Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year, Year B
Traces of Glory is the first in a three-volume collection of prayers and other resources based on the Common Worship Lectionary used in many parts of the Anglican Communion, and very similar to lectionaries in use in the United States. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by individuals seeking to supplement their own devotions.

Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year, Year B
Traces of Glory is the first in a three-volume collection of prayers and other resources based on the Common Worship Lectionary used in many parts of the Anglican Communion, and very similar to lectionaries in use in the United States. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by individuals seeking to supplement their own devotions.

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Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year, Year B

Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year, Year B

by David Adam
Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year, Year B

Traces of Glory: Prayers for the Church Year, Year B

by David Adam

Paperback(Large Print)

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Traces of Glory is the first in a three-volume collection of prayers and other resources based on the Common Worship Lectionary used in many parts of the Anglican Communion, and very similar to lectionaries in use in the United States. Written in the Celtic style for which the author is known, and linked to the Sunday readings, these prayers and intercessions may be used by congregations for the Prayers of the People, as well as by individuals seeking to supplement their own devotions.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780819218247
Publisher: Church Publishing, Incorporated
Publication date: 07/01/1999
Edition description: Large Print
Pages: 160
Product dimensions: 5.00(w) x 7.75(h) x (d)

About the Author

DAVID ADAM (1936-2020) is one of the best-loved figures in Celtic spirituality. The author of many successful books published in English, Finnish, German, Polish, and Welsh, he was vicar of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne for thirteen years. After retirement, he continued to write, lecture, speak, and lead as a spiritual director.

Read an Excerpt




Church Publishing Incorporated

Copyright © 1999 David Adam
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-8192-1824-7



The First Sunday of Advent

* * *

Isaiah 64. 1–9: Ps 80. 1–7 [17–19]: 1 Corinthians 1. 3–9: Mark 13. 24–37

Come, Lord, come down, come in, come among us.
Enter into our darkness with your light.
Come fill our emptiness with your presence.
Dispel the clouds and reveal your glory.
Come refresh, renew, restore us.
Come Lord, come down, come in, come among us. Amen.

Come, Lord, be known in your church,
for without you we have no message, we have no power.
Come fill us with your presence,
that we may proclaim your peace.
Lord, make us aware, alert to your coming,
that we may reveal your glory in all the world.
We pray for those that walk in darkness,
that they may see your light.
We remember those whose lives are clouded with troubles
and pray that they may behold your glory.
Lord, stir up your strength
and come among us.

Come, Lord, and give peace to your world.
Disperse the clouds of war and violence, of calamity and disaster.
Let your power and your glory be revealed to the nations.
We pray for all who watch and wait while we sleep:
for the police, hospital workers and ambulance workers,
for fire fighters, and for all who work in the dark hours of the night.
Lord, stir up your strength
and come among us.

Come, Lord, be known in our homes,
that our homes may reflect your love.
Come in our work places that they may reflect your glory;
that we may rejoice in each other's presence,
that we may be fully aware of others and sensitive to their needs.
Lord, stir up your strength
and come among us.

Come, Lord, to all who are unable to cope at this time;
to all who are weighed down with troubles.
We pray for the ill and for those who have the care of them.
We remember those whose lives are clouded with despair.
We pray for the depressed and the suicidal.
We remember friends and loved ones in their
Lord, stir up your strength
and come among us.

Come, Lord of our salvation, save us and we shall be saved.
We pray for friends and loved ones departed, especially for....
May they now rejoice in the fullness of your presence and your glory.
Lord, stir up your strength
and come among us.


Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.


May the Lord find you alert to his coming, open to his presence, aware of his love; and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you, and remain with you always. Amen.

The Second Sunday of Advent

* * *

Isaiah 40. 1–11: Ps. 85. [1–2] 8–13: 2 Peter 3. 8–15a: Mark 1. 1–8

Lord, grant us a glimpse of your glory:
open our eyes to your coming to us,
that we may know you are with us always,
and that you are a very present help in trouble.
Lord, as you abide in us, and we abide in you,
may we show traces of your glory in our lives,
and so glorify you, Lord Jesus,
Who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Lord, you come to us in power, to send us out in your Name.
Strengthen us to proclaim the Good News without fear.
May we be able to say 'Here is your God',
and show forth your glory in our land.
We pray for preachers of the word and ministers of the sacraments;
for all who lead worship, for choirs and organists.
We pray for spiritual leaders and writers, for all who seek to witness to your love.
Show us your mercy, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.

We pray for all who influence the minds of your people:
for the press and for broadcasters,
for those who through the spoken or written word affect the way we live.
We pray for teachers and leaders of young people,
for all who make decisions about our future or set us standards to follow,
for all who influence our minds and our hearts.
Show us your mercy, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.

Lord, in our homes let us be wise in our use of words,
that we may dwell in love and peace with each other.
We pray for the gift of good communication.
We remember all who have stopped speaking to each other.
We pray for areas where words are used to hurt,
for homes where there is abuse, and places where there is violence and cruelty.
Show us your mercy, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.

Lord, you restore, you forgive, you bring peace.
We pray for broken peoples, for the broken-hearted and the broken-spirited.
We pray for the guilt-ridden, for the disturbed,
for those who are unable to communicate with others,
that they may know your peace and your love.
We remember friends and loved ones with whom we have lost contact through illness.
We pray for all who are ill at this time,
Show us your mercy, O Lord,
and grant us your salvation.

As we wait for your coming in glory, we pray for all who have passed into the fullness of your kingdom. We give you thanks for the saints in glory, for our benefactors who have gone before us. We pray for all our loved ones departed from us. Show us your mercy, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.


Dear friends, while you are waiting for the day of God, strive to be found at peace by
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.


The Lord comes to you this day in great power:
he comes as a shepherd to care for his flock;
he comes to heal, to restore, to forgive, to bring you home;
he comes to you;
and the blessing ...

The Third Sunday of Advent

* * *

Isaiah 61. 1–4, 8–11: Ps. 126 (or Magnificat): 1 Thessalonians 5. 16–24: John 1. 6–8, 19–28

Come, Holy Spirit of God, come upon us,
that you may send us out in your power.
Fill us with your grace and goodness,
that we may be able to bring the Good News to the oppressed,
to comfort the broken-hearted,
and to bring liberty and freedom to your people;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Father,
for ever and ever. Amen.

Holy Lord, you come to us, you inspire us, you enable us;
grant that we may proclaim your loving presence
and show your saving power.
Let your church be seen to be working for justice and righteousness, for liberty and
Lord, that we may live at peace and oppress no one.
Make us instruments of peace within our communities and within our homes.
Lord of freedom,
hear us.

We remember before you all who are seeking freedom:
we pray for nations burdened with great debt,
for families who have lost their homes, peoples denied justice.
We pray for all who are suffering from violence or tyranny.
We pray for the work of Amnesty International, we remember all who care for
We pray for any who are hostages at this time, especially....
Lord of freedom,
hear us.

Lord, teach us to appreciate what we have and to be aware of all that is done for us.
Let us not take each other for granted.
Let us hold fast to all that is good and abstain from every form of evil.
May our homes be homes of holiness and hospitality, of grace and goodness.
Lord of freedom,
hear us.

We remember in your holy presence, God of liberty,
all whose lives have been diminished by poverty or neglect,
all whose confidence has been lost through harsh treatment or scorn.
We pray for those who have been betrayed, especially those betrayed by loved ones.
We remember all who have suffered through robbery or slander.
We pray for all who have lost their dignity through illness.
We remember friends and loved ones in their troubles, especially....
We pray that all who are bereaved at this time may be strengthened.
Lord of freedom,
hear us.

Lord, you have done great things for us already, and yet, greater things are to come.
We pray for all who have departed from us, especially....
May they be numbered with your saints and know the glorious liberty of the children of
Lord of freedom,
hear us.


The God of peace sanctify you entirely; may your body, soul
and spirit be kept sound and blameless.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.


Rejoice in the Lord: pray without ceasing, give thanks in all
Do not quench the Spirit. Hold fast to what is good, abstain
from all evil.
And the blessing ...

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

* * *

2 Samuel 7. 1–11, 16 : Magnificat or Ps. 89. 1–4, 19–26 (or 1–8) : Romans 16. 25–27 : Luke 1. 26–38

Lord, you are with us wherever we go:
you are our God and the Rock of our salvation.
You come to us each day and always.
Lord, open our eyes to your presence,
open our hearts to your love,
open our minds to your indwelling;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Lord, we give you thanks for the peace of this place,
the deep and lasting peace you give to us.
We pray for all who go out in mission, for all who proclaim the Good News;
we remember house groups, church-planters, and all who build up the Body of Christ.
We give thanks for all who, with various talents, seek to establish your kingdom.
Lord of all creation,
equip us to serve you.

We pray for all in their various callings,
that they may be sensitive to the needs of others and to the world about them.
We remember the unemployed, the recently redundant, and those who have never
We pray for all organizations and agencies that care for the poor and rejected of our
Lord of all creation,
equip us to serve you.

We give thanks that you come to us, in our homes and in our work.
We give thanks that we have found favour with you, and that you love us.
In our homes, make us attentive to your word and ready to do your will.
We pray for expectant mothers, for lone parents, for those adopting children.
We remember children in places of danger or violence, those being led astray by others.
Lord of all creation,
equip us to serve you.

Lord, you are our strength and salvation:
you alone can make us whole,
you alone give life which is eternal.
We pray for all who are in need at this time:
for those whose lives lack peace, for all who are disturbed.
We pray for the homeless, for the work of Shelter, for the street children of our world.
We remember all who are in trouble or in sickness, especially....
We pray for all who are caring for the needs of others.
Lord of all creation,
equip us to serve you.

We give thanks for all who have faithfully served you and are now in the fullness of
your glory.
We pray for loved ones departed, especially....
Lord of all creation,
equip us to serve you.


God is able to strengthen you and keep you.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.


To the only wise God be praise and glory for ever and ever.
To God who is our Rock and our Salvation be blessing and
And the blessing ...



Christmas Day

* * *

Any of these sets of readings may be used on the evening of Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day.

Blessing and honour and glory and power be to our God,
for his love revealed in the Word made flesh.
Blessing and honour and glory and power be to our God,
coming among us and sharing our humanity.
Blessing and honour and glory and power be to our God,
filling Mary with the life of the Divine.
Blessing and honour and glory and power be to our God,
for our salvation, for bringing joy and peace into our world;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Praise be to God in his great love for us.
He has entered our darkness with his great light.
He comes as our God and yet as a child.
Lord, help us and your whole church to walk as children of the light.
Teach us to see your presence in each other:
to be aware that what we do to each other we do to you.
We give thanks for the word spoken by the prophets,
but above all for the Word made flesh dwelling among us.
May your whole church proclaim this Good News with joy.
Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary,
be born in us today.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace.
We pray for lasting peace in the Middle East and for Bethlehem today.
Lord, give peace in the hearts of all, peace in our land, peace among the nations:
peace in our homes and peace in all our dealings;
peace through him who is the Prince of Peace.
Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary,
be born in us today.

Lord Jesus, born of Mary, you are part of the human family:
you share our joys and our sorrows, our hopes and our fears.
Bless our homes with your loving presence,
be known to be with us, our families and our friends.
Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary,
be born in us today.

Lord Jesus Christ, you came down to lift us up.
You descended that we might ascend.
You became human that we could share in the divine.
We pray for all who are down at this time:
we remember the outcast and the refugee; the homeless peoples and the street- dwellers.
We pray for the lonely and those who are unloved,
for all who will find this a sad day or a hard day.
Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary,
be born in us today.

We give thanks that you have opened the kingdom of heaven to all believers.
We pray for loved ones departed from us, that they may be one with you in your
Lord Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary,
be born in us today.


Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.


This Holy day, let
the wisdom of the Wonderful Counsellor enlighten you,
the strength of the Mighty God empower you,
the love of the Everlasting Father enfold you,
the peace of the Prince of Peace be about you;
and the blessing ...

The First Sunday of Christmas

* * *

Isaiah 61.10—62.3 : Ps. 148. [1–6] 7–14 : Galatians 4. 4–7 : Luke 2. 15–21

Lord, give joy to the world:
joy in our hearts, joy in our homes.
Let the joy of God be known among us.
For your love revealed in your manger birth,
we join with the shepherds to glorify and praise you;
through him who came to live among us, Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever. Amen.

Lord, we greatly rejoice in your presence among us.
We come to bow with the shepherds,
to kneel with the wise men,
to adore with Joseph,
to hold you in our hearts with Mary.
Let your church proclaim your glory and your love.
We pray for pastors and shepherds of your flock:
for all who go out in mission, for all involved in outreach.
May we reveal you as the Light to lighten all peoples.
Light who lightens all,
shine in our lives.

Lord, we remember with sadness the divisions of our world:
a world not at peace, where people are misused and often scorned.
We remember the places of war and violence, especially....
Lord, may the nations come to know that peace which only you can give;
we pray that we learn to live together in harmony and fellowship.
Light who lightens all,
shine in our lives.

Lord, we give thanks for family life,
for our homes and for those who have cared for us.
We pray for children that are not wanted or who are denied love:
for all children taken into care,
for the abandoned, the abused, the ill-treated.
We pray for all who have cared for us....
Light who lightens all,
shine in our lives.

Lord, we remember all who are lonely this Christmas time:
all who are troubled or sad,
all who are unable to enter into the fullness of joy through sickness or bereavement.
We pray for parents anxious about their children.
We remember all who are in the shadow of the fear of death.
We pray today for....
Light who lightens all,
shine in our lives.

Lord, we remember all who have entered into joy and peace in the glory of your
We pray especially today for....
May they rejoice in your presence and your love.
Light who lightens all,
shine in our lives.


The Lord has caused righteousness and peace to spring up in the earth.
The peace of the Lord be always with you
and also with you.


The peace of the Prince of Peace,
the love of the Lord of Light,
the joy of Jesus our Saviour,
be within you and about you.
The glory, grace and goodness of God go with you;
and the blessing ...


Excerpted from TRACES OF GLORY by DAVID ADAM. Copyright © 1999 David Adam. Excerpted by permission of Church Publishing Incorporated.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents












Bible Sunday          

Dedication Festival          

All Saints' Day          


Christ the King          

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