TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction
Arguing that the race to better humankind is about to go to a new dimension as a result of a nanotechnological revolution, this enthralling read purports that the depth of progress and technological development is such that people in the very near future may no longer be fully human. TransEvolution discusses the transition from human to someone—or something—new and different and the increasing trend of implementing prosthetics, organ implants, bionic eyes, hearing aids, and other technological augmentations. Humans are capable of doing things they never imagined would be possible 20 years ago, and the rapid growth of this trend is nowhere near its end. But do the benefits of these advancements come with a price? Is humanity in danger because of this domination of science and technology? Bestselling author Daniel Estulin describes his vision of the future in which he believes the elite will employ their Promethean plans.
TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction
Arguing that the race to better humankind is about to go to a new dimension as a result of a nanotechnological revolution, this enthralling read purports that the depth of progress and technological development is such that people in the very near future may no longer be fully human. TransEvolution discusses the transition from human to someone—or something—new and different and the increasing trend of implementing prosthetics, organ implants, bionic eyes, hearing aids, and other technological augmentations. Humans are capable of doing things they never imagined would be possible 20 years ago, and the rapid growth of this trend is nowhere near its end. But do the benefits of these advancements come with a price? Is humanity in danger because of this domination of science and technology? Bestselling author Daniel Estulin describes his vision of the future in which he believes the elite will employ their Promethean plans.
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TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

by Daniel Estulin PhD
TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

TransEvolution: The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

by Daniel Estulin PhD


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Arguing that the race to better humankind is about to go to a new dimension as a result of a nanotechnological revolution, this enthralling read purports that the depth of progress and technological development is such that people in the very near future may no longer be fully human. TransEvolution discusses the transition from human to someone—or something—new and different and the increasing trend of implementing prosthetics, organ implants, bionic eyes, hearing aids, and other technological augmentations. Humans are capable of doing things they never imagined would be possible 20 years ago, and the rapid growth of this trend is nowhere near its end. But do the benefits of these advancements come with a price? Is humanity in danger because of this domination of science and technology? Bestselling author Daniel Estulin describes his vision of the future in which he believes the elite will employ their Promethean plans.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781937584771
Publisher: Trine Day
Publication date: 01/22/2014
Pages: 230
Sales rank: 826,769
Product dimensions: 5.50(w) x 8.40(h) x 0.80(d)

About the Author

Daniel Estulin is an award-winning investigative journalist and the author of Deconstructing Wikileaks, The Octopus Deception, Shadow Masters, and The True Story of the Bilderberg Group.

Read an Excerpt


The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction

By Daniel Estulin

Trine Day LLC

Copyright © 2014 Daniel Estulin
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-937584-79-5


The Economy

The delusions we have about the economy arise from the fact that some think that economy is a matter of money. However, money is not a determinant of wealth. The statistical measures of money flows have nothing to do with the actual forecasting of wealth. What affects the planet is the development of the mind of the individual.

It is not money, it is not statistics, and it is not monetary theory that determines the way an economy works. It is physical. And physical includes the fact that the human brain, which is unlike any other brain. No animal can file a patent — only human beings can do that. That is one of the ways in which we organize our social system — by adopting social customs, as to how we behave as people, as human beings. And, if we have defective customs, we are going to have problems — and these problems are foreseeable.

Dear reader, I want you to understand that what we are witnessing in the world today — the wholesale destruction of the world's economy — is not an accident, nor is it a miscalculation or the result of political shenanigans. This is being done on purpose, absolutely on purpose. The reason is because our current corporate empire knows that "progress of humanity" means their imminent demise.

Empires cannot survive in a world where there is widespread technological and scientific progress. An imperium requires a world where people are dumb and servile like sheep. Empires seek to destroy the very structures, such as nation-states, which support meaningful life and human progress. The "powers-that-be" deliberately target these nation-states (independent countries), and their economies — to destroy the nations, and thereby maintaining their own imperious power. This is by design.

Empires are not a King or a Queen sitting on a gold plated throne. Empires are above Kings. It is a system of control — total control. The control of everything by an international monetary system that is itself run by the international banks.

Globalization, you see, is nothing but a new form of empire, with the goals: the elimination of the nation-state, the elimination of liberty, and the elimination of rights.

Now, I know many people will comment: "What empire? Empires ceased to exist a long time ago."

Our current imperium is a complex system of central banks, investment banks, hedge funds, private equity funds, insurance companies, and shadow banking. A financial system that has been responsible for a paradigm-shift in the last half a century, away from the production of physical goods and real economy, and more and more to speculation, to the idea of profit maximization, and pure monetarism. That's todays' Empire!

How Money Works

Like I said before, the economy has nothing to do with money. What the elite have created is an Empire — with them in control. Too many believe that is all about money. But money is simply an instrument. Money, in itself, doesn't affect the development of the planet. There is a false belief that there is an intrinsic value expressed by money, but the value expressed is not as a quantity per se. It is only the relative effects of its increase, and/or decrease of its physical potential relative to the population-density of a society. The value of money lies not in its individual exchange, but in its function as a unifying dynamic of the social processes of a nation.

What affects the development of our planet? The human mind. That is how mankind is measured. What separates us from animals is our ability to discover universal physical principles, which then increase and improve humankind. Our minds allow us to innovate, and subsequently improve the lives of our populations. The development of mankind, the development of the power of individuals and the nations, depends upon scientific development, scientific discovery and technological progress.

By cutting down productivity, by disrupting investment in infrastructure, and by forestalling inventions and technology, the elite wish to force a population reduction. Because if you keep people stupid, and not too numerous, a minority may excercise near total control.

Today's monetary crisis reflects the insanity that has been imposed during the process of destroying the physical economy. The reason we are having this "crisis" is not because of fluctuation in the financial markets. But because we are in a hyperinflationary mode: if you take the total amount of money purported to be in circulation, and you take the percentage of that money which has a correspondence to physical reality, and you find it is diminished — almost to zero. But that is not the problem! It is our per capita physical production, and the fact, that the resources on which production depends, have collapsed.

The future of mankind comes from our physical economy, and the physical transformations that we make from the world that surrounds us. Let me give you an example. You take a pile of dirt, which is rich in iron ore, and you refine the ore, and you use that ore to make iron, and then you use that iron to make steel, and you use the steel to make machine tools that then allow you to build all sorts of other things: automobiles, trains, space shuttles, nuclear reactors. You have forged ahead.

At each step of the process the transformation you get has greater value to society, is worth more in physical terms than what went into it. The output is more than the sum of the inputs.

You see, when we build infrastructure, we are actually reorganizing the physical space-time of the planet, allowing our world to attain higher and higher levels of efficiency and beauty.

So, if your system is increasingly moving to higher levels of efficiency, such as from a coal based economy to an oil based economy to a nuclear based economy, there would be an increase in the productive power of human labor at every step of the way — that's the way that actual wealth is created. People doing productive things. Money is simply the way of facilitating trade among people. It possesses no magical powers. No intrinsic value.

Why Is The Empire Destroying The Financial System?

There are currently seven billion people on Planet Earth, a small blue orb meandering through space with limited natural resources and an ever expanding population. Food and water are becoming ever scarcer.

For example, according to a study by NASA, Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, India's water tables have fallen by about one-fifth over the past two years. India's agricultural sector currently uses about 90% of its total water resources. As water scarcity becomes a bigger and bigger problem, India could be faced with catastrophic food shortages.

Soon India may be forced to import more food from abroad. With a population of 1.2 billion people, the tiny food surplus that exists in the world today would vanish immediately, creating an unsustainable situation for the world at large.

The elite understand this. David Rockefeller understands this. The Kings and the Queens of the world understand: a larger population equals fewer natural resources and more food and water supply shortages.

In fact, the elite, the oligarchic controllers of empire throughout Europe, understood this by the middle of the eighteenth century: that levels of technological progress and development are directly proportional to population growth. Without scientific and technological progress, a level of population increase cannot be sustained because with an ever-expanding population, you need more and more sophisticated technology to sustain the populace.

And with technological progress, oligarchies are not tolerated. Nations, which foster the creative-mental development of their populations, produce a people that will not tolerate oligarchic forms of rule indefinitely.

Therefore, from the point of view of an oligarchical elite, if they want to completely control a planet, they must reduce the population to a more "manageable" number. Remember, seven billion people and growing is a lot of mouths to feed. This is something that Rockefeller and company understands, even if we don't. For the elite to eat, you and I have to die. How is that for a solution?

Depopulation & Club of Rome's "Limits to Growth"

The most important institution in the world to push a Malthusian depopulation scheme is the Club of Rome. Its members are some of the leading citizens of the planet: David Rockefeller, Michael Gorbachev, the King and Queen of Spain, Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands, King Philippe of Belgium.

Founded in April 1968 by Alexander King and Aurelio Peccei, the Club of Rome, mainly consists of members of Venetian Black Nobility, descendants of the richest and most ancient of all European families. They controlled and ran Genoa and Venice in the XII century.

In 1972, the Club published one of the most pernicious documents of all time, The Limits to Growth. The report declared that Earth was going to run out of its limited resources during the next 40 years. Therefore, according to this account, in order for mankind to survive, we would have to adjust our lifestyle, and numbers, accordingly.

According to the Club of Rome, in order to survive, mankind must reduce its dependence on technology; roll back its drive for progress, technological innovation and advancement, and impose a worldwide regime of economic controlled disintegration.

Since that time, the Limits to Growth thesis has been inserted within government and supranational government institutions worldwide, so-called educational institutions, university curricula, and much more — basically every aspect of popular culture. The results have been the total deindustrialization, wars, and genocide we see today.

The end result is the collapse of the world economy, and even with their version of "unlimited" resources, which includes no breakthroughs in science, or the development of any revolutionary new technologies. If you break through the Babylonian verbal confusion, a report by the Club of Rome leaves little room for doubt as to their real agenda: "In search for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill." The report concluded with the following, "The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."

Thus, a leading international institution is pushing policies of retrogression in technology, and the reduction of the world's population by several billion people — that's genocide — in case you didn't know it.

However, before they can reduce population and tame the herd, they must destroy the world's economy by destroying consumer demand, which is accomplished by making us all poorer.

You may wish to know why Rockefeller and company would want to destroy demand. Wouldn't they suffer financially as well? The answer is no. They will not suffer at all, because they already control most of the world's wealth. Their primary concern at this juncture in history is to ensure the survival of their breed. And once more, for them to survive in an age of depleting natural resources, most of us must die.

* * *

We have all heard of the Great Depression. However, many of us haven't been taught our own history and do not understand what happened during that period.

Contrary to what "official" history books tell you, the Great Depression was not an event that wiped out U.S. capitalists. It was an event that made the rich richer, transferring the wealth of the people into the hands of an already wealthy elite.

The Bank of America made billions through real estate foreclosures from 1929-37. Don't believe for a minute that the richest of the rich will be hurt by any economic collapse. The only ones hurt will be you and me.

A question arises, how do they destroy demand? By destroying the world's economy on purpose. In other words, "controlled disintegration." Which was precisely the cornerstone of another policy paper prepared by another elite group: the Council on Foreign Relation's Project 1980s. Controlled economic disintegration and the dismantling of the globe's advanced scientific industrial concentrations were a major component of that report. CFR, one of the oligarchy's central institutions in the United States, called this project, "the largest undertaking in its history."

The 33-volume CFR report constituted blueprints, which the oligarchy used its power to institute during the second half of the 1970s and the 1980s. They imposed one of the most profound shifts in economic and nation-state policy during the 20 century — the paradigm shift to a post-industrial economy.

What does "controlled disintegration" mean? The world economy would be pushed into collapse — but not in an haphazard fashion. With the oligarchy controlling the disintergration process, it would be necessary to deliver economic shocks to carry this out: oil price hikes, credit cutoffs, interest rate instability. Forcing the world economy to zero, and eventually negative growth rates.

Simultaneously, there was the creation of the spot market in oil, of the euro bond markets, the derivatives market, and the expansion of the offshore banking apparatus as well as the laundering of large quantities of drug money through some of the world's largest banks.

Over the past several years, some of the world's largest banking institutions have been caught laundering billions of dollars in illegal proceeds from the drug trade through their accounts: Wachovia Bank, HSBC, Citigroup, and even Coutts, the Queen of England's private bank.

Behind this entire initiative there appears the Inter-Alpha Group of banks. TheInter-Alpha Group, since its founding in 1971 as a European banking cartel by Lord Jacob Rothschild, has been an epicenter of operations — all directed from London. The Inter-Alpha Group includes financial heavyweights such as the Royal Bank of Scotland, the Portuguese Banco Espirito Santo, the Spanish Banco Santander, the Dutch ING, the French bank Société Générale and Germany'sCommerzbank, among others.

The group was actually created in the later stages of World War II. Jacob Rothschild directed it from London. The Rothschild banking network, since its inception in Frankfurt in late 1700, has been an operation of the Black Nobility, a global financial conglomerate conspiracy that dates back to the Fourth Crusade.

One of Rothchild's first sponsors was the Thurn und Taxis family of Bavaria, controllers of the Venetian intelligence and one of the principal families of the Habsburg Empire of Austria.

This Venice connection is the true source of financial power of the legendary Rothschild family.

Despite the enormous wealth that these banks represent by themselves, they did not have all the funds necessary to transform the world according to their plan. They provided the initial capital, and then used their power of controlling the money of others, to create the markets and the institutions used to control world markets. This group originated the hedge funds, the private equity funds and other domineering financial tools — the dark side of the Inter-Alpha Group.

To achieve its objective, they first built a banking unit in postwar Europe World War, as the base of what appeared to be a new universal financial structure. However, it was actually a return to an imperial model that existed before the American Revolution. The planning of this new Europe began even before the fighting ceased, and soon led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, and then the formation of the European Economic Community in 1957. These were initial crucial steps towards today's European Union and its supranational currency, the euro.

With these measures and their subsequent elimination of national sovereignty, this new/old economic empire began the process of building a borderless European financial system. In quick succession, came the development of the Eurobond and the Eurodollar markets, and mega-banks. These banks, mostly based in London, merged with other British banks and banks based in Europe, Asia and the Americas. These mega-banks were designed to flank national banking regulations, and as such, represented the beginning of "globalization" (i.e. imperialization) of finance.

The real power of the Inter-Alpha Group, however, is not in the individual banks themselves, but in the changes that the Inter-Alpha operation has fomented in the world economy. The Inter-Alpha project turned the global financial system into a giant casino: a theme park for the investment banks, which are the "speculative arm" of the commercial banks and hedge funds.

Trilateral Commission

Another organization closely linked to the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations is a little understood entity — the Trilateral Commission (TC). David Rockefeller established the organization in 1973. The people who belong to the Trilateral Commission all appear to share the same anti-nationalist philosophies, and to try to prevent the internal nationalistic forces within their respective countries from exerting influence on policy.


Excerpted from TransEvolution by Daniel Estulin. Copyright © 2014 Daniel Estulin. Excerpted by permission of Trine Day LLC.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Title Page,
Copyright page,
The Economy,
Genetically Modified Conspiracy,
Programming the Masses,
Space Exploration,
6) Epilogue,
Internet Links,

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