The Zone of Interest (Russian Edition)
V Velikobritanii nekotorye kritiki provozglasili roman "luchshey knigoy za 25 let ot odnogo iz velikih angliyskih pisateley". Kniga, kotoraya rasskazyvaetsya s tochek zreniya trekh nachal'nikov konclagerya i izobiluet nemeckoy leksikoy, byla otvergnuta vsemi nemeckimi izdatel'stvami. Novyy roman klassika sovremennoy literatury Martina Emisa "Zona interesov" – eto gluboko original'noe, otchasti provokativnoe vyskazyvanie, vnov' – i sovsem po-novomu – fiksiruyushchee vnimanie chitatelya na teme Holokosta i Vtoroy mirovoy voyny. Emis privnosit v razgovor ob uzhasah proshlogo intonacii i ottenki, nikogda prezhde ne zvuchavshie v podobnom kontekste. "Zona interesov" – eto odnovremenno i lyubovnyy roman (dvoe iz trekh geroev-rasskazchikov – komendant konclagerya i sluzhashchiy v nem oficer - lyubyat odnu zhenshchinu, a tretiy – evrey-zaklyuchennyy – gotov na ubiystvo ili samoubiystvo radi spaseniya zheny, popavshey v lapy nacistov), i antivoennaya satira v luchshih tradiciyah "Bravogo soldata SHveyka" (komendant lagerya vyveden v otkrovenno komicheskih i grotesknyh tonah), i klassicheskiy primer literaturnoy polifonii. Odnako klyuchevaya ideya romana vyhodit daleko za ramki predskazuemyh "vsyudu zhizn'" i "banal'nost' zla": melodramatizm i obmanchivaya legkost' syuzheta sluzhat Emisu lish' sredstvom, pozvolyayushchim yarche vysvetit' absurdnost' i tragizm situacii i, na vremya usypiv bditel'nost' chitatelya, v konechnom schete vysech' iz nego iskru po-nastoyashchemu glubokogo soperezhivaniya.
The Zone of Interest (Russian Edition)
V Velikobritanii nekotorye kritiki provozglasili roman "luchshey knigoy za 25 let ot odnogo iz velikih angliyskih pisateley". Kniga, kotoraya rasskazyvaetsya s tochek zreniya trekh nachal'nikov konclagerya i izobiluet nemeckoy leksikoy, byla otvergnuta vsemi nemeckimi izdatel'stvami. Novyy roman klassika sovremennoy literatury Martina Emisa "Zona interesov" – eto gluboko original'noe, otchasti provokativnoe vyskazyvanie, vnov' – i sovsem po-novomu – fiksiruyushchee vnimanie chitatelya na teme Holokosta i Vtoroy mirovoy voyny. Emis privnosit v razgovor ob uzhasah proshlogo intonacii i ottenki, nikogda prezhde ne zvuchavshie v podobnom kontekste. "Zona interesov" – eto odnovremenno i lyubovnyy roman (dvoe iz trekh geroev-rasskazchikov – komendant konclagerya i sluzhashchiy v nem oficer - lyubyat odnu zhenshchinu, a tretiy – evrey-zaklyuchennyy – gotov na ubiystvo ili samoubiystvo radi spaseniya zheny, popavshey v lapy nacistov), i antivoennaya satira v luchshih tradiciyah "Bravogo soldata SHveyka" (komendant lagerya vyveden v otkrovenno komicheskih i grotesknyh tonah), i klassicheskiy primer literaturnoy polifonii. Odnako klyuchevaya ideya romana vyhodit daleko za ramki predskazuemyh "vsyudu zhizn'" i "banal'nost' zla": melodramatizm i obmanchivaya legkost' syuzheta sluzhat Emisu lish' sredstvom, pozvolyayushchim yarche vysvetit' absurdnost' i tragizm situacii i, na vremya usypiv bditel'nost' chitatelya, v konechnom schete vysech' iz nego iskru po-nastoyashchemu glubokogo soperezhivaniya.
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The Zone of Interest (Russian Edition)

The Zone of Interest (Russian Edition)

The Zone of Interest (Russian Edition)

The Zone of Interest (Russian Edition)

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V Velikobritanii nekotorye kritiki provozglasili roman "luchshey knigoy za 25 let ot odnogo iz velikih angliyskih pisateley". Kniga, kotoraya rasskazyvaetsya s tochek zreniya trekh nachal'nikov konclagerya i izobiluet nemeckoy leksikoy, byla otvergnuta vsemi nemeckimi izdatel'stvami. Novyy roman klassika sovremennoy literatury Martina Emisa "Zona interesov" – eto gluboko original'noe, otchasti provokativnoe vyskazyvanie, vnov' – i sovsem po-novomu – fiksiruyushchee vnimanie chitatelya na teme Holokosta i Vtoroy mirovoy voyny. Emis privnosit v razgovor ob uzhasah proshlogo intonacii i ottenki, nikogda prezhde ne zvuchavshie v podobnom kontekste. "Zona interesov" – eto odnovremenno i lyubovnyy roman (dvoe iz trekh geroev-rasskazchikov – komendant konclagerya i sluzhashchiy v nem oficer - lyubyat odnu zhenshchinu, a tretiy – evrey-zaklyuchennyy – gotov na ubiystvo ili samoubiystvo radi spaseniya zheny, popavshey v lapy nacistov), i antivoennaya satira v luchshih tradiciyah "Bravogo soldata SHveyka" (komendant lagerya vyveden v otkrovenno komicheskih i grotesknyh tonah), i klassicheskiy primer literaturnoy polifonii. Odnako klyuchevaya ideya romana vyhodit daleko za ramki predskazuemyh "vsyudu zhizn'" i "banal'nost' zla": melodramatizm i obmanchivaya legkost' syuzheta sluzhat Emisu lish' sredstvom, pozvolyayushchim yarche vysvetit' absurdnost' i tragizm situacii i, na vremya usypiv bditel'nost' chitatelya, v konechnom schete vysech' iz nego iskru po-nastoyashchemu glubokogo soperezhivaniya.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9785864718100
Publisher: Phantom Press
Publication date: 10/27/2016
Sold by: Bookwire
Format: eBook
Pages: 360
File size: 1 MB
Age Range: 18 Years
Language: Russian

About the Author

About The Author
Мартин Эмис — классик современной британской литературы. Сын сэра Кингсли Эмиса, прославленного прозаика из числа "рассерженных молодых людей", он сам стал одной из центральных фигур своего поколения: среди его сверстников, друзей и недругов Джулиан Барнс, Иэн Макьюэн, Салман Рушди, Тибор Фишер. По мнению британцев, именно Мартин Эмис – самый влиятельный и авторитетный писатель в современной английской литературе. Но его успех за пределами родины гораздо скромнее, чем у его коллег. Мартин Эмис впрямую называет себя наследником Набокова и Кафки, его литературное кредо – проникать в самую глубь абсурда человеческого существования. Эмис – автор 14 романов, 7 сборников рассказов и эссе и 7 не художественных книг.


Oxford, England

Date of Birth:

August 25, 1949

Place of Birth:

Oxford, England


B.A., Exeter College, Oxford

Read an Excerpt

3. SZMUL: Sonder

Ihr seit achzen johr, we whisper, und ihr hott a fach.

Once upon a time there was a king, and the king commissioned his favourite wizard to create a magic mirror. This mirror didn’t show you your reflection. It showed you your soul—it showed you who you really were.

The wizard couldn’t look at it without turning away. The king couldn’t look at it. The courtiers couldn’t look at it. A chestful of treasure was offered to any citizen in this peaceful land who could look at it for sixty seconds without turning away. And no one could.

I find that the KZ is that mirror. The KZ is that mirror, but with one difference. You can’t turn away.

We are of the Sonderkommando, the SK, the Special Squad, and we are the saddest men in the Lager. We are in fact the saddest men in the history of the world. And of all these very sad men I am the saddest. Which is demonstrably, even measurably true. I am by some distance the earliest number, the lowest number—the oldest number.

As well as being the saddest men who ever lived, we are also the most disgusting. And yet our situation is paradoxical.

It is difficult to see how we can be as disgusting as we unquestionably are when we do no harm.

The case could be made that on balance we do a little good. Still, we are infinitely disgusting, and also infinitely sad.

Nearly all our work is done among the dead, with the heavy scissors, the pliers and mallets, the buckets of petrol refuse, the ladles, the grinders.

Yet we also move among the living. So we say, “Viens donc, petit marin. Accroche ton costume. Rapelle-toi le numéro. Tu es quatre-vingts trois!” And we say, “Faites un n’ud avec les lacets, Monsieur. Je vais essayer de trouver un cintre pour vôtre manteau. Astrakhan! C’est noison d’agneaux, n’est-ce pas?

After a major Aktion we typically receive a fifth of vodka or schnapps, five cigarettes, and a hundred grams of sausage made from bacon, veal, and pork suet. While we are not always sober, we are never hungry and we are never cold, at least not at night. We sleep in the room above the disused crematory (hard by the Monopoly Building), where the sacks of hair are cured.

When he was still with us, my philosophical friend Adam used to say, We don’t even have the comfort of innocence. I didn’t and I don’t agree. I would still plead not guilty.

A hero, of course, would escape and tell the world. But it is my feeling that the world has known for quite some time. How could it not, given the scale?

There persist three reasons, or excuses, for going on living: first, to bear witness, and, second, to exact mortal vengeance. I am bearing witness; but the magic looking glass does not show me a killer. Or not yet.

Third, and most crucially, we save a life (or prolong a life) at the rate of one per transport. Sometimes none, sometimes, two—an average of one. And 0.01 per cent is not 0.00. They are invariably male youths.

It has to be effected while they’re leaving the train; by the time the lines form for the selection—it’s already too late.

Ihr seit achzen johr alt,
we whisper, und ihr hott a fach. Sic achtzehn Jahre alt sind, und Sie haben einen Handel. Vous avez dix-huit ans, et vous avez un commerce. You are eighteen years old, and you have a trade.

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