In winter seasons I relied upon my violin, though during the construction of the Troy and Saratoga railroad, I performed many hard days’ labor upon it.

    I was in the habit, at Saratoga, of purchasing articles necessary for my family at the stores of Mr. Cephas Parker and Mr. William Perry, gentlemen towards whom, for many acts of kindness, I entertained feelings of strong regard. It was for this reason that twelve years afterwards, I caused to be directed to them the letter, which is hereinafter inserted, and which was the means, in the hands of Mr. Northup, of my fortunate deliverance.

    While living at the United States Hotel, I frequently met with slaves, who had accompanied their masters from the South. They were always well dressed and well provided for, leading apparently an easy life, with but few of its ordinary troubles to perplex them. Many times they entered into conversation with me on the subject of Slavery. Almost uniformly I found they cherished a secret desire for liberty. Some of them expressed the most ardent anxiety to escape, and consulted me on the best method of effecting it. The fear of punishment, however, which they knew was certain to attend their re-capture and return, in all cases proved sufficient to deter them from the experiment. Having all my life breathed the free air of the North, and conscious that I possessed the same feelings and affections that find a place in the white man’s breast; conscious, moreover, of an intelligence equal to that of some men, at least, with a fairer skin. I was too ignorant, perhaps too independent, to conceive how any one could be content to live in the abject condition of a slave. I could not comprehend the justice of that law, or that religion, which upholds or recognizes the principle of Slavery; and never once, I am proud to say, did I fail to counsel any one who came to me, to watch his opportunity, and strike for freedom.

    I continued to reside at Saratoga until the spring of 1841. The flattering anticipations which, seven years before, had seduced us from the quiet farm house, on the east side of the Hudson, had not been realized. Though always in comfortable circumstances, we had not prospered. The society and associations at that world-renowned watering place, were not calculated to preserve the simple habits of industry and economy to which I had been accustomed, but, on the contrary, to substitute others in their stead, tending to shiftlessness and extravagance.

    At this time we were the parents of three children—Elizabeth, Margaret, and Alonzo. Elizabeth, the eldest, was in her tenth year; Margaret was two years younger, and little Alonzo had just passed his fifth birth-day. They filled our house with gladness. Their young voices were music in our ears. Many an airy castle did their mother and myself build for the little innocents. When not at labor I was always walking with them, clad in their best attire, through the streets and groves of Saratoga. Their presence was my delight; and I clasped them to my bosom with as warm and tender love as if their clouded skins had been as white as snow.

    Thus far the history of my life presents nothing whatever unusual—nothing but the common hopes, and loves, and labors of an obscure colored man, making his humble progress in the world. But now I had reached a turning point in my existence—reached the threshold of unutterable wrong, and sorrow, and despair. Now had I approached within the shadow of the cloud, into the thick darkness whereof I was soon to disappear, thenceforward to be hidden from the eyes of all my kindred, and shut out from the sweet light of liberty, for many a weary year.

  • Table of Contents

    What People are Saying About This

    From the Publisher

    "A moving, vital testament." —-Saturday Review

    From the B&N Reads Blog

    Customer Reviews

    Editor's Preface15
    Chapter I.17
    The Northup Family
    Birth and Parentage
    Mintus Northup
    Marriage with Anne Hampton
    Good Resolutions
    Champlain Canal
    Rafting Excursion to Canada
    The Violin
    Removal to Saratoga
    Parker and Perry
    Slaves and Slavery
    The Children
    The Beginning of Sorrow
    Chapter II.28
    The two Strangers
    The Circus Company
    Departure from Saratoga
    Ventriloquism and Legerdemain
    Journey to New-York
    Free Papers
    Brown and Hamilton
    The haste to reach the Circus
    Arrival in Washington
    Funeral of Harrison
    The Sudden Sickness
    The Torment of Thirst
    The Receding Light
    Chains and Darkness
    Chapter III.40
    Painful Meditations
    James H. Burch
    Williams' Slave Pen in Washington
    The Lackey, Radburn
    Assert my Freedom
    The Anger of the Trader
    The Paddle and Cat-o'-nine-tails
    The Whipping
    New Acquaintances
    Ray, Williams, and Randall
    Arrival of Little Emily and her Mother in the Pen
    Maternal Sorrows
    The Story of Eliza
    Chapter IV.54
    Eliza's Sorrows
    Preparation to Embark
    Driven Through the Streets of Washington
    Hail, Columbia
    The Tomb of Washington
    Clem Ray
    The Breakfast on the Steamer
    The happy Birds
    Aquia Creek
    Arrival in Richmond
    Goodin and his Slave Pen
    Robert, of Cincinnati
    David and his Wife
    Mary and Lethe
    Clem's Return
    His subsequent Escape to Canada
    The Brig Orleans
    James H. Burch
    Chapter V.65
    Arrival at Norfolk
    Frederick and Maria
    Arthur, the Freeman
    Appointed Steward
    Jim, Cuffee, and Jenny
    The Storm
    Bahama Banks
    The Calm
    The Conspiracy
    The Long Boat
    The Small-Pox
    Death of Robert
    Manning, the Sailor
    The Meeting in the Forecastle
    The Letter
    Arrival at New-Orleans
    Arthur's Rescue
    Theophilus Freeman, the Consignee
    First Night in the New-Orleans Slave Pen
    Chapter VI.78
    Freeman's Industry
    Cleanliness and Clothes
    Exercising in the Show Room
    The Dance
    Bob, the Fiddler
    Arrival of Customers
    Slaves Examined
    The Old Gentleman of New-Orleans
    Sale of David, Caroline, and Lethe
    Parting of Randall and Eliza
    The Hospital
    Recovery and Return to Freeman's Slave Pen
    The Purchaser of Eliza, Harry, and Platt
    Eliza's Agony on Parting from Little Emily
    Chapter VII.89
    The Steamboat Rodolph
    Departure from New-Orleans
    William Ford
    Arrival at Alexandria, on Red River
    The Great Pine Woods
    Wild Cattle
    Martin's Summer Residence
    The Texas Road
    Arrival at Master Ford's
    Mistress Ford
    Sally and her Children
    John, the Cook
    Walter, Sam, and Antony
    The Mills on Indian Creek
    Sabbath Days
    Sam's Conversion
    The Profit of kindness
    Adam Taydem, the Little White Man
    Cascalla and his Tribe
    The Indian Ball
    John M. Tibeats
    The Storm approaching
    Chapter VIII.105
    Ford's Embarrassments
    The Sale to Tibeats
    The Chattel Mortgage
    Mistress Ford's Plantation on Bayou Boeuf
    Description of the Latter
    Ford's Brother-in-law, Peter Tanner
    Meeting with Eliza
    She still Mourns for her Children
    Ford's Overseer, Chapin
    Tibeats' Abuse
    The Keg of Nails
    The First Fight with Tibeats
    His Discomfiture and Castigation
    The attempt to Hang me
    Chapin's Interference and Speech
    Unhappy Reflections
    Abrupt Departure of Tibeats, Cook, and Ramsey
    Lawson and the Brown Mule
    Message to the Pine Woods
    Chapter IX.118
    The Hot Sun
    Yet bound
    The Cords sink into my Flesh
    Chapin's Uneasiness
    Rachel, and her Cup of Water
    Suffering increases
    The Happiness of Slavery
    Arrival of Ford
    He cuts the Cords which bind me, and takes the Rope from my Neck
    The gathering of the Slaves in Eliza's Cabin
    Their Kindness
    Rachel Repeats the Occurrences of the Day
    Lawson entertains his Companions with an Account of his Ride
    Chapin's apprehensions of Tibeats
    Hired to Peter Tanner
    Peter expounds the Scriptures
    Description of the Stocks
    Chapter X.131
    Return to Tibeats
    Impossibility of pleasing him
    He attacks me with a Hatchet
    The Struggle over the Broad Axe
    The Temptation to Murder him
    Escape across the Plantation
    Observations from the Fence
    Tibeats approaches, followed by the Hounds
    They take my Track
    Their loud Yells
    They almost overtake me
    I reach the Water
    The Hounds confused
    Moccasin Snakes
    Night in the "Great Pacoudrie Swamp"
    The Sounds of Life
    North-West Course
    Emerge into the Pine Woods
    Slave and his Young Master
    Arrival at Ford's
    Food and Rest
    Chapter XI.146
    The Mistress' Garden
    The Crimson and Golden Fruit
    Orange and Pomegranate Trees
    Return to Bayou Boeuf
    Master Ford's Remarks on the way
    The Meeting with Tibeats
    His Account of the Chase
    Ford censures his Brutality
    Arrival at the Plantation
    Astonishment of the Slaves on seeing me
    The anticipated Flogging
    Kentucky John
    Mr. Eldret, the Planter
    Eldret's Sam
    Trip to the "Big Cane Brake"
    The Tradition of "Sutton's Field"
    Forest Trees
    Gnats and Mosquitoes
    The Arrival of Black Women in the Big Cane
    Lumber Women
    Sudden Appearance of Tibeats
    His Provoking Treatment
    Visit to Bayou Boeuf
    The Slave Pass
    Southern Hospitality
    The Last of Eliza
    Sale to Edwin Epps
    Chapter XII.162
    Personal Appearance of Epps
    Epps, Drunk and Sober
    A Glimpse of his History
    Cotton Growing
    The Mode of Ploughing and Preparing Ground
    Of Planting, of Hoeing, of Picking, of Treating Raw Hands
    The difference in Cotton Pickers
    Patsey a remarkable one
    Tasked according to Ability
    Beauty of a Cotton Field
    The Slave's Labors
    Fear of Approaching the Gin-House
    Cabin Life
    The Corn Mill
    The Uses of the Gourd
    Fear of Oversleeping
    Fear continually
    Mode of Cultivating Corn
    Sweet Potatoes
    Fertility of the Soil
    Fattening Hogs
    Preserving Bacon
    Raising Cattle
    Garden Products
    Flowers and Verdure
    Chapter XIII.176
    The Curious Axe-Helve
    Symptoms of approaching Illness
    Continue to decline
    The Whip ineffectual
    Confined to the Cabin
    Visit by Dr. Wines
    Partial Recovery
    Failure at Cotton Picking
    What may be heard on Epps' Plantation
    Lashes Graduated
    Epps in a Whipping Mood
    Epps in a Dancing Mood
    Description of the Dance
    Loss of Rest no Excuse
    Epps' Characteristics
    Jim Barns
    Removal from Huff Power to Bayou Boeuf
    Description of Uncle Abram; of Wiley; of Aunt Phebe; of Bob, Henry, and Edward; of Patsey; with a Genealogical Account of each
    Something of their Past History, and Peculiar Characteristics
    Jealousy and Lust
    Patsey, the Victim
    Chapter XIV.191
    Destruction of the Cotton Crop in 1845
    Demand for Laborers in St. Mary's Parish
    Sent thither in a Drove
    The Order of the March
    The Grand Coteau
    Hired to Judge Turner on Bayou Salle
    Appointed Driver in his Sugar House
    Sunday Services
    Slave Furniture; how obtained
    The Party at Yarney's, in Centreville
    Good Fortune
    The Captain of the Steamer
    His Refusal to Secrete me
    Return to Bayou Boeuf
    Sight of Tibeats
    Patsey's Sorrows
    Tumult and Contention
    Hunting the Coon and Opossum
    The Cunning of the latter
    The Lean Condition of the Slave
    Description of the Fish Trap
    The Murder of the Man from Natchez
    Epps Chalenged by Marshall
    The Influence of Slavery