The Power of the Prophetic Blessing: An Astonishing Revelation for a New Generation

The Power of the Prophetic Blessing: An Astonishing Revelation for a New Generation

by John Hagee
The Power of the Prophetic Blessing: An Astonishing Revelation for a New Generation

The Power of the Prophetic Blessing: An Astonishing Revelation for a New Generation

by John Hagee



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The Power of the Prophetic Blessing offers a seldom-heard message of encouragement and blessing for today and for generations to come.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781617951039
Publisher: Worthy
Publication date: 08/30/2012
Sold by: Hachette Digital, Inc.
Format: eBook
Pages: 304
Sales rank: 893,379
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

About The Author
John Hagee is the author of several New York Times bestsellers, including Four Blood Moons. He is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a nondenominational evangelical church with more than 22,000 members. He is the founder and president of John Hagee Ministries, which broadcasts his teachings nationally and internationally through network television and on Pastor Hagee is also the founder and national chairman of Christians United for Israel, the largest Christian pro-Israel organization in the United States with over 5.6 million members. Pastor Hagee and his wife live in San Antonio, Texas.

Read an Excerpt

The Power of the Prophetic Blessing



Copyright © 2012 John Hagee
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-61795-103-9



Let peoples serve you,
And nations bow down to you.
Be master over your brethren,
And let your mother's sons bow down to you.
Cursed be everyone who curses you,
And blessed be those who bless you!

—Genesis 27:29

* * *

Mankind has forever been searching for the mystery ingredient that will guarantee the good life!

Ponce de León searched for the proverbial fountain of youth. He didn't find it!

Crusaders in the Middle Ages killed and conquered multiplied thousands in the mindless pursuit of the Golden Chalice that would guarantee eternal life. They never found it!

Citizens of the twenty-first century are spending time and treasure crisscrossing the planet in luxurious jets, opulent ocean liners, and every motorized vehicle known to man trying to find a mystical Shangri-La that will bring them to the good life. It has not been discovered!

That supernatural something is not a mystical place; it's not a rare artifact you hold in your hand; it's not a magical substance you drink; it's not an enchanted kiss that transforms the ugly frog into Prince Charming.

The only supernatural ingredient that produces the good life became a reality thousands of years before Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem's manger. It was before Solomon dedicated the second temple and the glory of God enveloped that house of worship until none could stand.

It was a reality before David killed Goliath and became the king of Israel, birthing the Golden Age for the chosen people. That supernatural something was introduced in the book of Genesis by God Almighty as He spoke and released the power of the Prophetic Blessing over the lives of Adam and Eve.

The Prophetic Blessing is a spoken declaration by a spiritual authority over the life of an individual. The words of the blessing carry the power to control and direct the life of the person over whom they have been spoken. The Prophetic Blessing will revolutionize your life, and the lives of your children and grandchildren, to rise to a higher level of accomplishment, creating spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational prosperity.

The power and permanence of the Prophetic Blessing have been clearly charted over the centuries in sacred Scripture. The Jewish people have obeyed the principles and received the benefits of the blessing; however, its potential has been sadly overlooked by most Christians for over two thousand years. This transforming supernatural blessing spoken by spiritual authority has the power to sculpt your life for today, tomorrow, and forever!


When God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the first thing He did for this initial marriage in recorded history was to bless it. Genesis 1:28 records these words:

Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

It is significant to remember that the first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding. By its creation and by the miracle of transforming water to wine, God the Father and Jesus the Son bestowed their blessings upon the union of marriage. The world has certainly forgotten the sacredness of the holy matrimony of a man and a woman as well as the blessing of bearing children within that covenant relationship.

The next blessing given in Scripture was God's blessing of Abraham, found in Genesis 12:1–3, creating the nation of Israel and what became known as the Jewish people:

Now the Lord had said to Abram:
"Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father's house,
To a land [Israel] that I will show you.
I will make you a great nation;
I will bless you
And make your name great;
And you shall be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you [Israel and the Jewish people],
And I will curse him who curses you;
And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

This blessing—assuring the creation and establishment of the state of Israel—is the theological cornerstone of the greatest controversy in the Middle East, from the time of Abraham to the twenty-first century. However, the fact remains that God—the Maker of heaven and earth—created the nation of Israel through His divinely Spoken Word and therefore the blessing can never be revoked or annulled. "I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great" (v. 2).

The parade of blessing continues as Isaac blessed Jacob, and not Esau. As the firstborn, Esau was due to receive the better blessing, but Jacob and his mother, Rebekah, deceived Isaac into giving the blessing to Jacob. When Esau discovered that the blessing of the firstborn had been given to his younger brother, he knelt before his aged father and passionately begged, "Bless me—me also, O my father!" (Genesis 27:34).

The words of Esau have been echoed across the centuries by other sons who have missed out on the greatest earthly gift their father could give them—his blessing. This deep emotional pain has created family divisions lasting a lifetime and, in some cases, for centuries.

Scripture records that it was Esau's descendants, the Amalekites (Genesis 36:12), who attacked the children of Israel when they crossed the Red Sea bound for freedom and their new home in the Promised Land (Exodus 17:8–16). Haman, the Hitler of the Old Testament who plotted to exterminate the Jews of the Persian Empire, was a descendant of Esau (Esther 3:10).

Esau craved his father's blessing until the day he died, passing on the evil seed of murder and revenge that would leave the world covered with blood—because of the blessing his father denied him.

The blessing continued in the New Testament with a Jewish rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, as He sat on a rock by the Sea of Galilee. Christ revealed to the multitudes the foundational principles of our faith through what has become known as the Sermon on the Mount, which includes eight Prophetic Blessings known as the Beatitudes.

In Scripture, the number eight represents new beginnings. Circumcision on the eighth day is a supernatural prophecy of the renewal that comes through entrance into God's covenant for the land of Israel. When God closed the door on the ark, there were eight people aboard; they were the new beginning of mankind. The eight Prophetic Blessings of Jesus in the Beatitudes represent a new beginning in what would in time be called Christianity.

These eight Prophetic Blessings spoken from the mouth of the Son of God—our ultimate spiritual authority—are meant for every person on earth. They have the power to resurrect your dead marriage, bring you supernatural joy, provide you peace of mind, create a healthy self-esteem, and help establish the unshakable foundations to endure life's greatest storms.

From time to time, Jesus paused from teaching the multitudes to bless the children. The Gospel of St. Mark records: "He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them" (10:16).

What did He say? He said what rabbis and Jewish fathers have been saying for thousands of years: "The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace" (Numbers 6:25–26). And then Jesus—and Jewish fathers—as spiritual authority, spoke into existence the future their spiritual eyes could see for the children. This is the power of the Prophetic Blessing. If Jesus took time to bless the children, why don't we?

The last picture we have of Jesus in Scripture is on the Mount of Transfiguration saying farewell to His disciples. As He rose into the heavens, He looked down on His devoted followers and blessed them. The Gospel of St. Luke records: "And He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. Now it came to pass, while He blessed them, that He was parted from them and carried up into heaven" (24:50–51).


Let's revisit the story of Isaac and his two sons, Esau and Jacob, found in Genesis 27, to further illustrate this profound principle of the spoken blessing. A confused and weak-eyed Isaac was tricked into declaring the Prophetic Blessing over his younger son:

Let peoples serve you,
And nations bow down to you.
Be master over your brethren,
And let your mother's sons bow down to you.
Cursed be everyone who curses you,
And blessed be those who bless you! (v. 29)

Later, after Jacob and his mother's deceitfulness had been realized by all, Esau begged for his father's blessing, but it did not come; Isaac had already proclaimed the blessing over Jacob. The spoken blessing could not be revoked, transferred, or surpassed.

Instead, Isaac spoke what seemed more like a curse than a blessing over his eldest son, Esau.

By your sword you shall live,
And you shall serve your brother;
And it shall come to pass, when you become restless,
That you shall break his yoke from your neck. (v. 40)

The father's supernatural impartations over his sons came to pass just as they were spoken.

Isaac's blessing over Jacob, which included the inheritance of the land, had three components. The first was the promise of prosperity: Israel now has more high-tech startups and a larger venture capital industry per capita than any other country in the world.

The second component was the promise of dominion. Ever since God established the title deed for Israel in the land covenant of Genesis 15, the Jewish people have maintained a presence in Israel; and with the rebirth of the state of Israel in 1948, the sons of Jacob (Israel) ruled once again over the sons of Esau. Because of the covenant given by God, who owned the land as Creator, the Jewish people do not occupy the land ... they own it!

The third and final component of Isaac's proclamation over Jacob was the distinction between the blessings and the curses first set forth by God in Genesis 12; history has recorded God's judgments over the nations that have cursed the Jewish people.

No power on earth, no presidential election or United Nations resolution, can ever change the power of the Prophetic Blessing!

The Jewish people have excelled throughout history in the fields of medicine, technology, literature, science, the arts, and much more. There is no rational explanation other than this success is a direct result of the supernatural power of the Prophetic Blessing!

There are an estimated 14.3 million Jewish people within a worldwide population of 6.23 billion, making them .0021 percent of the total populace. Yet since 1947, in that minuscule percentage of the world's inhabitants, the Jewish people have been awarded the largest percentage (27 percent) of Nobel Prizes, even after the Holocaust destroyed one-third of their numbers.

The logical answer for the historical accomplishment and prosperity of the Jewish people is the power of the Prophetic Blessing that fathers and mothers have spoken over their beloved children every Sabbath throughout the generations. The Jewish people have not only released the blessing; they have also received the blessing and carried it into their lives, accomplishing every word spoken over them.

Some will question the theological concept that the power of the spoken blessing is prophetic. Let's allow the guiding light of the Word of God to reveal the answer.

Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau, and both blessings came true exactly as spoken. Jacob blessed his twelve sons and two grandsons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Those blessings came true exactly as spoken. Jesus blessed His twelve disciples, saying, "You are the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world" (Matthew 5:13–14).

At the time Jesus spoke this Prophetic Blessing over His disciples, they were saturated with serious character flaws. If Jesus had hired a Jerusalem management firm to give Him an evaluation of the emotional profiles of His twelve disciples at the time He proclaimed the blessing over their lives, it would have read as follows:

Dear Jesus of Nazareth,

Thank you for entrusting our firm to perform the psychological profiles on the men you have selected to lead your ministry. After careful evaluation, we have come to the following conclusions:

Simon Peter exhibits bipolar tendencies. If incited, his behavior may culminate in fits of rage inflicting harm on others. James and John are highly competitive and self-centered and will most likely attempt a hostile takeover of your organization. Thomas is self-doubting, uncertain, and lacks confidence, while Matthew has been barred from the Merchant Men's Fellowship of Greater Jerusalem.

Upon close examination, we have determined that if you do not reconsider these choices, your ministerial vision to evangelize the world will not succeed.

Despite these flaws, Jesus looked at His twelve ragged, principally uneducated, imperfect followers and spoke this blessing: "You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world."

They received Christ's blessing in faith and acted upon it. At that exact moment they were nothing, but they rose to the level of accomplishment spoken by Jesus in His Prophetic Blessing, and they went out and shook the world.

* * *

When I taught the power of the Prophetic Blessing to my congregation, I directed every father or mother to lay hands on his or her children and speak a blessing over them. I instructed them to personally profess the future accomplishments they desired for each child. Lives were immediately changed. Weeping could be heard from every corner of the sanctuary. Testimonies began pouring in of sons and daughters whose lives were transformed by the power of the Prophetic Blessing spoken over them by their spiritual authority. School grades improved; behavioral problems and low self-esteem vanished! Their children walked and talked with an air of confidence they had never demonstrated before.

The power of the Prophetic Blessing has changed the course of our ministry and positively impacted our congregation, our nation, and the nations of the world with supernatural results that were beyond our most aspiring dreams or imagination.



And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: "Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."'

"So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them."

—Numbers 6:22–27

* * *

I have been in the ministry for more than fifty-four years, and I presently pastor a congregation of more than twenty thousand active members. I talk to people every day who feel helpless, hopeless, and worthless. They truly believe their lives have little meaning and direction; ultimately, they are living unhappy and unblessed lives.

I counsel with disillusioned businessmen who look into their financial futures and see national and global economic chaos and desolation. I listen to disheartened wives who feel their marriages have lost their passion and purpose. I sympathize with discouraged college graduates who cannot find jobs even though they are highly qualified. I attempt to encourage dejected single mothers who are working hard to raise their children, who want desperately to find a godly husband, but who feel an unseen power is taking their lives in a downward spiral.

I have a message of hope and truth for my congregation and for everyone reading this book who wants to live a fulfilled and successful life: God Almighty has declared that every one of His children is born to be blessed!

Read aloud the profoundly transforming promises from God to you in the Priestly Blessing:

And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: "Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:

"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace."'
"So they shall put My name on the children of Israel,
and I will bless them." (Numbers 6:22–27)

Did you take in the assurances uttered by God: "bless you and keep you"? Read the last four words of this blessing: who is The Name that has promised to bless you?

It is not Warren Buffet or Donald Trump! It is not the lottery commissioner informing you that you have just won a multimillion-dollar prize. It is not your rich aunt's estate or the latest bailout program from Washington, DC. Who is The Name?

The name Rockefeller will open the doors of finance, the name Einstein will open the doors of science, and the name Beethoven will open the doors of music halls around the world—but it is The Name of the Lord that opens the doors of heaven and blesses you with blessings you cannot contain!


Excerpted from The Power of the Prophetic Blessing by JOHN HAGEE. Copyright © 2012 John Hagee. Excerpted by permission of WORTHY PUBLISHING.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


1 The Power of the Prophetic Blessing,
2 Born to Be Blessed,
3 The Genesis Blessing,
4 The Abrahamic Blessing,
5 To Bless or Not to Bless?,
6 The Blessings Fulfilled,
7 The Eight Prophetic Blessings of Jesus,
8 Releasing the Prophetic Blessing through the Spoken Word,
9 Releasing the Prophetic Blessing through Touch,
10 Receiving the Prophetic Blessing,
11 Proclaiming the Prophetic Blessing,

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