The Reign of Arthur: From History to Legend

Did King Arthur really exist?The Reign of Arthur takes a fresh look at the early sources describing Arthur's career and compares them to the reality of Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries. It presents, for the first time, both the most up to date scholarship and a convincing case for the existence of a real sixth-century British general called Arthur.

Where others speculate wildly or else avoid the issue, Gidlow, remaining faithful to the sources, deals directly with the central issue of interest to the general reader: does the Arthur that we read of in the ninth-century sources have any link to a real leader of the fifth or sixth century? Was Arthur a powerful king or a Dark Age general co-cordinating the British resistance to Saxon invaders?

Detailed analysis of the key Arthurian sources, contemporary testimony and archaeology reveals the reality of fragmented British kingdoms uniting under a single military command to defeat the Saxons. There is plausible and convincing evidence for the existence of their war-leader, and, in this challenging and provocative work, Gidlow concludes that the Dark Age hypothesis of Arthur, War-leader of the Kings of the Britons, not only fits the facts, it is the only way of making sense of them.

The Reign of Arthur: From History to Legend

Did King Arthur really exist?The Reign of Arthur takes a fresh look at the early sources describing Arthur's career and compares them to the reality of Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries. It presents, for the first time, both the most up to date scholarship and a convincing case for the existence of a real sixth-century British general called Arthur.

Where others speculate wildly or else avoid the issue, Gidlow, remaining faithful to the sources, deals directly with the central issue of interest to the general reader: does the Arthur that we read of in the ninth-century sources have any link to a real leader of the fifth or sixth century? Was Arthur a powerful king or a Dark Age general co-cordinating the British resistance to Saxon invaders?

Detailed analysis of the key Arthurian sources, contemporary testimony and archaeology reveals the reality of fragmented British kingdoms uniting under a single military command to defeat the Saxons. There is plausible and convincing evidence for the existence of their war-leader, and, in this challenging and provocative work, Gidlow concludes that the Dark Age hypothesis of Arthur, War-leader of the Kings of the Britons, not only fits the facts, it is the only way of making sense of them.

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The Reign of Arthur: From History to Legend

The Reign of Arthur: From History to Legend

by Christopher Gidlow
The Reign of Arthur: From History to Legend

The Reign of Arthur: From History to Legend

by Christopher Gidlow


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Did King Arthur really exist?The Reign of Arthur takes a fresh look at the early sources describing Arthur's career and compares them to the reality of Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries. It presents, for the first time, both the most up to date scholarship and a convincing case for the existence of a real sixth-century British general called Arthur.

Where others speculate wildly or else avoid the issue, Gidlow, remaining faithful to the sources, deals directly with the central issue of interest to the general reader: does the Arthur that we read of in the ninth-century sources have any link to a real leader of the fifth or sixth century? Was Arthur a powerful king or a Dark Age general co-cordinating the British resistance to Saxon invaders?

Detailed analysis of the key Arthurian sources, contemporary testimony and archaeology reveals the reality of fragmented British kingdoms uniting under a single military command to defeat the Saxons. There is plausible and convincing evidence for the existence of their war-leader, and, in this challenging and provocative work, Gidlow concludes that the Dark Age hypothesis of Arthur, War-leader of the Kings of the Britons, not only fits the facts, it is the only way of making sense of them.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780752495156
Publisher: The History Press
Publication date: 05/19/2005
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 288
File size: 768 KB
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

Christopher Gidlow is the author of The Reign of Arthur. A life-long enthusiast for the Middle Ages and the Arthurian Legends, he studied history at Oxford and archaeology at Leicester. He is the live Interpretation Manager of Historic Royal Palaces, presenting the past in engaging ways at Hampton Court Palace and the Tower of London.

Read an Excerpt

The Reign of Arthur

By Christopher Gidlow

The History Press

Copyright © 2013 Christopher Gidlow
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-7524-9515-6


In the Reign of King Arthur ...

The popular view of Arthur largely derives from Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur, written in 1470. Although Malory portrays the king as a medieval ruler, he occasionally reveals the pre-medieval era when his tales are set:

They com to the Sege Perelous, where they founde lettirs newly wrytten of golde, whyche seyde: Four Hondred wyntir and four and fyffty acomplyssed aftir the Passion of Oure Lorde Jesu Cryst oughte thys syege to be fulfylled ... 'in the name of God!' seyde Sir Launcelot, and than accounted the terme of the wrytynge, frome the byrthe of oure Lorde unto that day. 'Hit semyth me,' seyd sir Launcelot, 'that thys syge oughte to be fulfylled thys same day, for thys ys the Pentecoste after the four hondred and four and fyffty yere."

If Sir Lancelot has calculated correctly, the quest for the Holy Grail is about to begin around the year AD 487. Other Arthurian sources give similar dates from the late fifth to the early sixth centuries. However, it is clear that the romances do not give us an accurate picture of those centuries. Malory has an archbishop of Canterbury at least 50 years too early, a Holy Land inhabited by Turks 500 years before they arrived and a siege of the Tower of London (c. 1080) using 'grete gunnes' 800 years before they were first seen in England. Not only in such anachronisms is it obvious that we are not reading tales about the fifth century; central images and themes derive from the medieval world, not the Dark Ages. Courtly love and tournaments point us to the twelfth century. Jousting would have been impossible without stirrups, unknown in fifth-century Britain. If Arthur and his companions were real inhabitants of Britain c. 487, we must look beyond the romances for evidence of their world.

At the start of the fifth century, Britain had been part of the Roman Empire for almost 400 years. Roman roads, walls and fortifications could be seen all over the country. Although most of the troops had left the island in 409 and the Emperor had formally charged the Britons with their own defence the following year, imperial documents continued to be drafted detailing the military and civil officers of the British provinces. To the bureaucrats in the imperial capitals, normal service would be resumed as soon as possible.

Roman civilisation, by 410, was not that of films such as Gladiator. Pagan religion, gladiatorial games and vestal virgins had been outlawed for almost a century. Heavy cavalrymen, not the famous legionaries, dominated the armed forces. In many cases, as imperial authority waned, Christian bishops took over governmental responsibilities. British bishops even ventured across the barbarian-infested seas to attend councils in Europe. The language of the Empire, Latin, continued to be used by the Church. The only British writers whose work has survived from this period were churchmen and wrote in Latin.

Britain, however, was hardly a well-organised Roman province. Angles, Saxons and Jutes had seized control of those parts of the island nearest the continent. We call these people the Anglo-Saxons or the English, though to their enemies they were the Saxons. They later recorded such exploits as that of one of their leaders, Aelle, taking the Roman fort of Anderida and killing all the inhabitants in 491, just four years after the date Malory assigned to the Grail quest.

Archaeology indicates that in the fifth and sixth centuries Saxon settlements were confined to the south and eastern coasts and the river valleys most easily accessible from them. It was many generations before the more remote highlands of Britain were conquered by the English.

Elsewhere in the Empire, barbarians had settled into the structures of the Roman provinces they invaded. They lived in the same cities, used the same titles and eventually, in France, Spain and Italy, came to speak the language of the Romans they conquered. Mostly, these barbarians had come from just beyond the borders of the Empire. They had all been converted to Christianity and those aspects of Roman culture this implied before they crossed the frontiers.

In Britain, the situation was different. The invaders came from areas which had not bordered on the Empire. They retained their pagan religion and culture and did not begin to accept the imperial religion until 597. Inevitably, Roman civilisation, soldiers, bishops and all, disappeared from the lands under their sway. It is English which we speak here today.

Writers referred to two other barbarian groups: the Picts who lived in the north beyond the Antonine Wall and the Scots, invaders of the western shore from Northern Ireland. Between them and the English lay the Britons themselves

Although the word 'British' now covers all the inhabitants of Britain, in the Dark Ages it referred to one specific people. The Saxons knew them as the Welsh, or foreigners, but the Britons called themselves the Combrogi or fellow-citizens. Although they used Latin on their monuments, they spoke British, the ancestor of modern Welsh and Breton, what we now call a Celtic language.

The leaders of the British came from those areas which had seen the least Romanisation. For example, archaeology and history show the Cornish leaders to have been important, though no major Roman structures have been found west of Exeter. Other British leaders came from Wales, Cumbria (still bearing the name of the Combrogi) and, north of Hadrian's Wall, land which had barely been under Roman control at all. Some British rulers held Roman cities. Most preferred to refortify the ancient hillforts deserted since the Roman Conquest. The massive South Cadbury Castle, often said to be the original Camelot, is one of the most famous.

There seemed to be little trace of Roman culture among these Britons. St Patrick wrote of some that they were 'not Citizens of the holy Romans, but of the devil, living in the enemy ways of the barbarians'.

It was among the Britons that the legends of Arthur were preserved. History, archaeology and, perhaps, their legends provide clues to these, the darkest of the British Dark Ages. Somewhere in the gloom, if the medieval romances are to be believed, we should find the evidence for the reign of Arthur.

Ancient Manuscripts

The main historical texts relating to the years 400–550, with the approximate dates they were written, are:

Gildas's De Excidio Britanniae ('On the Destruction of Britain') (c. 500)

Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People (731)

Historia Brittonum ('History of the Britons') (829)

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (early part 891)

Annales Cambriae ('Annals of Wales') (977)

All except Gildas are from long after the time they describe. This is a common feature of most history books and does not necessarily imply that they are untrustworthy. To investigate the real Arthur, we must discover how reliable and internally consistent these texts are, how plausible are their accounts, and how they compare to what can be deduced from archaeology.

Historians used to place great reliance on written sources. These provided the names, dates, kings and battles from which conventional history was constructed. Writers tended to accept that the sources covering the Dark Ages were a close approximation of the truth. Even later sources were sometimes used, on the grounds that they probably contained material from oral tradition or lost written sources. Archaeological remains were largely interpreted on the basis of these written sources.

Where historians were critical, they were inclined to favour the English over the British material. The first English historian, Bede, a congenial and deceptively modern scholar, provided a reassuring framework of AD dates and recognisable kingdoms. The apogee of almost uncritical acceptance of written material came in 1973 with John Morris's The Age of Arthur. Sources of disparate periods and genres were combined by Morris into a highly imaginative story of Arthur as Emperor of Britain. This was challenged four years later, in the rather more obscure pages of the journal History, by David Dumville. An expert in the ancient languages of the British sources, he argued that all of them were very late and so infected with legendary material that no reliance could be placed on them. Academics have, generally, accepted Dumville's thesis. It is assumed, rather than argued, that the ninth- and tenth-century material dealing with Arthur is 'inadmissible evidence' (Dark 2000).

Archaeologists have effectively been given carte blanche to disregard the written sources. No longer fettered by the prejudices of ancient Britons, they treat sub-Roman Britain to all intents and purposes as prehistoric. Finds can be interpreted according to the prevailing fashion. Gildas can be used selectively to bolster a case, as where he says that Britons retreated to fortified hills, but ignored when he says that they were fleeing Saxons intent on destroying their cities and massacring them. Because all written sources are equally suspect, they are all equally useful if they reinforce or attract publicity for an archaeologist's latest finds. Thus, experts who would dismiss any notion that Arthur was a Dark Age king will happily connect the name 'Artognou' on a slate from Tintagel with the twelfth-century legend that Arthur was conceived there by magic.

As noted, this change in academic opinion is unknown to the general public. Morris's Age of Arthur, discredited by reputable historians, is still in print and available in all good bookshops. Books by Dumville are harder to find. Readers with a general interest in King Arthur, spurred on by authors such as Morris, are surprised to find few academic works ready to debate the points.

The 'evidence' deserves to be analysed, not simply dismissed. For this reason, I will deal with the written sources in some detail. I will show why they are not used as uncritically as once they were, while re-examining whether they have anything plausible to say about the reign of Arthur.

All Dark Age sources were written to serve particular interests, especially the Catholic Church and the dominant dynasties of Wessex and Gwynedd. They derive from eras when literacy was confined to the elite. There were no sources composed by 'ordinary' people. Moreover, the written sources only survived because elite groups had them copied and preserved. This is just as true of the sixth-century 'admissible' evidence as it is for the ninth-century 'inadmissible' evidence. The work of Gildas survived because it contained a message which it was useful for tenth-century ecclesiastics to perpetuate.

If a history book is written to support particular circumstances, this does not by itself prove it is false. Current circumstances might exist because of those past events. Conversely, knowing that these sources were written and preserved to serve particular interests is also useful. When the material supports those interests, attention should be drawn to it. When it has nothing to do with, or indeed contradicts, them, this provides very useful evidence indeed.

He was not Arthur

Apart from the odd monument inscribed with names such as Voteporix or Drustanus (Sir Tristan?) the sixth-century British left practically no written records. Instead, Gildas tells us, they loved to hear their deeds recited by bards, men with 'mouths stuffed with lies and liable to bedew bystanders with their foaming phlegm'.

Bardic poems were passed on from generation to generation, surviving to be written down in the Middle Ages. The oldest of the poems, Y Gododdin, gives detailed insight into the lives of the Britons. It includes this verse referring to Arthur himself.

    More than three hundred of the finest killed.
    In the middle and on the flanks he laid them low
    Splendid before the host, most generous willed,
    Bestowing horses from his own herd every winter's snow.
    He brought down black crows to feed before the wall
    Of the city, though he was no Arthur.
    Of men he was amongst the mightiest of all,
    Before the fence of alderwood stood Guaurthur.

The poem was written down in the thirteenth century, but scholars agree that many of its verses are much earlier in origin. The most recent work concludes, on grounds of language and content, that this verse is among the oldest, possibly from as early as 570 (Koch 1997). Not only is Arthur the rhyme for the hero's name, but in the original Welsh all the four last lines rhyme, making it unlikely that Arthur was inserted by a later scribe.

Guaurthur was one of the heroes of the Gododdin, the tribe living around Edinburgh, who took part in an expedition against Catraeth (modern Catterick). This is probably where he provided the crows with carrion, since the word used, Cair, refers specifically to a Roman city, as Catraeth was. The Gododdin were fighting against the Saxons of Deira some time in living memory before 570. In some way, Guaurthur was comparable to Arthur. Arthur was not said to be among the Gododdin. The best explanation is that he was a famous figure the poet expected his audience to recognise.

Keep this in mind when we confront arguments against Arthur being a historical figure. If Y Gododdin were the only source mentioning Arthur, no one would doubt that he was historical, famous as a warrior, from a period sometime before the expedition to Catraeth. No one else in Y Gododdin is a mythical superman, a composite character pieced together from scattered legends. Another verse includes the comparison 'what Bratwen would do, you would do, you would kill, you would burn'. Bratwen is not a rhyme for the hero's name, or anything else in the verse. No one, however, has written articles suggesting Bratwen's name was intruded into the text close to the thirteenth-century date of the manuscript. Bratwen is accepted by all commentators as a genuine character familiar to the listeners.

The Gododdin reference to Arthur ought to be uncontroversial. Unfortunately, the weight of medieval tales is always set in the balance against such simple conclusions. This seems most unfair. If being the stuff of medieval legends is a good enough reason for being banished from genuine history, Alexander, Charlemagne and Richard the Lionheart would be discounted as historical.

It is crucial to know whether Y Gododdin is genuinely early. Like most works from the ancient and early modern world, it survives only in a copy from a much later period. Historians must judge the content, not the physical age of the book. There are three main reasons for dating it to the late sixth century. In its current form, it has verses attributing it to Neirin. The Historia Brittonum says that Neirin was a famous poet soon after Arthur, apparently in the sixth century. This argument is circular, as either of the references could have influenced the other. Moreover, the name Neirin does not appear in the earliest verses.

To fight at Catraeth, the Gododdin would have had to pass through the land of Berneich (Bernicia). Various sources describe a Saxon takeover of Berneich in the mid-sixth century. The earliest version of Y Gododdin only speaks of the Deor (Deirans), the English in the Catraeth area, with no mention of Berneich. It is therefore reasonable to assume that the expedition took place before the Saxon conquest of the more northerly region.

Most compellingly, the language of Y Gododdin is an incredibly old version of Welsh. The manuscript preserves two versions of the text, the first (A) being a more recent and expanded version than the second (B). Many pre-Old Welsh spellings are preserved in both texts, a fact which can be checked from established linguistic theory, place-names and contemporary Irish material. These forms predominate in the B text, which includes the Arthur verse. Koch argues that the B text is itself a composite, with some parts, including the Arthur verse, of sixth-century vintage. His hypothesis is not universally accepted, but all authorities agree that the B text is earlier than the A. The idea that the Arthur reference was inserted when the manuscript was written does not explain why the inserter would put it into the more difficult older text while not carrying it through into the easier A text, where Guaurthur is also named.

Since the nineteenth century, philologists have demonstrated the regular and predictable rules by which languages have evolved. It is now relatively simple to trace how the name 'Maglocunus' found in Gildas became 'Mailcunus' in Historia Brittonum, later emerging as 'Malgo' in Geoffrey of Monmouth and 'Maelgwn' in the Triads. However, this process was not understood by Dark Age or medieval writers. It is thus easy for modern historians to deduce the age of the sources by the form of language used, irrespective of the age of the manuscript or any chronological claims within it. At its most simple level, we know that Geoffrey of Monmouth's source for the exploits of Urien Rheged must be later than that used by the Historia Brittonum, as he calls the king Urianus, while the Historia preserves the name in the earlier form of Urbgen. By studying their language, we can deduce that poems like Y Gododdin are much earlier than the late thirteenth- or fourteenth-century manuscripts in which they survive.


Excerpted from The Reign of Arthur by Christopher Gidlow. Copyright © 2013 Christopher Gidlow. Excerpted by permission of The History Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


List of Illustrations,
Introduction: Who was King Arthur?,
Part One: From History,
1. In the Reign of King Arthur ...,
2. Arthur Fought against Them in Those Days,
3. The Strife of Camlann,
4. The Destruction of Britain,
5. Tyrants and Kings,
6. The Kings of the Britons,
Part Two: Into Legend,
7. Arthur's Brave Men,
8. Lives of the Saints,
9. Geoffrey of Monmouth,
10. Arthur, King of Britain,
Epilogue: Digging up Arthur – Glastonbury 1190,
Conclusion: The Reign of Arthur?,

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