To Hide from Death: Where Do You Go When Death Is Lurking?
After an ugly night and almost losing her life, Kelly price files for a protective order believing this would save her. WRONG! Someone wants her dead. Is it her husband Eric? If not, then who?
To Hide from Death: Where Do You Go When Death Is Lurking?
After an ugly night and almost losing her life, Kelly price files for a protective order believing this would save her. WRONG! Someone wants her dead. Is it her husband Eric? If not, then who?
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To Hide from Death: Where Do You Go When Death Is Lurking?

To Hide from Death: Where Do You Go When Death Is Lurking?

by Theresa Moretimer
To Hide from Death: Where Do You Go When Death Is Lurking?

To Hide from Death: Where Do You Go When Death Is Lurking?

by Theresa Moretimer


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After an ugly night and almost losing her life, Kelly price files for a protective order believing this would save her. WRONG! Someone wants her dead. Is it her husband Eric? If not, then who?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781481729581
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 05/06/2013
Pages: 226
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.63(d)

Read an Excerpt


Where do you go when death is lurking?

By Theresa Moretimer


Copyright © 2013 Theresa Moretimer
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4817-2960-4


It was a beautiful spring day and Kelly finally had the nerve to go out. Her friends had asked her to go with them to the local bar and have a few drinks. She found this funny because that was code for we want to party and need a designated driver. She smiled to herself at the thought.

"You haven't been out since the break up between you and Eric. Don't you think you deserve a little down time?" She asked herself.

The phone was ringing and Kelly answered the one in the kitchen. "Hello" she spoke into the receiver. "Hi, it's me." Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of Eric's voice. "Hi, how are you?" she asked. Kelly couldn't help still having feelings for the man.

"I wanted to know if you could bring the kids over here Sunday and watch a movie, I thought maybe I could spend some time with them. I really miss them Kelly. I miss you too. I thought maybe you and I could talk."

"Talk about what?" She asked, tears threatening to fall.

"Us" he said. "I'm so sorry Kelly. I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you, and I love the kids. I'm going to classes now, it will never happen again."

Eric was saying everything she had wanted to hear. "Are you really?"

"Yes babe, I am. I haven't been drinking any liquor and only a few beers now and then. I haven't done any drugs either. I'm changing Kell. I'm changing for you, the kids and our marriage. I don't want to lose everything I have. You're my world."

The threatening tears followed through and began streaming down her face. Could this be real she thought to herself? Could he really change? "Ok, I will see you Sunday. What time should I bring them over?"

"How about one?" he asked.

"That's fine. Church will be over at noon and I can give them lunch first."

"How about I make them pizza like I used to?"

"Ok, we'll see you at one on Sunday."

Kelly's heart was pounding in her chest as she replaced the receiver with trembling hands. She never thought this day would happen especially after what she had done. Eric had considered it the ultimate betrayal, worse than if she had cheated on him. She wiped her tears from her cheeks with the backs of her hands. Her mind racing back several months ago, when she caught him getting high in the girls bedroom and took pictures of it.

"Why did I text those pictures to his daughter?" she asked herself out loud. That incident almost got her killed. She had never seen him angrier than that night. She shook her head.

She wanted to stop the flood of memories filling her mind. But the memories had other plans.

Her mind drifted back to when she first met the man that was now her husband. He looked so cute in his baseball cap and hunting clothes. He had a bottle of beer in his hand and kept calling her beautiful. She thought about when she had gone with him to look at Steve's house. Eric was staying there helping him with improvements.

Kelly should have known that night not to see him again. "How many men show you a house carrying a loaded .357 in their hand and using it to point to the work they had done?" she asked herself aloud. "You should have bolted for the door" she chided herself. He was cute and you were lonely she thought to herself. "Then he kissed you under the moonlit night and you fell under his spell" she said woefully. She didn't want to admit it, but she let the wrong part of herself rule that night.

She thought about the second month they were dating and how good he was at what he did. The man knew how to make a woman feel sexy and desirable and she had such low self-esteem. He definitely knew all the places to touch that turned a woman on.

"Easy now girl" she chided herself. "You know you can't trust him. Don't let your libido get in the way of thinking straight." She walked over to the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. She picked up the Irish Cream coffee creamer and added some to her coffee. "I wish you were the real thing today" she told the creamer half smiling.

Kelly picked up the phone to call her sister. She needed to walk and talk today, but there was no answer. "I guess I'm on my own" she said aloud. She picked her jacket up from the counter and put it on. "Maybe I will go see my therapist instead" she said smiling and walked out the door toward the pasture.

"Apache" she called. The big, handsome paint came trotting to the gate where Kelly stood. Goldie the palomino Haflinger was already there. "Hello Goldie, I see you've been enjoying your hay" she told the horse. The mare nickered softly but when she realized there were no treats, she walked back to her hay pile.

Apache nickered and shook his head at Kelly. "Hello boy" she said. "How is my favorite guy today?" He nickered again softly as if to answer. Kelly stepped through the gate and headed toward the barn. Apache followed right behind her. Kelly picked up a brush and turned to her best friend and began brushing him. He shook his head up and down and pawed the ground. "I'm sorry big guy, I forgot."

Kelly went in the barn and came out with a tear of hay and dropped it at Apache's feet. The big gelding put his head down and began munching on the hay while Kelly brushed and began talking. She started brushing him in long easy strokes, speaking to him as if he were a person.

"Apache, Eric called and wants me to bring the girls over Sunday" she began. Apache picked his head up and turned his neck to look at her and whinny. "I know. I know," she began. "But he says he's changing. He says he's going to meetings and that he's not the same guy anymore." Apache pinned his ears back and stomped his big front hoof. "I know, I thought the same thing. But what if it's true this time Apache? What if he's really changing? I still love him in spite of everything."

Apache picked up his big head from eating and shook it. It was to get rid of a fly, but looked like "no, he isn't" in horse talk. He looked back at Kelly who was almost finished that side and ready to move to the other. She said "I know you don't like him Apache, you never have. But he's my husband and I have to try. I have to exhaust every effort to make this marriage work. I took a vow before God, in my church" her voice rising with the latter part.

Apache snorted. "I'll be careful Apache, the kids will be there. He's never hurt the kids" she said and Apache stamped his foot, and looked at her. Kelly crossed behind his big romp, patting him to let him know she was there. As she approached his neck, he rubbed her with his nose. She walked in front him and said "I love you Apache!" The big tri colored paint wrapped his neck around her then nudged her with his nose.

"I know you love me Apache" she said smiling, and hugged him again. She walked back to his side and began brushing. Apache stood there like a champ. He always did. He never had to be cross tied to be groomed because he just stood so well.

Kelly asked Apache what he thought she should do and he raised his head in the air and let out a big whinny. "You really don't like him boy" she said kissing him on his head. "I love you big guy. You will always be my husband horse. Now go out there with Goldie and enjoy your day. We'll go for a ride later when Aunt Brenda gets here.

Kelly put the brush back in the barn and rubbed Apache's head before he walked back to the field. "You do realize I'm going to do this right?" she called to him. He snorted and began to walk back to Goldie. Kelly smiled.


It was a nice night for early spring. A little on the chilly side but nothing a light jacket wouldn't handle. Kelly was heading out the door to drive her friends to the bar for a few hours. She needed to get out. She needed to clear her head. Tonight was not a night for being home and thinking. No, she needed to be with friends.

"Hey Kelly!" called Rita and Ryan from across the yard, "We are so glad that you came out tonight" they said in unison. "You need this as much as we do" Ryan told her, and they all laughed together and Kelly headed toward the local bar.

They walked inside and Ryan put some quarters on the pool table. "Which one of you girls want to play me?" he asked. "I will" said Rita. "Good, you rack and I'll break" he said winking. They were all laughing and Kelly laid a twenty on the bar and ordered two beers and a coke. She slid two dollars back to the bartender when she received her change and gave a beer to each of her friends.

The night was moving kind of slow she thought to herself. "Hey Kell" what are your plans for the weekend?" asked Ryan. "I have to take the girls to see Eric on Sunday" she winced as she said it.

"Are you out of your freakin' mind?" asked Ryan. "Did the dumbass bug bite you on the ass?" his voice had raised a little.

"No. But he wants to see the kids, and they want to see him. They don't know everything that happened, Ryan." Kelly said in a defensive tone.

"They know that he locked himself in their room to get high in their bathroom. Isn't that enough?" he asked angrily. "They saw the son of a bitch chase their mother with a shotgun. Isn't that enough?" his face was getting red.

"I understand how you feel Ryan. I love him, I can't help that. He said he's going to classes for anger management and it's only for a few hours. No one is going to be alone with him."

"You're crazy Kell. I would stay away from that bastard."

"Come on Ryan," said Rita. "He's her husband and besides, he's never been an ass during the day" she said laughing.

"Do what you want Kell, but you better be careful."

"I will" she replied and hugged her friends.

They shot several games of pool and talked with some friends. Kelly and Rita played the one armed bandit for a little while and they sank a lot of money in the juke box. Kelly and Rita were finishing the last lines of a Patsy Cline tune when Kelly looked up at the clock.

"Hey guys" Kelly said, "it's ten o'clock and I need to get back." "Okay, let me finish this beer and we're out of here" said Ryan. He chugged the last of his beer and the three friends left the bar. "I'm sorry if I sounded harsh in there" Ryan told her. "But damn it Kelly, you're my friend and I worry about you." "We both do" chimed Rita.

"I know, and that's why I love you guys." The driveway for Rita and Ryan was lit up like daylight. She pulled in and let her two friends out. "Let us know how it went Sunday" said Rita. "Yeah" said Ryan. "I need to know whether or not I'll need to kick his ass." "I love you too guys" was her reply and she backed slowly out of the driveway.

* * *

Kelly arrived home around ten thirty. "Where have you been?" asked her youngest daughter, Star. "Why are you out of bed?" Kelly asked with a smile. "It's ninety minutes past your bedtime."

"I was waiting for you. I had a nightmare" and she began to cry. "What was it about?" Kelly asked her as she drew her in close for a hug.

"It was monsters" she said with choked words from the tears.

"Monsters aren't real" Kelly reassured her.

"It felt like it was real" Star sobbed. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" her little face streaked with tears and her nose beginning to run.

"Let's get you cleaned up, and then you can sleep with me. But only for tonight, Ok?" Kelly said as she hugged her little girl.

"Ok. I was really scared."

"I know you were" Kelly said as they walked into the bathroom. Kelly dampened a washcloth with warm water and cleaned up Star's little face. They then walked into Kelly's room and she picked her little girl up and put her on the bed. Kelly pulled the covers down on the opposite side and Star crawled under. She kissed her mommy goodnight and hugged her then turned to face the wall and fell asleep that fast.

Kelly slipped in to the bathroom to take a shower and kill the smell of cigarettes emitting from her hair and skin. She dropped her clothes in the laundry basket and started the water for her shower. She washed her hair twice thinking that she could still smell smoke and then conditioned it, rinsed and climbed out after turning the water off.

She pulled a thin towel off the towel rack because she hated using thick towels. They just never made her feel completely dry. She brushed her hair and put on her lotion. Kelly put on her nightshirt and turned down the covers on her side. She crawled in the bed and pulled her covers on and tried to fall asleep. Her mind was racing with thoughts of Eric. She thought about Ryan's reaction to her taking the kids to see him and whether or not she really should.

Kelly closed her eyes and her mind filled with images of Eric chasing her with the shotgun and swinging the machete at her throat. Maybe she was out of her mind she thought but maybe he really has changed. Fifteen minutes later she was fast asleep ... But it was a restless sleep.

Kelly's mind was filled with all sorts of tormented thoughts. She was in a deep sleep in a dream that felt extremely real. Her dreams took her back to when she was with Justin. She could see herself in the kitchen as though she were a third-party. She could feel the cold laminated floor beneath her bare feet and she could feel the gun pressed against her temple.

She could see herself begging Justin. Although she could hear the words they sounded as though they were coming from a distance and they did not sound like they were coming from her own voice. She sounded like a child while she was pleading for her life "Justin please, Please don't kill me I'll do anything you say, I'll do anything you ask Justin, please, please don't pull the trigger. I'm begging you Justin please put the gun down and I'll leave I promise! I swear I'll leave. I'll never come back Justin just please let me go."

The dream faded from Justin and turned into Eric. It was all like a haze. A haze that seemed to be clouding her mind. She could see Eric plain as day. He had the shotgun in his hand chasing her around the house. Kelly was screaming over her shoulder "Eric please, please don't kill me. I swear I'll listen to you I promise I'll listen to you but Eric please, please don't kill me."

Kelly woke in a full panic. She had sweat dripping from her temples, tears streaming down her face and her heart was racing. It took her a few minutes to realize that she was in her own bed in her own home and that there was no one there to harm her. She felt Star's little body move. Kelly realized she really was in her bed and in her own room. She breathed a sigh of relief, got out of bed and went into her bathroom closing the door behind her. She turned on the sink and splashed some water on her face. She patted her face dry with a towel and went back to bed. Although she thought it would take forever to go back to sleep it really only took her a few minutes. The rest of the night she tossed and turned but there were no more dreams.


Saturday morning was gray. The clouds were forming slowly and threatening rain. I hope it doesn't rain Kelly was thinking to herself. That would not be good. Sarah, her second to the oldest daughter came in the kitchen door. "I fed the horses for you mom and the chickens too."

"Thank you sweetie" she said to her.

Sarah stuck her beautiful blond hair behind her ears and said "I thought you could use the sleep."

"You are so thoughtful." Kelly smiled brightly. What beautiful and good hearted kids she has she thought to herself. "Get your hair from behind your ears" she told her.

"Mother, what is wrong with you? My ears will not stick out."

"I didn't say they would" Kelly said laughing.

"No, but you were thinking it" Sarah said smiling. "I know your thoughts mother."

"You always make me smile." Looking toward the living room, Kelly asked "are your sisters up yet? I know Star is, she slept in my bed last night."

"That's too funny" Sarah said smiling. "She slept in mine the night before. I know she was waiting for you when you got in" she laughed.

"Yes she was" Kelly said smiling. "She told me she had a nightmare. Now back to the subject at hand, are your sisters up?" she asked laughing.

"They are. They're watching TV in my room."

"Wow! It's not even eight thirty and they are all up. Will wonders never cease?" Kelly said laughing. "I'm going to make pancakes for breakfast, tell your sisters that breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes, ok?"

"I will. Did you have fun with your friends?"

"Yes" she said with a smile. "And we have something to talk about at breakfast."

Excerpted from TO HIDE FROM DEATH by Theresa Moretimer. Copyright © 2013 Theresa Moretimer. Excerpted by permission of AuthorHouse.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

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