The Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever: A Colorful Life of an Immigrant in America

The Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever: A Colorful Life of an Immigrant in America

by Frank A. De La Rosa
The Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever: A Colorful Life of an Immigrant in America

The Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever: A Colorful Life of an Immigrant in America

by Frank A. De La Rosa


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The Thing of Beauty Is a Joy Forever is created based on a famous quotation from a world-renowned English poet during the early part of the eighteenth century. His name was John Keats. Frank liked and loved his works. In his love for photography, he came to like taking beautiful pictures of almost everything that he saw with his eyes.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781796034523
Publisher: Xlibris US
Publication date: 06/27/2019
Pages: 172
Product dimensions: 8.50(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.56(d)

About the Author

Frank started his early education in the Philippines. He was behind in his schooling because of the World War II, which started in Europe in 1939 and spread throughout the world—that includes the Pacific Islands, from 1941 to 1945, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Frank finished his elementary education (PCES) in 1952 and secondary education (CAIC) in 1958 in his beloved hometown of Panganiban, in the province of Catanduanes, Philippines. He graduated with honors in elementary and as a valedictorian in high school.

Using his diploma as a passport to college, he was admitted to the Araneta University in Rizal, Philippines. As a valedictorian, he was offered a full scholarship at the Department of Engineering, taking a course in agricultural engineering. He graduated with flying colors at AU, with a degree of bachelor of science in agricultural engineering in 1963.

His yearning for higher education doesn’t stop here. After college graduation, he was admitted to the graduate school at the University of California, Davis, at the Department of Agricultural Engineering in 1963, which was focused on irrigation management and soil conservation from 1963 to 1965. In 1967, he was awarded another diploma in bachelor of science in mechanical engineering at the Heald Institute of Technology in San Francisco, California.

After his academic pursuits, he worked for a major engineering corporation at the Eastern United States. He retired later in Florida, enjoying his hobby—gardening—with his beloved wife, Mary Grace, their children, and eight grandchildren. However, his beloved wife died in Florida after a long illness in March 30, 2016. Goodbye, my love.

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Meet the Author

In Time of Your Need

There is a time in life when we have to let go And trust all we are And can be to the giver of life.
There is a time of sorrow That only God can understand,
A time of a deepest need That cannot be ministered By a human friend.
There is an anxiety that cannot be resolved,
A pain that cannot be relieved,
A feeling that cannot be healed By anything another may say or do.
It is only as we give up our desperate efforts And give God total control That we experience true healing.
This healing is not what we expect,
But entrusting our life to the Good Shepherd Will ultimately be the best choice That can be made.
For in giving your hurts to him,
He will take your burdens And hold you In his comforting arms.
He is the only one Who can totally heal us In mind, body, and spirit.
You are upheld in love And in prayer.

Magnetic Personality

Did you know that you are just a little bit magnetic? Magnetism comes from the spin of an atom's electrons. Since we are all made up of atoms with spinning electrons, all our atoms are little potential magnets. Paired electrons usually cancel out one another's magnetic fields, but very powerful magnets can force some atoms to align even if their orbiting electrons are paired.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machines, used in hospitals, are examples of this, using superconducting magnets that are about twenty thousand times more powerful than Earth's magnetic field. MRI machines create a magnetic field capable of aligning a small percentage of the atoms in your body. This makes you a living magnet! In fact, only three atoms in a million become aligned. But that's not enough to create small magnets in your body. Computers then detect slight variations in these fields and arrange them to form an image. And that's your MRI image of a part of your body in question.

Life Isn't Fair

Life isn't fair. That's a hard thing to find out,
But sooner or later, everyone does.
Still, we always feel sad and disappointed when Someone we care about, like you,
has to face Such a difficult time.
You didn't cause it, you don't deserve it,
And there's no magical way to fix it.

As time goes by, you'll rise above it.
We know, because we know you.
The thing that happens to you Can't change the qualities within you —
The love and courage, the caring,
And the praises that you deserve,
All the plaudits of admiration.

What happened to you isn't fair.
But we believe someday you'll discover There's meaning in it, a meaning That we all have a purpose in our life.
You can't even imagine it right now.

From now on, we'll keep praying

for you.
And as always, keep your faith strong,
And in no time, or even without knowing it,
Everything will come smoothly in place.

For us, it's only the mystery of faith that made us What we are today!
Faith is the invisible fuel that keeps us strong,
Firmly believing that hope is ever present As the sun will rise tomorrow.

A Letter to Our Granddaughter Aileen

We have something for you to read when you get bigger and smarter. Your mommy will keep this letter for you. If there could only be one thing in life for us to teach you, we would teach you love — for love is God's greatest gift of all.

To respect others so that you may find respect in yourself. To learn the value of giving so that if ever there comes a time in your life that someone really is in need, you will give.

To treat others as you would like to be treated. Or simply be guided by the Golden Rule.

To smile and laugh as much as you can in order to bring joy back into this world. To start each new day with a smile and end it with a smile of hope.

To have faith and trust in others. To have understanding and empathy for others who need them. Remember that we are all connected by humanity. We cannot live alone in this world.

To stand tall and to put your head up high but to remain humble on whatever success you may achieve. As the old saying reminded us, "The taller the bamboo grows, the lower it bends."

To only take from this earth those things that you really need so there will be enough left for others in the next generations. To be graciously generous to give your time, your talent, and whatever you can share to help others in need. To not depend on money or material things for your happiness.

To always truly appreciate the beauty of God's creations all around you. To learn to appreciate the people who truly love you. Embrace them, for they are few in a lifetime. To always be thankful of the gift of life God has given you, and to find peace and happiness within yourself.

To you, our dearest Aileen, we hope we have taught all these things, for they are love. As a final thought: "That all the people in this world may fail you, but the love of God will never fail you."

We love you very much.

Lolo and Lola

An Open Letter from a Friend

Dear friend,

I am writing to say how much I care for you and to say how much I want you to know me better.

When you awoke this morning, I exploded a brilliant sunrise through your window, hoping to get your attention, but you rushed off without even noticing.

Later, I noticed you were walking with some friends, so I bathed you in warm sunshine and perfumed the air with nature's sweet scent. And still you don't notice me. As you passed by, I shouted in the thunderstorm and painted a beautiful rainbow in the sky, and you didn't even look.

In the evening, I spilled moonlight onto your face and sent a cool breeze to rest you. As you slept, I covered you with peaceful thoughts, but you were unaware that I was so near.

I have chosen you and hope you will talk to me soon. Until then, I remain near. I am your friend, and I love you very much.

Your friend, Jesus

Message of Thanks

To all my FB friends,
Who had been so thoughtful, kind,
And supportive and for everything that made me smile and laugh.

The very finest chapter Of a person's autobiography Is composed of little things:
The nameless deeds of kindness,
The small unnoticed favors,
The silent prayers for friends,
The whispered words that heal,
The unseen helping hand,
The secret acts of mercy,
The unrehearsed compliments,
The gifts without a name.
However, those kinds of persons Seldom write their autobiography.
But in the book of your life,
That good chapter about you Has been written with gratitude On the pages of my memories And in the walls of my heart.

May God graciously bless you all with unspeakable joy,
May your path be bright and full of light,
And may you experience peace and happiness in everything that you do — today, tomorrow, and always.

By Frank A. De La Rosa


Author and His Wife

Letter to a Friend

We've all experienced grief. We've all experienced all those intense rolling waves of emotion. And we've all experienced the same feeling each time we lose a friend or a loved one.

Many people have tried to explain what grief is. Some have even identified certain stages of grief, and the most well-known of this is Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's. I know you still remember this way back in your medical studies in the Philippines. As I remembered, here are the five stages of grief:

Denial. This is not happening to me.

Anger. Why is this happening to me?

Bargaining. I promise I'll be a better person if ...

Depression. I don't care anymore.

Acceptance. I'm ready for whatever comes.

Personally, I think of these definitions as emotional behavior rather than stages. I believe we may experience some of these behaviors. But I believe just as strongly that there is no script for grief, that we cannot expect to feel way out of our emotions in a particular set of patterns. I do agree that acceptance is probably the last emotion felt, and in some instances, it may be the only one.

It's my earnest hope that in a simple way or another, I've done my personal best to share with you your grief. Remember that for every cloud, there is always a silver lining. And it is in silence that we hear best. Listen well, and in no time, the flowers will bloom again.

As always, if you ever need me, please don't hesitate to call me — anytime.

Love, From a friend

For My Daughter

If your mom is still around, you would have been told over and over again about that perfect man that you still have to find.

Hey, young lady,
It won't be long.
You'll find that perfect man.
He will kiss you in the moonlight.
He will take you by the hand.

But watch out, young lady,
For some will be untrue.
And if you are not careful,
He will leave you feeling blue.

Some men are only passing clouds,
And some are searching too,
Searching for the perfect princess They hope to find in you.

Face life with both eyes open, my dear,
So you can see what's right for you.
Don't go against your conscience So you can sleep peacefully at night.

If you should find your path, my daughter dear,
And know finally this is what you need,
Picture your life as a rose And you its only seed.
So dig your roots and find the sun,
And don't go back once you've begun.


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. Attitude can break a company, an organization, a church, or a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes.

Befriending Anger

I often wonder why we allow things that concern us or situations that we cannot control to upset us too much. Some of us seem to get so bent out of shape over something that we've seen on television or read in the newspaper that it appears to ruin our whole day. And although there are problems in the world, in our country, in our community, or in our family, it is indeed unfortunate for any of us to be carrying around so much anger that we have trouble enjoying our lives. Also, it's quite silly to become infuriated over relatively minor things, such as being cut by a bad driver or slow drivers on the highway. There are enough unpleasant issues in our lives that are unavoidable — such as our health, family, taxes, and insurance situations — that it seems we shouldn't go around looking for more. And remember, too, that anger increases our blood pressure and heart rate and is associated with numerous potentially harmful gastrointestinal problems. The Bible tells us that we should get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger and that we should be kind, compassionate, and love one another as our Lord has loved us.

Anger can be a useful emotion when it allows us to set things right or to establish necessary boundaries. Therefore, there are times when anger is even justified and appropriate. The real difficulty is getting angry at the right time, then directing our anger at the appropriate person and to the right degree, and finally, moving on to other more productive pursuits. Too often we hold our anger and then see the bout of it for hours, days, or even weeks. Anger can be incredibly debilitating, sapping us of energy and not allowing us to focus on more productive pursuits. And sometimes, while we are deciding if we can risk expressing our anger at the appropriate person, we may direct it at the wrong people, such as our family or friends. If we're justifiably angry with someone, we must first decide what the right amount of anger is — or more precisely, what we should actually say or do about the matter at hand. Once we've made the decision, we need to have the courage of our convictions and say what needs to be said, being careful not to under- or overstate our case. And finally, we must move on. Life is waiting.

A Friend like You

It's nice to have a friend like you With whom my thoughts can share Its little hopes and dreams Because you really care.
It's good to know I need but call In case my foot should slip.
You're like a lighthouse in the fog That guides my little ship.
It's nice to have a friend like you Within this "vale of tears,"
Someone who never changes However long the years,
Who sees beyond the pictures And all the outward shows And needs no words to read the thoughts That only friends can know.
It's nice to have a friend like you,
Forever and a day,
Who, through the good times and the bad,
Will never go away.
No matter what the future holds,
Whatever life may send,
I'll always know I have been blessed Because you are my friend!

God Has Total Control of Everything

The more I think about science, physics, math, and the universe, the more I feel my faith gets stronger and feel a wonderful feeling of wellbeing. I think about our solar system, approximately nine billion miles in diameter. In all those miles, at just the right distance from the sun, held to a planet exactly the right size is a five-mile-thick atmosphere clinging to earth. A molten rock hurtling through an expanding universe. The atmosphere is the environment able to sustain life as we know it in our entire solar system. If we could shrink those nine billion miles down, it would fit between Florida and New York.

The only part that would sustain life would be a tiny silver at precisely the right spot in North Carolina. All else would be extremely cold or extremely hot. There would have extreme pressure and be barren — no presence of life. Then on top of that, here we are living on a tiny fragment of a massive explosion — the big bang — which makes one feel vulnerable and insignificant. Then I think of how things work on earth — wisdom (two wrongs do not make a right), honesty, truth, and love. I believe with confidence that there is God, and everything is in control.

Don't Throw This Day Away

God gave you this day To do just as you would.
You can throw it away Or do something good.
You can make someone happy Or make someone sad.
What have you done With the day that you had?
You can lighten some load Or some progress impede.
You can pick up a flower Or just gather a weed.
What did you do With your beautiful day?
Remember, God gave it to you!
This I pray:
Dear Lord, help me not to throw This day away. Amen.


Excerpted from "The Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever"
by .
Copyright © 2019 Frank A. De La Rosa.
Excerpted by permission of Xlibris.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

All Things Bright and Beautiful, iii,
Meet the Author, 4,
In Time of Your Need, 18,
Magnetic Personality, 19,
Life Isn't Fair, 20,
A Letter to Our Granddaughter Aileen, 22,
An Open Letter from a Friend, 23,
Message of Thanks, 24,
Author and His Wife, 25,
Letter to a Friend, 46,
For My Daughter, 47,
Attitude, 48,
Befriending Anger, 49,
A Friend like You, 50,
God Has Total Control of Everything, 51,
Don't Throw This Day Away, 52,
Author and His Children and Friends, 53,
Don't Quit, 58,
Don't Hide Your Pain, 59,
It's Thanksgiving!, 60,
God Has His Own Agenda for Our Lives, 61,
God Is Never Far Away, 62,
Looking Back, 63,
Author's Relatives and Acquaintances, 65,
God Will Take Care of You, 73,
Let God Take Charge, 74,
House Blessing Prayer, 75,
Christmas Prayer, 76,
Life Is a River, 77,
Desiderata, 78,
May God Bless You, 79,
Author and His Friends and Brother Knights, 80,
Author and His Garden — Plants and Flowers — and Birds, 87,
On the Brighter Side of Life, 115,
Friends Are the Roses in Life's Bouquet, 116,
To Tia Mer and Tio Anching, 117,
Sceneries, Signages, Other Object Photos, Food, Picture of Texts, 118,
How to Live Life to the Fullest, 134,
To Uncle and Auntie on Their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary, 135,
If I Could Live My Life Over, 136,
How Do I Love Thee?, 137,
Reflections, 139,
Religious Photos, 140,
It's Never Late to Say Thank You!, 142,
The Miracle of Forgiving, 143,
Water — the Beverage of the World, 144,
Finding God in Ordinary Things, 146,
To My Mom and Dad on My Wedding Day, 148,
My Prayer, 149,
Love Isn't Love Till You Give It Away, 150,
Banana Nut Bread, 156,
Chicken Adobo in Coconut Milk, 157,
Chicken Curry, 158,
Rice Pudding, 158,
The Arrow and the Song, 159,

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