Travels of William Bartram
This is the first inexpensive, illustrated edition of one of the most delightful books of the 18th century. A major source work in American geography, anthropology, and natural history, it contains accurate and entertaining descriptions of the area of the New World now embraced by Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.
From 1773 to 1778, William Bartram, a trained naturalist, traveled through southern North America, noting the characteristics of almost everything he encountered: the rivers of Florida, the groves of wild oranges, the swamps and lagoons, the fish, the tropical snakes and reptiles, the land and aquatic birds, the Cherokee Indians' march toward civilization, the festivals of the Seminole, the customs of the Creeks. This material now offers a wealth of first-hand information that is not available elsewhere.
And it offers it in a format that still makes for exciting reading. A classic not only of natural science and observation, Bartram's account also served as a source for Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" and "Ancient Mariner" and was held in high esteem as literature by Wordsworth, Carlyle, and Emerson.
Travels of William Bartram
This is the first inexpensive, illustrated edition of one of the most delightful books of the 18th century. A major source work in American geography, anthropology, and natural history, it contains accurate and entertaining descriptions of the area of the New World now embraced by Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.
From 1773 to 1778, William Bartram, a trained naturalist, traveled through southern North America, noting the characteristics of almost everything he encountered: the rivers of Florida, the groves of wild oranges, the swamps and lagoons, the fish, the tropical snakes and reptiles, the land and aquatic birds, the Cherokee Indians' march toward civilization, the festivals of the Seminole, the customs of the Creeks. This material now offers a wealth of first-hand information that is not available elsewhere.
And it offers it in a format that still makes for exciting reading. A classic not only of natural science and observation, Bartram's account also served as a source for Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" and "Ancient Mariner" and was held in high esteem as literature by Wordsworth, Carlyle, and Emerson.
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Travels of William Bartram

Travels of William Bartram

by William Bartram
Travels of William Bartram

Travels of William Bartram

by William Bartram


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This is the first inexpensive, illustrated edition of one of the most delightful books of the 18th century. A major source work in American geography, anthropology, and natural history, it contains accurate and entertaining descriptions of the area of the New World now embraced by Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas.
From 1773 to 1778, William Bartram, a trained naturalist, traveled through southern North America, noting the characteristics of almost everything he encountered: the rivers of Florida, the groves of wild oranges, the swamps and lagoons, the fish, the tropical snakes and reptiles, the land and aquatic birds, the Cherokee Indians' march toward civilization, the festivals of the Seminole, the customs of the Creeks. This material now offers a wealth of first-hand information that is not available elsewhere.
And it offers it in a format that still makes for exciting reading. A classic not only of natural science and observation, Bartram's account also served as a source for Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" and "Ancient Mariner" and was held in high esteem as literature by Wordsworth, Carlyle, and Emerson.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780486138664
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 04/02/2012
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 448
File size: 4 MB

Read an Excerpt

Travels of William Bartram

By Mark Van Doren

Dover Publications, Inc.

Copyright © 1928 Macy-Masius, Publishers
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-486-13866-4



AT the request of Dr. Fothergill, of London, to search the Floridas, and the western parts of Carolina and Georgia, for the discovery of rare and useful productions of nature, chiefly in the vegetable kingdom; in April, 1773, I embarked for Charleston, South Carolina, on board the brigantine Charleston packet, captain Wright, the brig————, captain Mason, being in company with us, and bound to the same port. We had a pleasant run down the Delaware, 150 miles to cape Henlopen, the two vessels entering the Atlantic together. For the first twenty-four hours we had a prosperous gale, and were chearful and happy in the prospect of a quick and pleasant voyage; but, alas! how vain and uncertain are human expectations! how quickly is the flattering scene changed! The powerful winds, now rushing forth from their secret abodes, suddenly spread terror and devastation; and the wide ocean, which, a few moments past, was gentle and placid, is now thrown into disorder, and heaped into mountains, whose white curling crests seem to sweep the skies!

This furious gale continued near two days and nights, and not a little damaged our sails, cabin furniture, and state-rooms, besides retarding our passage. The storm having abated, a lively gale from N.W. continued four or five days, when shifting to N. and lastly to N.E. on the tenth of our departure from cape Henlopen, early in the morning, we descried a sail astern, and in a short time discovered it to be capt. Mason, who soon came up with us. We hailed each other, being joyful to meet again, after so many dangers. He suffered greatly by the gale, but providentially made a good harbour within cape Hatteras. As he ran by us, he threw on board ten or a dozen bass, a large and delicious fish, having caught a great number of them whilst he was detained in harbour. He got into Charleston that evening, and we the next morning, about eleven o'clock.

There are few objects out at sea to attract the notice of the traveller, but what are sublime, awful, and majestic: the seas themselves, in a tempest, exhibit a tremendous scene, where the winds assert their power, and, in furious conflict, seem to set the ocean on fire. On the other hand, nothing can be more sublime than the view of the encircling horizon, after the turbulent winds have taken their flight, and the lately agitated bosom of the deep has again become calm and pacific; the gentle moon rising in dignity from the east, attended by thousands of glittering orbs; the luminous appearance of the seas at night, when all the waters seem transmuted into liquid silver; the prodigious bands of porpoises foreboding tempest, that appear to cover the ocean; the mighty whale, sovereign of the watery realms, who cleaves the seas in his course; the sudden appearance of land from the sea, the strand stretching each way, beyond the utmost reach of sight; the alternate appearance and recess of the coast, whilst the far distant blue hills slowly retreat and disappear; or, as we approach the coast, the capes and promontories first strike our sight, emerging from the watery expanse, and, like mighty giants, elevating their crests towards the skies; the water suddenly alive with its scaly inhabitants; squadrons of sea-fowl sweeping through the air, impregnated with the breath of fragrant aromatic trees and flowers; the amplitude and magnificence of these scenes are great indeed, and may present to the imagination, an idea of the first appearance of the earth to man at the creation.

On my arrival at Charleston, I waited on doctor Chalmer, a gentleman of eminence in his profession and public employments, to whom I was recommended by my worthy patron, and to whom I was to apply for counsel and assistance, for carrying into effect my intended travels. The doctor received me with perfect politeness, and, on every occasion, treated me with friendship; and by means of the countenance which he gave me, and the marks of esteem with which he honoured me, I became acquainted with many of the worthy families, not only of Carolina and Georgia, but also in the distant countries of Florida.


ARRIVING in Carolina very early in the spring, vegetation was not sufficiently advanced to invite me into the western parts of this state; from which circumstance, I concluded to make an excursion into Georgia; accordingly, I embarked on board a coasting vessel, and in twenty-four hours arrived in Savanna, the capital, where, acquainting the governor, Sir J. Wright, with my business, his excellency received me with great politeness, shewed me every mark of esteem and regard, and furnished me with letters to the principal inhabitants of the state, which were of great service to me. Another circumstance very opportunely occurred on my arrival: the assembly was then sitting in Savanna, and several members lodging in the same house where I took up my quarters, I became acquainted with several worthy characters, who invited me to call at their seats occasionally, as I passed through the country; particularly the hon. B. Andrews, esq., a distinguished, patriotic, and liberal character. This gentleman's seat, and well-cultivated plantations, are situated near the south high road, which I often travelled; and I seldom passed his house without calling to see him, for it was the seat of virtue, where hospitality, piety, and philosophy, formed the happy family; where the weary traveller and stranger found a hearty welcome, and from whence it must be his own fault if he departed without being greatly benefited.

After resting, and a little recreation for a few days in Savanna, and having in the mean time purchased a good horse, and equipped myself for a journey southward, I sat off early in the morning for Sunbury, a sea-port town, beautifully situated on the main, between Medway and Newport rivers, about fifteen miles south of great Ogeeche river. The town and harbour are defended from the fury of the seas by the north and south points of St. Helena and South Catharine's islands; between which is the bar and entrance into the sound: the harbour is capacious and safe, and has water enough for ships of great burthen. I arrived here in the evening, in company with a gentleman, one of the inhabitants, who politely introduced me to one of the principal families, where I supped and spent the evening in a circle of genteel and polite ladies and gentlemen. Next day, being desirous of visiting the islands, I forded a narrow shoal, part of the sound, and landed on one of them, which employed me the whole day to explore. The surface and vegetable mould here is generally a loose sand, not very fertile, except some spots bordering on the sound and inlets, where are found heaps or mounds of sea-shell, either formerly brought there by the Indians, who inhabited the island, or which were perhaps thrown up in ridges, by the beating surface of the sea: possibly both these circumstances may have contributed to their formation. These sea-shells, through length of time, and the subtle penetrating effects of the air, which dissolve them to earth, render these ridges very fertile; and, when clear of their trees, and cultivated, they become profusely productive of almost every kind of vegetable. Here are also large plantations of indigo, corn, and potatoes, with many other sorts of esculent plants. I observed, amongst the shells of the conical mounds, fragments of earthen vessels, and of other utensils, the manufacture of the ancients: about the centre of one of them, the rim of an earthen pot appeared amongst the shells and earth, which I carefully removed, and drew it out, almost whole: this pot was curiously wrought all over the outside, representing basket work, and was undoubtedly esteemed a very ingenious performance, by the people, at the age of its construction. The natural produce of these testaceous ridges, besides many of less note, are, the great Laurel Tree, (Magnolia grandiflora) Pinus tæda, Laurus Borbonia, Quercus sempervirens, or Live Oak, Prunus Lauro-cerasus, Ilex aquifolium, Corypha palma, Juniperus Americana. The general surface of the island being low, and generally level, produces a very great variety of trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants; particularly the great long-leaved Pitch-Pine, or Broom-Pine, Pinus palustris, Pinus squamosa, Pinus lutea, Gordonia Lisianthus, Liquid ambar (Styraciflua) Acer rubrum, Fraxinus excelcior; Fraxinus aquatica, Quercus aquatica, Quercus phillos, Quercus dentata, Quer-cus humila varietas, Vaccinium varietas, Andromeda varietas, Prinos varietas, Ilex varietas, Viburnum prunifolium, V. dentatum, Cornus florida, C. alba, C. sanguinea, Carpinus betula, C. Ostrya, Itea Clethra alnifolia, Halesia tetraptera, H. diptera, Iva, Rhamnus frangula, Callicarpa, Morus rubra, Sapindus, Cassine, and of such as grow near water-courses, round about ponds and savannas, Fothergilla gardini, Myrica cerifera, Olea Americana, Cyrilla racemiflora, Magnolia glauca, Magnolia pyramidata, Cercis, Kalmia angustifolia, Kalmia ciliata, Chionanthus, Cephalanthos, Æsculus parva; and the intermediate spaces, surrounding and lying between the ridges and savannas, are intersected with plains of the dwarf prickly fan-leaved Palmetto, and lawns of grass variegated with stately trees of the great Broom-Pine, and the spreading ever-green Water-Oak, either disposed in clumps, or scatteringly planted by nature. The upper surface, or vegetative soil of the island, lies on a foundation, or stratum, of tenacious cinereous-coloured clay, which perhaps is the principal support of the vast growth of timber that arises from the surface, which is little more than a mixture of fine white sand and dissolved vegetables, serving as a nursery bed to hatch or bring into existence the infant plant, and to supply it with aliment and food, suitable to its delicacy and tender frame, until the roots, acquiring sufficient extent and solidity to lay hold of the clay, soon attain a magnitude and stability sufficient to maintain its station. Probably if this clay were dug out, and cast upon the surface, after being meliorated by the saline or nitrous qualities of the air, it would kindly incorporate with the loose sand, and become a productive and lasting manure.

The roebuck, or deer, are numerous on this island; the tyger, wolf, and bear, hold yet some possession; as also raccoons, foxes, hares, squirrels, rats, and mice, but I think no moles. There is a large ground rat, more than twice the size of the common Norway rat. In the night time it throws out the earth, forming little mounds, or hillocks. Opossums are here in abundance, as also pole-cats, wild-cats, rattle-snakes, glass-snake, coach- whip-snake, and a variety of other serpents.

Here are also a great variety of birds, throughout the seasons, inhabiting both sea and land. First I shall name the eagle, of which there are three species. The great grey eagle is the largest, of great strength and high flight; he chiefly preys on fawns and other young quadrupeds.

The bald eagle is likewise a large, strong, and very active bird, but an execrable tyrant: he supports his assumed dignity and grandeur by rapine and violence, extorting unreasonable tribute and subsidy from all the feathered nations.

The last of this race I shall mention is the falco-piscatorius, or fishing-hawk: this is a large bird, of high and rapid flight; his wings are very long and pointed, and he spreads a vast sail, in proportion to the volume of his body. This princely bird subsists entirely on fish which he takes himself, scorning to live and grow fat on the dear-earned labours of another; he also contributes liberally to the support of the bald eagle.

Water-fowl, and the various species of land-birds, also abound, most of which are mentioned by Catesby, in his Hist. of Carolina, particularly his painted finch (Emberiza Ceris Linn.) exceeded by none of the feathered tribes, either in variety and splendour of dress, or melody of song.

Catesby's ground doves are also here in abundance: they are remarkably beautiful, about the size of a sparrow, and their soft and plaintive cooing perfectly enchanting.

How chaste the dove! "never known to violate the conjugal contract."

She flees the seats of envy and strife, and seeks the retired paths of peace.

The sight of this delightful and productive island, placed in front of the rising city of Sunbury, quickly induced me to explore it; which I apprehended, from former visits to this coast, would exhibit a comprehensive epitome of the history of all the sea-coast Islands of Carolina and Georgia, as likewise in general of the coast of the main. And though I considered this excursion along the coast of Georgia and northern border of Florida, a deviation from the high road of my intended travels, yet I performed it in order to employ to the most advantage the time on my hands, before the treaty of Augusta came on, where I was to attend, about May or June, by desire of the Superintendent, J. Stewart, esq. who, when I was in Charleston, proposed, in order to facilitate my travels in the Indian territories, that, if I would be present at the Congress, he would introduce my business to the chiefs of the Cherokees, Creeks, and other nations, and recommend me to their friendship and protection; which promise he fully performed, and it proved of great service to me.

Obedient to the admonitions of my attendant spirit, curiosity, as well as to gratify the expectations of my worthy patron, I again sat off on my southern excursion, and left Sunbury, in company with several of its polite inhabitants, who were going to Medway meeting, a very large and well-constructed place of worship, in St. John's parish, where I associated with them in religious exercise, and heard a very excellent sermon, delivered by their pious and truly venerable pastor, the Rev.————Osgood. This respectable congregation is independent, and consists chiefly of families, and proselytes of a flock, which this pious man led about forty years ago, from South Carolina, and settled in this fruitful district. It is about nine miles from Sunbury to Medway meetinghouse, which stands on the high road opposite the Sunbury road. As soon as the congregation broke up, I re-assumed my travels, proceeding down the high road towards Fort Barrington, on the Alatamaha, passing through a level country, well watered by large streams, branches of Medway and Newport rivers, coursing from extensive swamps and marshes, their sources: these swamps are daily clearing and improving into large fruitful rice plantations, aggrandizing the well inhabited and rich district of St. John's parish. The road is straight, spacious, and kept in excellent repair by the industrious inhabitants; and is generally bordered on each side with a light grove, consisting of the following trees and shrubs: Myrica, Cerifera, Calycanthus, Halesia tetraptera, Itea stewartia, Andromeda nitida, Cyrella racemiflora, entwined with bands and garlands of Bignonia sempervirens, B. crucigera, Lonicera sempervirens and Glycene frutescens; these were overshadowed by tall and spreading trees, as the Magnolia grandiflora, Liquid ambar, Liriodendron, Catalpa, Quercus sempervirens, Quercus dentata, Q. Phillos; and on the verges of the canals, where the road was causwayed, stood the Cupressus disticha, Gordonia Lacianthus, and Magnolia glauca, all planted by nature, and left standing by the virtuous inhabitants, to shade the road, and perfume the sultry air. The extensive plantations of rice and corn, now in early verdure, decorated here and there with groves of floriferous and fragrant trees and shrubs, under the cover and protection of pyramidal laurels and plumed palms, which now and then break through upon the sight from both sides of the way as we pass along; the eye at intervals stealing a view at the humble, but elegant and neat habitation, of the happy proprietor, amidst harbours and groves, all day, and moon-light nights, filled with the melody of the cheerful mockbird, warbling nonpareil, and plaintive turtle-dove, altogether present a view of magnificence and joy, inexpressibly charming and animating.


Excerpted from Travels of William Bartram by Mark Van Doren. Copyright © 1928 Macy-Masius, Publishers. Excerpted by permission of Dover Publications, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

The Author embarks at Philadelphia?arrives at Charleston
Embarks again for Georgia and arrives at Savanna
Proceeds Southward and arrives at Sunbury
"Observations on the town, harbour, and island of St. Catharine, its soil and productions"
"Account of the establishment of St. John's district, and Midway meeting-house"
Description of a beautiful fish
"Proceeds for the rive Alatamaha, description of a tremendous storm"
Crosses the river at Fort Barrington and arrives at St. Ille
Passes the frontier settlements and meets an hostile Indian
"Crosses the river St. Mary and arrives at the trading-house, account of the country thereabout, its natural productions, of the lake Ouaquaphenogaw, said to be the source of the river St. Mary"
Returns to the Alatamaha and thence to Savanna
"Sets off from Savanna to Augusta, one hundred fifty-five miles North-West from the sea coast"
"Describes the face of the country, the river Savanna, the cataracts and village of Augusta"
Congress with the Indians at St. Augusta
The village of Wrightsborough on Little River
Monuments of an ancient Indian town on Little River
Buffaloe Lick
Begins the survey of the New Purchase
High proof of Indian sagacity
Returns to Savanna
The Author leaves Broughton island and ascends the Alatamaha
Night scene
A tempest
Description of the river
Ruins of an ancient fortification
Indian monuments at the Oakmulge fields
"Creeks, account of their settlement in Georgia"
"Sets off from Savanna to East Florida, proceeding by land to the Alatamaha"
Descends that river to Frederica on the island of St. Simon's
Describes the island and the city
Leaves Frederica for the lower trading-house on St. Juan's
"Passes through and describes the sound, &c."
"Leaves Amelia island and arrives at the Cowford, on the river St. Juan's"
"Proceeds up the river alone in a small canoe; suffers by a gale of wind in crossing the river, is hospitably entertained at a gentleman's house, where he rests and sails again"
Describes fort Picolata
"Various Productions, viz. Magnolia grandiflora, Tillandsia usneadscites, floating fields of the Pistia stratiotes, the river and country, touches at Charlotteville "
Arrives at the lower trading-house
Proceeds farther up the river
"Passes by Mount Hope, and comes to at Mount Royal"
"Describes the mount, Indian highway, &c. "
Beautiful landscape of the country and prospect of the lake
Enters Lake George
Description of the lake
"Forced by stress of weather to put into the beautiful isle Edelano, description of the island, ancient Indian town, mount and highway"
Crosses over the lake and arrives at the upper trading-house
"Provides for continuing his voyage higher up the river, engages an Indian to assist in navigating his bark, and sets sail, the Indian becomes tired and requests to be set on shore"
Encamps at a delightful Orange grove
Continues again alone up the river: description of the Palma Elata: enters the Little Lake and comes to camp at an Orange groev
"Fight of alligators; a battle with them; great embarrassments with them; kills one: vast assemblage of fish: description of the alligator and its nest, &c."
Describes the Carica papaya
A very curious bird
In danger of being taken napping by a huge crocodile
"The banks of the river admirably ornamented with festoons and tapestry, the work of nature"
Sepulchres of the ancients
A hurricane
"Visits a plantation on the banks of the Long Lake; description of the lake, a large sulphureous fountain"
"Account of the founding and present state of New Smyrna, on the Musquitoe river"
Returns down the river
East Lake
Curious birds and a beautiful fish
"Leaves Cedar Point, touches at the isle of Palms; robbed by a wolf"
Arrives at Six Miles Springs
An account of that admirable fountain
"Describes the Gordonia, Zamia, Cactus opuntia, Erythrina, Cacalia &c."
Touches at Rocky Point
Arrives again at the lower trading-house
Proceeds on a journey to Cuscowilla
Describes the country and waters
"Annona incarna, Annona pygmea, Kalmia ciliata, Empetrum album, Andromeda ferruginea, Rhododendron spurium, Pica glandaria non cristata, Lanius, Lacerta, Snakes, Chionanthus, Andromeda formoissima, Cyrilla"
Encamps at the Halfway Pond
"Describes the pond and meadows, a beautiful landscape"
Pilgrimage of fish
Describes various kinds of fish
Great soft shelled tortoise and great land tortoise
Moral reflections and meditations
Leaves Half-way Pond and proceeds
"Situation, quality, and furniture of the earth"
Arrives at Cuscowilla
Reception from the Indian chief: his character
Siminoles' predilection for Spanish customs and civilization
"Indian slaves, their condition"
Departs for the Alachua savanna; description of the savanna
Siminoles on horseback
Returns to Cuscowilla lake
Returns to the savanna
Glass snake
Makes the tour of the savanna
Vestiges of the ancient Alachua
"Orange groves, turkeys, deer, wolves, savanna crane"
Arrives at the great bason or sink
Description of the sink
"Account of the alligators, incredible number of fish; their subterranean migrations"
Old Spanish highway
Indian highway
Arrives again at the trading-house on St. Juan's
"Character and comparison of the nations of the Upper Creeks, and Lower or Siminoles"
Sets out again on a journey to Talahasochte
Description of the Siminole horse
Encamps at an enchanting grotto on the banks of a beautiful lake
Rocky ridges and desert wilds
Engagement between a hawk and the coach-whip snake
Description of the snake
"Account of the country, grand Pine forest"
Encamps on the borders of an extensive savanna
Description of the savanna crane
"Comes upon the verge of extensive savannas, lying on a beautiful lake"
"The expansive fields of Capola, decorated with delightful groves"
Squadrons of Siminole horses
A troop under the conduct and care of an Indian dog
The fields of Capola a delightful region
"Ferruginous rocks, rich iron ore"
Arrives at Talahasochte on the river Little St. Juan's
Describes the town and river
Indian canoes
Their voyages and traffic
Indian voyage to Cuba
A fishing party and naval race
An excursion to the Manatee spring
Description of that incomparable nymphæum
An account of the Manatee
Crosses the river to explore the country
Spanish remains
Vast Cane wilderness
Ancient Spanish plantations
Apalachean old fields
Returns to town
White King's arrival
A council and feast
Character of the king
"Leaves the town or researches, and encamps in the forests"
Account of an extraordinary eruption of waters
Joins his companions at camp
Entertainment by the White King in Talahafochte
"Contee, its preparation and sue"
Returns to camp
Great desert plains
Entertainment with a part of young Siminole warriors
"Account of the Long Pond, and delightful prospects adjacent"
Returns for the trading-house on St. Juan's
Embarrassments occasioned by the wild horses
Encamps at Bird Island Pond
Vast number of wild fowl tending their nests
Engagement with an alligator who surprised the camp by night
Observations on the great Alachua savanna and its environs
Arrival at the trading house
The Author makes an excursion again up St. Juan's to Lake George
"Revisits Six Mile Springs and Illicium groves, makes collections, and recrosses the lake to the Eastern coast"
That shore more bold and rocky than the opposite
"Coasts round that shore, touching at old deserted plantations"
Perennial Cotton
"Unpardonable devastation and neglect of the white settlers, with respect to the native Orange groves"
Returns to the trading-house
"Indian warriors, their frolic"
Curious conference with the Long Warrior
Ludicrous Indian farce relative to a rattle snake
War farce
Farther account of the rattle snake
Account and description of other snakes and animals
"Catalogue of birds of North America; observations concerning their migration, or annual passages from North to South, and back again"
Visits an Indian village on the river
Water melon feast
Description of the banqueting-house
Makes an excursion across the river; great dangers in crossing; lands on the opposite shore
"Discovers a bee tree, which yielded a great quantity of honey"
Returns to the shore
Embarks for Frederica in Georgia; visits the plantations down the river; enters the sound and passes through; arrives at Frederica
Embarks again
Touches at Sunbury
"Arrives at Charleston, South Carolina"
"Meditates a journey to the Cherokee country and Creek Nation, in West Florida"
The Author sets out for the Cherokee territories
Passes through a fine cultivated country
Crosses the Savanna river and enters the state of a Georgia
Dirca palustris
Civil entertainment at a plantation
"Pursues the road to Augusta, and recrosses the river at Silver Bluff"
"Account of Mr. Golphin's villa and trading stores, Silver Bluff, fort Moore, Augusta, Savanna river, mountains of large fossil oyster shells"
"Proceeds for fort James, Dartmouth"
Curious species of Azalea
Crosses Broad River
Establishment of Dartmouth
"Indian mount, &c. crosses Savanna river"
Violent gust of rain
Curious species of Æsculus pavia
Town of Sinica
"Fort George, Keowe"
Describes the country
Ocone vale
Monuments of the ancient town
Crosses the mountains
"Their situation, views, and productions"
Rests on the top of Mount Magnolia
Description of a new and beautiful species of Magnolia
Cascades of Falling Creek
Thunder storm
Head of Tanasee
Vale of Cowe
Indian graves
"Towns of Echoe, Nucasse, and Whatoga"
Nobly entertained by the prince of Whatoga
Arrives at the town of Cowe
Makes an excursion with a young trader on the hills of Cowe
Incomparable prospects
Discovers a company of Cherokee nymphs
A frolic with them
Returns to town
Sets off from Whatoga to the Overhill towns
Jore Village
Roaring Creek
The Author and his guide part
Surprised by an Indian
Salute and part friendly
Mountainous vegetable productions
Arrives on the top of Jore mountain
Sublime prospects
"Atta-kul-kulla, grand Cherokee chief"
Gracious reception
Returns to Cowe
Great council-house
Curious Indian dance
Returns and stops at Sinica
"Arrives again at fort James, Dartmouth"
List of Cherokee towns and villages
Sets off from Dartmouth to the Upper Creeks and Chactaws country
Flat Rock
A curious plant
Rocky Comfort
Ocone old Town
Migration of the Ocones
Crosses the river
Fords the Oakmulge at the Oakmulge fields
Stoney Creek
Great and Little Tabosachte
New species of Hydrangia
Crosses Flint river
Describes the country
Persecuted by extraordinary heats and incredible numbers of biting flies
Hippobosca and Asilus
Extraordinary thunder gust
Crosses Chata Uche river
Describes the town
Very large and populous
Proceeds and arrives at the Apalachucla town
Visits the old town
Extraordinary remains and monuments of the ancients
General face of the country and vegetable productions
New species of Æsculus
"Proceeds, and after three days journey arrives at Tallase, on the Tallapoose river"
"Coloome, a handsome town"
Great plains
Further account of the country
Dog woods
Crosses the river Schambe
"Comes to Taensa on the East banks of the Mobile, thirty miles above the city"
French inhabitants
"Passes down the river, arrives at the city of Mobile"
Short account of the city and fore Condé
"Returns to Taensa, and proceeds up the river as far as the entrance of the Chicasaw branch"
Floating forests of the Nymphæa Nelumbo
Visits the adjacent lands
Returns to Mobile
Goes to the river Perdido
Continues on to Pensacola
Cordially received by governor Chester
Some account of the town
Discovers a new and beautiful species of Sarracenia
Returns to Mobile
Leaves Mobile for Manchac on the Mississippi
Proceeds by water to Pearl Island
Kindly entertained by Mr. Rumsey
Describes the island
Large crimson Plum
A delicate species of Mimosa
Passes Lake Pontchartrain
Touches at the river Taensapaoa
Passes over Lake Maurespas
Proceeds up to Iberville
Crosses by land to Manchac
Goes up the Mississippi
Settlements of New-Richmond
White Plains
Curious muscle shells in the river
Crosses over to Point Coupè
Spanish village and fortress
High cliffs opposite Point Coupè
"Returns to the Amite, thence down through the lanks, and sounds back again to Mobile"
Leaves Mobile on his return
Proceeds with a company of traders for the Creek nation
His horse tires
Is in great distress
"Meets a company of traders, of whom he purchases a fresh horse"
Illicium groves
Meets a company of emigrants from Georgia
Great embarrassment at a large creek swollen with late heavy rains
Arrives at the banks of Alabama
Crosses it and arrives at Mucclasse
Indian marriage
Serious reflections
Perilous situation of the trader of Mucclasse
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