Theology You Can Count On: Experiencing What the Bible Says About... God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Angels, Salvation...

Theology You Can Count On: Experiencing What the Bible Says About... God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Angels, Salvation...

by Tony Evans
Theology You Can Count On: Experiencing What the Bible Says About... God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Angels, Salvation...

Theology You Can Count On: Experiencing What the Bible Says About... God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Angels, Salvation...

by Tony Evans

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"For many people the word theology suggests seminary-educated scholars who sit in ivory towers, isolated from the real world, studying the Bible.  Such study is often viewed as esoteric and unrelated to the world where men and women live, work, play, raise families, and struggle with the realities of day-to-day life.

Nothing could be further from the truth." ---Tony Evans

What we think about God, also known as theology, influences what we believe, do, and say.  And what we think, whether true or false, makes a big difference in real life.

Tony Evans wants you to know the truth about God, so Theology You Can Count On communicates truths about God in language you can understand.  He walks through what the Bible teaches, topic by topic, truth by truth.  The great thing is, these truths aren't reserved for people with PhDs.  They're for real life.  They're for you.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781575673967
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Publication date: 07/01/2008
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 1376
Sales rank: 467,753
File size: 9 MB

About the Author

About The Author
DR. TONY EVANS is the founder and senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, founder and president of The Urban Alternative, and former chaplain of the Dallas Cowboys and Dallas Mavericks. He is the first African American to earn a doctoral degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and the first to publish a study Bible and whole-Bible commentary. His radio broadcast, The Alternative with Dr. Tony Evans, can be heard on over 2,000 US radio outlets daily and in more than 130 countries.

For more information, visit:

Read an Excerpt

Theology You Can Count On

Experiencing What the Bible Says About ... God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Angels, Salvation, the Church, the Bible, the Last Things

By Anthony T. Evans, Phil Rawley, Jim Vincent

Moody Publishers

Copyright © 2008 Anthony T. Evans
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-57567-396-7



It's hard to know where to begin when your subject is God Himself, a subject more important than anything else we could ever study. Nothing can fully express the subject, especially since God is more than the sum total of His attributes. King David said, "Such knowledge [of God] is too wonderful for me" (Psalm 139:6). But God invites us to know Him. He wants us to contemplate all that He is, because nothing else matters without Him.

I like what the great English preacher Charles Spurgeon told his church one Sunday (and J. I. Packer cites in his book Knowing God):

I believe ... that the proper study of God's elect is God; the proper study of a Christian is the Godhead. The highest science, the loftiest speculation, the mightiest philosophy, which can ever engage the attention of a child of God, is the name, the nature, the person, the work, the doings, and the existence of the great God whom he calls his Father.

No study of God can be said to be comprehensive for three reasons. The first has to do with the sheer limitation of the human mind. A finite mind cannot fully grasp an infinite being. Second is the moral problem. The presence of sin, even in our converted state, has limited our capacity for understanding spiritual truth. Third, we have a resource problem. God has simply not told us everything about Himself. What He has told us we can know, but He has not revealed everything.

Because of the greatness of our subject, I will be taking you to many portions of Scripture. But due to the limitations of space and my own finiteness, we will neither exhaust the subject nor be able to give equal attention to all of these Scriptures.


My thesis in this introductory chapter can be stated simply: The study of the knowledge of God is the most important pursuit in life.

Of all the things that matter in our lives, to know God through a purposeful study of His nature, His character, and His perfections should be our driving force. Only then will we be able to define everything else accurately. But let me make three clarifications right now before we get into the heart of this chapter and the book.

More than Awareness

First of all, when I talk about the study of the knowledge of God, I am not referring to an awareness of God. Simply to say there is a God doesn't say a whole lot about Him, because it would be hard to miss Him entirely when you understand that He is an all-encompassing Being. So when I talk about knowing God, I mean more than that you are aware He exists.

More than Information

Second, when I talk about knowing God, I mean more than that you have information about God; that is, knowing that He is the Creator or powerful or big or grand or majestic.

More than Religion

Knowing God also means more than having a religious experience with God or saying that we feel Him. It is valid to have an emotional and religious experience with God, but to know Him involves more than that.

To know God is to have Him rub off on you, to enter into relationship with God so that who He is influences who you are. One of the great tragedies today is that you can go to church and be aware of God; you can go to church and have information about God; and if your church has a great choir, you can even go to church and "feel" God; but you can leave church with Him never having rubbed off on you.


The study of God is the most meaningful pursuit in life. Jeremiah 9:23-24 expresses the importance of knowing God better than I ever could:

Thus says the Lord, "Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me."

The Right Kind of Bragging

It's amazing how many things we brag about. Some of us can brag about our educational achievements. We've gone through school and we've done well. We've got a bachelor's degree. We've earned a master's degree. Perhaps we even graduated magna cum laude.

Perhaps you started on the bottom rung of the ladder at your company. You've grown up through the company and now you've become a supervisor; you've "graduated" to become a manager. You own your own business, your own success. Now extra money is in the account. The home looks nice. The cars are modern. The suits are authentic.

But God says, "If you are going to brag, if you really want something to shout about, can you brag that you know Me? Because if you can't talk about that, you don't have much to brag about."

Hitting the Right Target

A man once went to visit a farmer and noticed something very odd. On the side of the farmer's barn were a number of targets with holes dead center in each bull's-eye. The visitor said, "My goodness! Every single hole is right in the center of every single bull's-eye! I didn't know you were that good." His farmer friend said, "I'm really not."

"Wait a minute. I see a hole in the center of every single bull's-eye. How could you not be that good and shoot that well?"

The farmer replied, "It's like this. I shoot the hole into the barn first, then I draw me a bull's-eye."

That's the way a lot of us live our lives. We shoot for riches, power, or education and then draw the meaning of life around these things. Then we go around saying, "I hit a bull's-eye!" We give the impression that we know how to shoot, when in actuality we don't know what in the world we are doing. We are as confused as those around us.

But God says, "If you are going to brag, can you brag on the fact that I have rubbed off on you; that My thinking has become your thinking; that My way of living and walking and moving and functioning has become your way? Only when that happens can you say that you know Me." And so we need to say, "We will boast in the name of the Lord, our God" (Psalm 20:7).


The study of God is also life's most authentic pursuit. In John 17, Jesus gave His high priestly prayer in which He prays on behalf of His disciples, including you and me:

Jesus spoke these things; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify Your Son, that the Son may glorify You, even as You gave Him authority over all flesh, that to all whom You have given Him, He may give eternal life. This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." (vv. 1-3)

Authentic Life

According to Jesus, authentic life is eternal life. Jesus is not referring to how long you are going to live. He's talking about a quality of life in verse 3. Eternal life means knowing God. Life can never be what it was intended to be for you or me unless that life consists of God's life being lived out in us.

Jesus says in verse 3 that the only way you will get eternal life experience in this life is in the knowledge of God. To know God is to live life as it was meant to be lived. That's why Jesus said He came to give us life and to give it to us more abundantly.

To understand life, you have to understand a very simple principle: Eternal life, or the quality of life that God has intended for us, equals the knowledge of Him. Jesus makes a comparative statement in John 17:3. If you want to live, He says, don't go looking for life. Look for the knowledge of God, because authentic life means knowing Him.

Telling the Truth

Only one standard of information clarifies what life is all about: the Word of God. Jesus said to the Father in His prayer in John 17, "Your word is truth" (v. 17). If we are going to live life authentically, we need someone who will tell us the truth. We don't do that with each other. We don't tell people the truth because we don't want to offend them. We don't tell them the truth because we don't want them mad at us. We don't tell them the truth because people like being lied to. Therefore, our relationships are often shallow and never get to where they are supposed to be.

You don't have that problem with God. God calls it as He sees it. He will not tell you, "I'm OK, you're OK." He tells you, "You were dead in your trespasses and in your sins, and you lived according to the flesh, according to the lust of this age." He's not going to make it comfortable or convenient for you. He will tell you the truth, like a good doctor.

The Real You

That's the downside of our study. When God unveils who He is, the knowledge will also unveil who we are. We're faced with the problem Peter had when he ran into Jesus Christ and found out who he was. The revelation of Jesus Christ made Peter fall on his face and say, "I am a sinful man" (Luke 5:8).

The prophet Isaiah saw the Lord and cried out, "Woe is me!" (Isaiah 6:5). Why? Because if you want the real deal, if you really want the truth, God will give you the truth. When you see God as He is, when He unveils Himself, when the true knowledge of God is revealed, it shows you for who you are.

The Real World

The knowledge of God also shows the world for what it is. People spend much time analyzing our world. Philosophers analyze society because people want answers to the fundamental questions of life, such as, Who is man? Where did man come from? Where is he going?

Other people pursue the social analysis of man: how man functions in communication and communion with others, how people relate to each other, how people can stop themselves from hurting one another, and how they can live in peace with one another. The result is often political attempts to make the world right. But when you have the Word of God, you understand the rules of society because God tells the truth about the world.

God also tells the truth about sex, about money, and about all the ingredients that relate to life. He tells the truth about who you are. And so who you are, where you came from, why you are here, and where you are going all come from the knowledge of God.


Nothing will benefit you more in day-to-day living than the knowledge of God. Daniel 11:32 says this: "The people who know their God will display strength and take action."

Daniel was a captive in Babylon, an ungodly nation that was turned over to the Medes and the Persians. Daniel was constantly under oppression. He was constantly being victimized, but he says, "The people who know God even in the midst of a bad situation will know the right steps to take in confronting the issues of life."


The knowledge of God gives the ability to make the correct response to the circumstances of life. The people who know their God will have the confidence and ability to do the right thing. You see, the problem today with people who want to correct the social or political order, who want to change this and fix that, is that they want to do good things, but they don't know the right way.

But the people who know their God will move forward with confidence, and take action. Knowledge of God is not passive. It's not something you do on the sidelines. It really frees you up to do something, but to do the right something.


The knowledge of God also gives security in life. Look at Psalm 46:1-3:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.

The psalmist says that even when earthquakes shake things up, those who know God will be secure. When the ground under you starts shaking, there isn't much around you to hold onto.


The knowledge of God also gives wisdom. Paul prays in Ephesians 1:17 "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him." Wisdom is spiritual insight for earthly application, the ability to know what God wants and the know-how to apply it where you live. Wisdom is to truth as a shoe is to shoe leather. Wisdom means the ability to take a divine, spiritual perspective and turn it into an earthly, functional application.

Proverbs 9:10 puts it this way: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." Solomon says God will show you how to live a wise life. A lot of us have book sense, but we don't have common sense.

It's not that we don't have information; it's just that we don't have wisdom, the ability to apply the knowledge we have. But the knowledge of God can give us wisdom, Proverbs says, the ability to make the right decisions in life.


The apostle Peter says the knowledge of God can give you a well-ordered life:

Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord; seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us. (2 Peter 1:2-3)

Peter says the knowledge of God will give you grace, peace, and power. What more could you ask for? A grace life, a peace life, and a divinely powerful life is a well-ordered life, but Peter says it only comes by the true knowledge of God.

Spiritual Fruit

If you allow God to work in your life and transform it, He will give you spiritual development:

For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. (Colossians 1:9-10)

Paul says that the knowledge of God will change the way you walk. When you know God, you walk differently. You move differently. You act differently. You think differently. Why? Because you are filled with the knowledge of God. With this knowledge comes the knowledge of His will, and the knowledge of His will transforms your life. As He transforms your life, you bear spiritual fruit.

Fruit has two characteristics. First, it always reflects the character of the tree of which it is a part. When you bear spiritual fruit, you begin to look like Christ. Second, fruit is never borne for itself. It is always borne so someone else can take a bite. When you start bearing fruit, other people want to take a bite out of your life. Other people want to be like you, because you are a productive person for the purposes of God.


Finally, the study of God is the most challenging pursuit in life:

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has first given to Him that it might be paid back to him again? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. (Romans 11:33-36)

An Eternal Challenge

Do you want a challenge? Decide to get to know God. It's a challenge first because verse 33 says getting to know God will never end. God is never, and will never be, fully comprehensible to man, not only in time, but in eternity.

Any married person can relate to this You can live with a woman or a man for fifty years and still discover new information. Now, if you can do that with another person over a lifetime, think about our infinite God. It will take eternity and then some to understand Him. The knowledge of God will always be a challenge because you will never learn it all.


Excerpted from Theology You Can Count On by Anthony T. Evans, Phil Rawley, Jim Vincent. Copyright © 2008 Anthony T. Evans. Excerpted by permission of Moody Publishers.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Acknowledgments  /15
Introduction  /17

The Doctrine of God the Father

Section I: The Subject of God
     1. The Study of God  /21
     2. The Nature of God  /34

Section II: The Attributes of God
     3. The Sufficiency of God  /47
     4. The Holiness of God  /60
     5. The Sovereignty of God  /74
     6. The Glory of God  /87
     7. The Omniscience of God  /99
     8. The Omnipresence of God  /110
     9. The Omnipotence of God  /122
   10. The Wisdom of God  /34
   11. The Goodness of God  /147
   12. The Wrath of God  /158
   13. The Love of God  /170
   14. The Grace of God  /180

The Doctrine of God the Son

Section I: The Uniqueness of Christ
   15. The Uniqueness of the Person of Christ  /193
   16. The Uniqueness of Christ in Prophecy and Typology  /204
   17. The Uniqueness of Christ in His Humiliation  /221
   18. The Uniqueness of Christ in His Death  /232
   19. The Uniqueness of Christ in His Resurrection  /245
   20. The Uniqueness of Christ in His Ascension 
          and Present Ministry  /256
   21. The Uniqueness of Christ in His Return and Millenial Rule  /269

Section II: The Authority of Christ
   22. The Authority of Christ over Nature  /281
   23. The Authority of Christ over Satan and the Demons  /290
   24. The Authority of Christ over Disease  /308
   25. The Authority of Christ over Sin  /321
   26. The Authority of Christ over Circumstances  /331
   27. The Authority of Christ over Trials  /342
   28. The Authority of Christ over Death  /353

The Doctrine of God the Holy Spirit

Section I: The Presence of the Holy Spirit
   29. The Holy Spirit's Promise  /367
   30. The Holy Spirit's Baptism  /378
   31. The Holy Spirit's Security  /389
   32. The Holy Spirit's Filling  /400
   33. The Holy Spirit's Freedom  /410
   34. The Holy Spirit's Illumination  /420

Section II: The Purpose of the Holy Spirit
   35. The Holy Spirit's Conviction  /433
   36. The Holy Spirit's Power  /444
   37. The Holy Spirit's Authority  /455
   38. The Holy Spirit's Fellowship  /466
   39. The Holy Spirit's Restraint  /476

Section III: The Provision of the Holy Spirit
   40. The Holy Spirit's Fruit  /489
   41. The Holy Spirit's Intercession  /500
   42. The Holy Spirit's Guidance  /510
   43. The Holy Spirit's Gifts  /523

The Doctrine of Angels

Section I: The Holy Angels
   44. The Existence of Angels  /539
   45. The Ministry of Angels  /549
   46. The Operation and Enlisting of Angels  /561

Section II: The Evil Angels
   47. The Character ofSatan and the Demons  /579
   48. The Strategy of Satan  /592
   49. The Defeat of Satan  /608

Section III: The Reality of Spiritual Warfare
   50. The Nature of the Battle  /619
   51. The Origin of the Battle  /631
   52. The Expansion of the Battle  /642
   53. The Scope of the Battle  /652

Section IV: The Authority for Spiritual Warfare
   54. The Purchase of Authority  /665
   55. The Agency of Authority  /674
   56. The Weapons of Authority  /685
   57. The Access to Authority  /695

The Doctrine of Salvation

Section I: Our Great Salvation
   58. Sin: The Need for Salvation  /707
   59. Justification: The Verdict of Salvation  /718
   60. Redemption: The Payment for Salvation  /728
   61. Propitiation: The Requirement for Salvation  /738
   62. Reconciliation: The Relationship of Salvation  /749
   63. Regeneration: The Miracle of Salvation  /759
   64. Grace: The Gift of Salvation  /770
   65. Sanctification: The Progress of Salvation  /781

Section II: The Assurance of Salvation
   66. The Foundation of Assurance  /793
   67. The Demands of Assurance  /808
   68. The Blessings of Assurance  /823

Section III: Our Eternal Security in Christ
   69. The Importance of Eternal Security  /835
   70. The Process of Eternal Security  /846
   71. The Protection of Eternal Security  /857
   72. The Privileges of Eternal Security  /866

The Doctrine of the Church

Section I: The Nature of the Church
   73. The Importance of the Church  /879
   74.The Purpose of the Church  /889
   75. The Mission and Distinctives of the Church  /900
   76. The Power of the Church  /914

Section II: The Ministry of the Church
   77. The Worship of the Church  /925
   78. The Fellowship of the Church  /934
   79. The Proclamation of the Church  /943
   80. The Witness of the Church  /952

Section III: The Function of the Church
   81. The Leadership of the Church  /967
   82. The Unity of the Church  /977
   83. The Service of the Church  /987
   84. The Accountability of the Church  /996
   85. The Ordinances of the Church  /1006
   86. The Orientation of the Church  /1015

The Doctrine of the Bible

Section I: The Nature of the Bible
   87. The Bible Is Unique  /1027
   88. The Bible Is Truth  /1037
   89. The Bible Is Authoritative  /1046
   90. The Bible Is Powerful  /1055
   91. The Bible is Sufficient  /1064

Section II: The Communication of the Bible
   92. The Revelation of the Bible  /1075
   93. The Inspiration of the Bible  /1085
   94. The Illumination of the Bible  /1094
   95. The Interpretation of the Bible  /1103
   96. The Canonicity of the Bible  /1112

Section III: The Benefits of the Bible
   97. The Bible Produces Spiritual Life  /1123
   98. The Bible Provides Spiritual Direction  /1132
   99. The Bible Brings Spiritual Blessings  /1143
  100. The Bible Brings Spiritual Freedom  /1152
  101. The Bible Gives Spiritual Victory  /1161

The Doctrine of the Last Things

Section I: The History of Fulfilled Prophecy
  102. The Importance of Prophecy  /1173
  103. The Key to Prophecy  /1184
  104. Prophecy and Human History  /1194
  105. Prophecy and the Covenants  /1204
  106. Prophecy and the Times of the Gentiles  /1216
  107. Prophecy and Israel's Timetabe  /1227

Section II: End Times Prophecy
  108. Prophecy and the Church  ./1239
  109. Prophecy and the Rapture  /1250
  110. Prophecy and the Judgment Seat of Christ  /1260

Section III: The Return of Christ
   111. Prophecy and the Antichrist  /1273
   112. Prophecy and the Tribulation  /1285
   113. Prophecy, the Battle of Armageddon,
            and Christ's Second Coming  /1296
   114.  Prophecy and the Millennial Kingdom  /1312
   115.  Prophecy and the Great White Throne  /1323
   116. The Eternal Estate  /1333

Subject Index  /1343
Scripture Index  /1355

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